Tuesday, December 31, 2019
About Role Of Emotional intelligence - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 759 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/05/15 Category Psychology Essay Level High school Tags: Emotional Intelligence Essay Did you like this example? Emotional intelligence is understanding the feelings of others, understanding your own feelings, and using those understandings to approach situations in a thoughtful manner. One of my strongest emotional skills is empathy, where I can understand what others are feeling and what they are going through. If someone is feeling down I can help them because I understand what they are going through. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "About Role Of Emotional intelligence" essay for you Create order This skill makes me a better person because I can help people through difficult situations.If you can understand the feelings of other people, you can do a better job because people will come to you in tough situations and with their problems. People with high emotional intelligence generally have a better chance of success, because they can understand the feelings of others and can help redirect them to a positive outcome. Within families, high emotional intelligence allows family members to understand each other and avoid or solve conflicts. At work, high emotional intelligence can help solve conflicts and problems because you understand how others are feeling and what they are going through. In the military, emotional intelligence can help resolve conflicts and push teams to successful outcomes. Amongst friends, high emotional intelligence helps you understand what friends are going through and lets you help them find solutions. Within relationships, emotional intelligence helps you understand your partners position, strengthens the relationship, and lets you talk through difficult situations. If you understand emotional intelligence, you can be more successful and help more people.One of my strongest emotional skills is empathy, where I can understand what others are feeling and what they are going through. If I can understand their feelings, and if they are going through a tough situation, I can help in a lot of ways. I can be there for emotional support, as a good listener, and to provide helpful feedback. Empathy is the ability to feel and understand another persons emotions, and to be able to put yourself in that persons position. Overall, I believe empathy helps me be a better friend, partner, student, and family member.I believe an awareness of my emotional intelligence makes me a better person. My emotional skills help make me a better classmate and student. Emotional intelligence helps me solve problems with reduced conflict, and emotional intelligence helps me support others in their times of need. Emotional intelligence provides greater self-awareness, where I can be more in tune with others around me. My emotional skills also allow self-regulation, where I can keep my emotions under control in difficult situations. Emotional intelligence also provides internal motivation to be successful at work, school, and relationships. Lastly, emotional intelligence provides social skills to help in challenging situations.An example of my emotional intelligence involves my friend Mary. She was considering dropping out of high school, because her grades were poor and her parents were giving a hard time. She talked with me about her situation, and at first I did nothing but listen. She talked for many hours, and just by my listening and demonstrating empathy, she said she felt much better.Mary and I then wrote a pros and cons list regarding her dropping out of school. It turns out the pro list was very short and only included items such as no further hassles from parents and no more homework. The con list was much lengthier, and included difficulties finding good job, missing friends, will miss many big school events, and many other items. Mary decided she wanted to sleep on her decision. The next day we talked again, and she decided she wanted to stay in school. She said that quitting school would be a hasty and shortsighted decision, and finishing high school would provide her with much better options in life. Im very happy to say that Mary eventually finished high school, and now she is a Private in the U.S. Army. She credits our long conversation, and the empathy I demonstrated, in helping her make this good decision.In conclusion, emotional intelligence is understanding the feelings of others, understanding your own feelings, and using those understandings to approach situations in a thoughtful manner. My strongest skill is empathy, where I can understand what others are feeling and what they are going through. I believe this skill helps me understand what others are going through in difficult situations. Emotional intelligence helps me be a better person, because I can understand others circumstances and emotions . Overall, emotional intelligence is an important part of my life, and something I will work to understand and improve over my lifetime.
Monday, December 23, 2019
The 10 Natural Laws Of Time And Life Management Proven...
The topic of this paper is a book summary and analysis of The 10 Natural Laws of Time and Life Management: Proven Strategies for Increased Productivity and Inner Peace by Hyrum W. Smith. Time management is a critical issue and is the cause of much stress and pressure in people’s lives. To control your time is to control your life. If you can learn to implement the 10 natural laws, which the author defines as fundamental patterns of nature and life that human experience and testing have shown to be valid. They describe things as they really are, as opposed to how we think they are or how we wish they were. (Smith, 1994, p. 12) Then you will gain control of your life and be more productive and be truly satisfied with your accomplishments. The book is separated into two parts each containing five natural laws. The first part is about managing your time to achieve personal productivity and the second part is about managing your life to satisfy your basic human needs. Part 1. Managing Your Time Law 1: You control your life by controlling your time According to Hyrum Smith, the real objective of any time management program is to achieve inner peace. Organizing the things in your life that are most important to you is the first step to successfully managing your time. Many people get hung up on trying to manage the events in their life but they have no control over the events and they become discouraged. Other people look forward to the future thinking that they’ll haveShow MoreRelatedResearch on Time Management3882 Words  | 16 PagesINTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION ASSIGNMENT TITLE: CONFLICT TIME MANAGEMENT SKILLS PREPARED BY: FARA ADILLA BT OMAR TARMIZI 2010199797 NUR ASHIKIN BT SEMAN 2010554727 NUR AMIRA HANIM BT HAMDAN 2010781071 NAZARUL EMRAN B NORIN 2010370807 AMIRULHASMIDI B MOHAMAD 2010387741 GROUP: DMC 2C PREPARED FOR: MISS SITI NUR FARRAH FAADIAH SUBMISSION DATE: 16 AUGUST 2011 INTRODUCTION Interpersonal conflict is a fact of life. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Black Cat Discussion Questions Free Essays
