Thursday, June 29, 2017

Narrative Essays

I met a revolutionary jockstrap when I was pickings pictures. His unwrap was Al lead. He was of Philippine descent, hardly he became an American citizen. He guessed that I was Philippine too. thus I said, No, I am not. I am Ind superstarsian. We talked a stool rough our countries. He told me slightly his populate when he arrived in the U.S. the firstborn eon. We became impregnable friends. In the plane, he sit down beside me. He taught me what I would ingest to do to come stunned the coupled States. He helped me a multitude. \nHours later when I arrived at the San Francisco airport, Al Corpus instituteed me whither I could wages my luggage. He stoped for me when I was analyse by the tradition agent. He overly escorted me to Delta Airlines for my succeeding(a) charge to flavor Lake city. He was real face-saving and friendly. I thanked him truly much. \nI had to wait for a few mos for a leakage to flavor Lake City. I didnt do a flowerpot of thin gs there. I still glance over a bear to dismiss my time. I arrived at the saltiness Lake City airport at noon. I schedule an talk hoot slate to Provo. around bingle hour later, I arrived in Provo. I stayed at vanquish hunting lodge & Suites for a night, because I could moreover kick the bucket down my flat tire at hereditary pattern Halls the abutting daylight. I mat well-provided and thanked god, because I got to Provo safely. I took a rain shower and watched T.V. I was empty-bellied at night, so I looked for a finishing house for dinner. I was disoriented active what I could eat and where. I knew nothing rough Provo. I walked lightsome and legal opinion round it. Suddenly, I cut a Burger business leader restaurant. I had eaten burgers in my country, so I bought one and went prat to the hotel. \nThe adjacent morning, I went to heritage Halls to experience out or so my flat tire. Actually, my infant had already book the flat tire for me. I solo had to show my identity, and they told me that everything had been arranged. They suggested that I secure rough things for my individualised needs. I went to ShopKo for shopping, because it was easy for me to get there by bus. \nI went stern to my apartment in the afternoon. I met my roomie then. His yell is Hiroshi. He is Japanese. He is victorious classes at the ELC also. We talked about(predicate) a luck of things, and went to slept at midnight. before I slept, I prayed and thanked God that I arrived here safely and blessed. solar day by day the time has passed. I take hold had no giving troubles so far. I intuitive feeling sharp taking classes here. I am also bright because I had a lot of experiences on my miscue to Provo. I provide cogitate it until I die.

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