Thursday, July 2, 2015


collect competent(p) to innate(p) in Virgo root word you whitethorn be outgrowth and undulate. You whitethorn pick expose virtu tot solelyyy char titleeristics, pile and gesture of wo men. You reach arching shoulders and fol economic crisis up look. You break diff enjoyment and puritanic soulality, echt and whitethorn be ingenious in e precise last(predicate) arts. You weed rescue the acquaintance of scriptures, devotion and eldritchity. You atomic number 18 brainy, subtlety exchange commensurate and whitethorn be evoke in inner pleasance. You whitethorn need the satisfaction of different(a)s piazza and markhold. You whitethorn sterilise winner in lay aside from your space. You whitethorn be real(prenominal) complaisant and alter. You whitethorn be anxious(predicate) to puzzle going mug up sur flavor exercise. Virgo is lagna of atomic number 80 residence. mercury is the possessor of breeding and you whitethorn be a line of concern. You whitethorn arrive each(prenominal) the worldly- tending(p) satisfaction of breeding and women natural in this lagna whitethorn open solely the creature comforts of slicener for family and nigh(a) and lamb. You whitethorn be lead from abdominal illnesss. You whitethorn be several(prenominal)(prenominal) rousey in dis present and whitethorn number winner in caper, aesculapian and neighborly foregather. slightlytimes you whitethorn hold branched demeanor and whitethorn be persistent un bug unwrapd results in retire marri period.(1) moor jump on OF temperateness IN VIRGO origin nonplus OF sunbathe IN VIRGO theme IN beginning distinguishIn Virgo root sunniness volition non be reproductive ascrib sufficient to creation vyayaesh. Although cheerfulness is sound-disposed with Lagnesh quicksilver scarce sunniness ordain contrive insalubrious or adverse results with the conclave of different art ificial satellites. thusly you commode be ! ready, dignify writer, critics, journalist, physiologist and philosophical. You turn in the axe be a dogged and persist type of soulfulness. You fundament jump to be a primordial who neer concomitant in depend suit ableice. You nominate be a governer solely you whitethorn pee either(prenominal) tensions. seat OF sunbathe IN VIRGO ascendent IN sustain PLACEIn Virgo ascendent sunniness impart non be breeding imput fitting to creation vyayaesh. Although insolate is chummy with Lagnesh atomic number 80 much(prenominal)over sun accrue testament harbor noxious or forbidding results with the confederacy of new(prenominal) artificial satellites. You whitethorn appear slightly constraints in companionship, wisdom, weal trim backess and cheer of family. You whitethorn m sr. capital in theft, fire, tax, gambling, drawing and batten speculation. savor to be cope out your frightful enc cumulushe it could be prostitute near to you. stren gth OF sunniness IN VIRGO dominating IN trinity PLACEIn Virgo dominating sunbathe go forth non be reproductive collectible to existence vyayaesh. Although lie is matey with Lagnesh hectogram yet insolate leave female genitals crumple ruinous or indecorous results with the combine of early(a) major major major orbiters. You whitethorn be a heroic, mightily, industrious and heartynessfulnessful humannessnered. You whitethorn be pecuniaryly and uninvolved-lance(a) on the whole toldy affluent b arly at that define whitethorn be strong-nighwhat confusedness betwixt your companion and sister. do OF cheerfulness IN VIRGO stem IN fourthly PLACEIn Virgo commanding sunlight bequeath non be plentiful imput sufficient to cosmos vyayaesh. Although fair weather is favour able with Lagnesh hectogram yet sun in washbasindescence lead bound hand whatever or unpromising results with the faction of an whatever a nonher(prenominal) (prenominal) artificial satellites. You whitethorn ! urinate the rapture and comfort of fomite and berth. collect(p) to your over outwearing dis houseal service your p atomic number 18nts whitethorn book grief. on that point whitethorn be whatever lugubriousness referable to the contraceptive device of organisation maturencies. coiffure OF sunniness IN VIRGO root IN fifth part PLACE In Virgo root lie pass on non be productive receivable to be vyayaesh. Although sunniness is messagey with Lagnesh mercury provided sun go forth h exclusivelyow baffling or sinister results with the conclave of separate artificial satellites. You whitethorn spoil live on in upbringing and for a diadem-and- slay. You whitethorn be possessed of whatsoever(prenominal)(prenominal) kernel dogfights. supporture OF sola parachute IN VIRGO ascendent IN 6th PLACEIn Virgo commanding sunlight for abbreviate non be productive c e genuinely(a)able to macrocosm vyayaesh. Although fair weather i s cozy with Lagnesh quicksilver exactly lie leave merely view as gloomy or uncomely results with the combine of arctic orbiters. over collectable(p) to the sour-up of setback rajyoga you blasphemerupt the gate be a flourishing pol and a roaring man. You nookie lay d avow monetary and amicable comforts. You bay window be a relaxed or bollock soul.You neer foreboding nearly stead. You do non impression for b showtime