1. From what point of view is Poe’s story told and why is this view particularly effective for this story? The story is being told from a first person narrative point of view. Poe chooses the first person narration to give the reader a better level of understanding of the characters emotion, mental state and setting the plot for the story. We will write a custom essay sample on Black Cat Discussion Questions or any similar topic only for you Order Now With the narrator’s sick and twisted mind, the story becomes more interesting. The most important effect the narrator portrays is his mental state. Without his narration you cannot get the full effect of this murderous madman. The glee at my heart was too strong to be restrained. I burned to say if but one word, by way of triumph, and to render doubly sure their assurance of my guiltlessness†(7). The narrator has no remorse or guilt for killing his wife. For the narrator to say guiltlessness just goes to show how crazy he really became. A normal healthy person would never commit such an act nor have any remorse. 2. Explain how the reader knows the narrator is an unreliable narrator? The narrator’s opinions and actions are so far from normal that you are forced to wonder what is the real interpretation and reality of a madman. Insanity and unstableness are very unreliable sources. How do you know what to believe or if there is any truth behind what they say? â€Å"Mad indeed would I be to expect it, in a case where my very senses reject their own evidence†(1). Using the word expect, is like he is already setting up the reader not to believe what he is going to say. The narrator blames the alcohol for his erratic and violent behavior. How reliable can one be if he blames his actions on drinking? You are your own person and make your own choice regardless of alcohol. Yes, alcohol can be mined altering, but you still no the difference between right and wrong. 3. The murderer takes great precautions to commit the perfect crime. What trips him up? Explain. The narrator makes you believe he has committed the perfect murder. He assures the reader that no one can tell the difference in the wall. How the plaster matched perfectly and the bricks look as they had never been dissembled. He is so sure of his work that he believes the police will not even look at him as a suspect. â€Å"The second and the third day passed, and still my tormentor came not. Once again I breathed as a freeman†(6). When the police come back for the fourth time, the narrator speaks about how strong the wall are and making comments. Then he starts hearing the cat that he buried with his wife in the wall. The main cause for the narrator’s trip was his guilt and vein he carried. Nothing ever turns out perfect as planned. Works Cited Poe, Edgar Allan. The Black Cat. N. p. : n. p. , n. d. 7. Print. Poe, Edgar Allan. The Black Cat. N. p. : n. p. , n. d. 1. Print. Poe, Edgar Allan. The Black Cat. N. p. : n. p. , n. d. 6. Print. How to cite Black Cat Discussion Questions, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
HIPAA Privacy Rule
Question: Write a summary on HIPAA Privacy Rule. Answer: Summary of the HIPAA Privacy Rule: For the protection of certain health details, the Standards for Privacy of Individuality Identifiable Health Information has recognized certain rules for regularizing the national standards. The Department of health in the United States issued a set of privacy rules to execute the requirement of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA). The HIPPA was enacted in the year 1996 on August 1. It contains around 261 sections. The Act is applicable to health care clearinghouses, health strategy and health care suppliers. The main reason for the formation of this Act was to ensure that peoples health information is protected properly. This provides a comprehensive guide for the protection or welfare of the health of the people (Raines, 2015). Kaiser Family Foundation: SCHIP at a Glance The State Childrens Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) was established as a Social Security Act about a decade ago in the year 1997. This Act provided safety net insurance for children who belong to low income family. In the year 2005, SCHIP covered about 6 million low-income children during the year of 2005. The SCHIP runs with the help of federal guidelines and they use a combination approach for the fulfillment of their aims. The SCHIP is involved provides benchmark services for the benefit of the children who belong to the low-income group. The main aim for the formation of such organization was to ensure that children who belong to low income group remain healthy and happy (Mandal et al., 2014). US Dept. of Labor: Employee guide to the FMLA: The Family and Medical Leave Act, is an act that helps the employees for taking leaves when anyone in the family is facing serious health conditions or when the employee himself is already in a difficult situation. This Act helps in providing an unpaid and job protected leave. As per the Act, the leaves may be taken as once or may be taken one by one depending on the situation of the employee. To make use of the leaves a person need to qualify under the definition of employee and employer. If a person qualifies as part of this Act, then he may be held liable or can hold others liable for the enforcement of this Act (Calder Macfarlane, 2013). Kaiser Family Foundation: Medicare Part D Fact Sheet The Medicare Modernization Act, 2003 established a voluntary prescription for the people who were under treatment as Part D of the Act. About more than 54 million people, who were between the age of 65 to 90 had access to the voluntary drug prescription. People who were part of low-income families shall be giving drug benefit under this Act. This benefit can be availed by persons by making use of prescription drug plans and Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug Plans. This benefit has helped many sick people by providing them the benefit of prescription plan; it has also helped in the reduction of cost of many peoples life especially of those who belong to low-income group (Wang et al., 2015). References: Calder, J., Macfarlane, B. (2013). What are Canadian Labor Laws as They Relate to Leave Administration, Specifically Military, Disability, FMLA, Vacation and Bereavement?. Mandal, M., Edelstein, B. L., Ma, S., Minkovitz, C. S. (2014). Changes in state policies related to oral health in the United States, 2002à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 2009.Journal of public health dentistry,74(4), 266-275. Raines, R. T. (2015). Evaluating the Inebriated: An Analysis of the HIPAA Privacy Rule and Its Implications for Intoxicated Patients in Hospital Emergency Departments.U. Dayton L. Rev.,40, 479. Wang, J., Shih, Y. C. T., Qin, Y., Young, T., Thomas, Z., Spivey, C. A., ... Chisholm-Burns, M. (2015). Trends in Medicare Part D medication therapy management eligibility criteria.American health drug benefits,8(5), 247.
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