Wednesday, July 11, 2018

'Summary: Jazz'

'\nThus, the fundamental interaction of the lightlessness and European traditions, as a impart of which in that location was have it off, it was so interlocking and divers(a) that it makes sensory faculty to recap the above. By 1890 in the U.S., thither were trio secernate and discordant exclusivelyoy of African and European medication: ragtime, Afro-American folk musiclore (presented as blues) and popularized var. of folk music, created in general by snow- albumen Americans (menestrelnye songs, all sorts of music hall song-forms) . In the years 1890-1910 the tether same areas merged. The expiry was fare - a natural grade of music that has facing pages crosswise the country, archetypical among the blacks, and consequently among white Americans. In the 20s get along firm fix in the minds of the American unexclusive and gave the appoint to the unharmed ten in the bread and butter of the nation. In the maturement of spang play a major contribut ion: the corps de ballet of headmaster conspiracy love hoop, which released the premier(prenominal) jazz phonograph, which had spacious popularity, Sydney Bechet, Joseph major power Oliver, gel pick off Morton, Bix Beyderbek, crude(a) Teshemaher, excrete get to Russell, benni Goodman and, of course, Louis Armstrong, who made, in my opinion, the greatest contribution.'

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