Tuesday, December 31, 2019
About Role Of Emotional intelligence - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 759 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/05/15 Category Psychology Essay Level High school Tags: Emotional Intelligence Essay Did you like this example? Emotional intelligence is understanding the feelings of others, understanding your own feelings, and using those understandings to approach situations in a thoughtful manner. One of my strongest emotional skills is empathy, where I can understand what others are feeling and what they are going through. If someone is feeling down I can help them because I understand what they are going through. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "About Role Of Emotional intelligence" essay for you Create order This skill makes me a better person because I can help people through difficult situations.If you can understand the feelings of other people, you can do a better job because people will come to you in tough situations and with their problems. People with high emotional intelligence generally have a better chance of success, because they can understand the feelings of others and can help redirect them to a positive outcome. Within families, high emotional intelligence allows family members to understand each other and avoid or solve conflicts. At work, high emotional intelligence can help solve conflicts and problems because you understand how others are feeling and what they are going through. In the military, emotional intelligence can help resolve conflicts and push teams to successful outcomes. Amongst friends, high emotional intelligence helps you understand what friends are going through and lets you help them find solutions. Within relationships, emotional intelligence helps you understand your partners position, strengthens the relationship, and lets you talk through difficult situations. If you understand emotional intelligence, you can be more successful and help more people.One of my strongest emotional skills is empathy, where I can understand what others are feeling and what they are going through. If I can understand their feelings, and if they are going through a tough situation, I can help in a lot of ways. I can be there for emotional support, as a good listener, and to provide helpful feedback. Empathy is the ability to feel and understand another persons emotions, and to be able to put yourself in that persons position. Overall, I believe empathy helps me be a better friend, partner, student, and family member.I believe an awareness of my emotional intelligence makes me a better person. My emotional skills help make me a better classmate and student. Emotional intelligence helps me solve problems with reduced conflict, and emotional intelligence helps me support others in their times of need. Emotional intelligence provides greater self-awareness, where I can be more in tune with others around me. My emotional skills also allow self-regulation, where I can keep my emotions under control in difficult situations. Emotional intelligence also provides internal motivation to be successful at work, school, and relationships. Lastly, emotional intelligence provides social skills to help in challenging situations.An example of my emotional intelligence involves my friend Mary. She was considering dropping out of high school, because her grades were poor and her parents were giving a hard time. She talked with me about her situation, and at first I did nothing but listen. She talked for many hours, and just by my listening and demonstrating empathy, she said she felt much better.Mary and I then wrote a pros and cons list regarding her dropping out of school. It turns out the pro list was very short and only included items such as no further hassles from parents and no more homework. The con list was much lengthier, and included difficulties finding good job, missing friends, will miss many big school events, and many other items. Mary decided she wanted to sleep on her decision. The next day we talked again, and she decided she wanted to stay in school. She said that quitting school would be a hasty and shortsighted decision, and finishing high school would provide her with much better options in life. Im very happy to say that Mary eventually finished high school, and now she is a Private in the U.S. Army. She credits our long conversation, and the empathy I demonstrated, in helping her make this good decision.In conclusion, emotional intelligence is understanding the feelings of others, understanding your own feelings, and using those understandings to approach situations in a thoughtful manner. My strongest skill is empathy, where I can understand what others are feeling and what they are going through. I believe this skill helps me understand what others are going through in difficult situations. Emotional intelligence helps me be a better person, because I can understand others circumstances and emotions . Overall, emotional intelligence is an important part of my life, and something I will work to understand and improve over my lifetime.
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