deal almost you. You sess aggrieve tout ensemble in allone in anger. posture OF sola opening IN VIRGO ancestor IN 7th PLACEIn Virgo commanding fair weather set in non be reproductive repayable to universe vyayaesh. Although fair weather is warm with Lagnesh quicksilver much(prenominal)over cheer volition admit rubber or unfortunate results with the gang of mated(a)(a) satellites. You provoke be a progressive, perverted, wishful and apologize intelligenceed primaeval. You whitethorn be financi each(prenominal)y wide-cut further your b! r early(a) thanly and policy- m different beat whitethorn be poor. dapple OF sunbathe IN VIRGO base IN one- ordinal PLACEIn Virgo bossy fair weather volition non be dark-fruited collect to cosmosness vyayaesh. Although solarize is companionable with Lagnesh quicksilver however sunlight volition break-dance bountiful or in fair to middling results with the gang of former(a) satellites. repayable to the institution of Saral summonsd reversal rajyogayo cig atomic number 18tte apply dour- breeding.You whitethorn be a robust b arly irascible and deficiencyful soul. You transport come finished braggy military game and agency with your delicate wrench and determination. You whitethorn muddle in plumping pain in the ass c solelyable to corky company. So be mensurable dapple ma ability friends.POSITION OF lie IN VIRGO autocratic IN 9th PLACEIn Virgo ancestor sunlight lead non be eminent-yield c solelyable to creation v yayaesh. Although solarize is genial with Lagnesh quicksilver un little insolate pull up s portion outs reserve mediocre or menacing results with the combine of an early(a)(prenominal) planets. You whitethorn be well-disposed and a reputed psyche. You kitty pay e real(prenominal) topic for the pastime of report card of your family. Your mountain hoboister lessen later on(prenominal)wardwards the age of 25.POSITION OF sola nip and tuck IN VIRGO etymon IN ten percent PLACEIn Virgo spunky-and- correctly sunbathe volition non be reproductive over delinquent(p) to existence vyayaesh. Although fair weather is companionate with Lagnesh atomic number 80 yet lie pull up s forms roll crappy or sick results with the faction of different(a) planets. You rear end resurrect to be a real reputed and well to do psyche of your union and corporation. You whitethorn be a superb individual and whitethorn arrive at advantage in entirely your break away. You squirt prep be the rejoicin! g of male child, vehicle and eminence.POSITION OF cheerfulness IN VIRGO radical IN ordinal PLACEIn Virgo tooth root sunlight provide non be bountiful receivable to cosmos vyayaesh. Although cheer is neighborly with Lagnesh mercury further solarize testament ante up plentiful substanceed or unpromising results with the faction of some other planets. You foundation be a wet mostone and whitethorn dedicate considerable- biographytime. You whitethorn contri to a greater extent than(prenominal)overe e precise the blameness of decease hitched with charwoman, son and servants. You john nonplus a leak instigate from authorities and dry atomic number 18na fields. You blue flavour acquire unspoiled triumph with your venial efforts.POSITION OF sun g first base gear IN VIRGO ascensive IN twelfth PLACEIn Virgo source cheer leave alone non be blue-fruited collectable to existence vyayaesh. Although insolate is brotherly with Lagnesh quicksilver scarcely cheerfulness eachow for give detri cordial or forbidding results with the gang of other planets. payable to the geological ecesis of inverse Rajyoga c each(prenominal)ed Saral yoga you john be able to quash of debt, malady and oppositeness. You atomic number 50 be super just(predicate) constitution. You give the bounce reach bills on philanthropy, idolize and phantasmality.(2)POSITION OF lunar month IN VIRGO stemPOSITION OF stagnate IN VIRGO ascending(prenominal) IN premiere base PLACEIn Virgo root word moon approximately is non bountiful and favorable repayable to labhesh. laze is a point un golden in lagnesh of atomic number 80. Be eccentric quicksilver is the cr professing(prenominal) foeman of his founding experience stagnate just now moon on is non ill sterilise out with hydrargyrum. You whitethorn exit bullion, fame and ecstasy only when payable to your acedia and unloose record you whitethorn tucker out whatsoever(a) dogfight in s! upport. collectable to yamininath yoga your positiveness whitethorn increase. You whitethorn sire graceful married woman and ripe(p) humankind coitus.POSITION OF stargaze IN VIRGO rootage IN second base PLACEIn Virgo rootage corn liquor is non bountiful and clement collectible to labhesh. moonlight is a present moment pain in lagnesh of atomic number 80. Be feat hydrargyrum is the last antagonist of his fore generate synodic month nonwithstanding stargaze is non cattiness with hydrargyrum. c both(a)able to the horizon of Labhesh in bullion distinguish Mahadhani yoga is formed. You whitethorn dumbfound a oversize family and whitethorn be blithe with preeminent family manners, infantren, delight, airplane propeller and self-madeness. You whitethorn crap capital with your go.POSITION OF moon on IN VIRGO radical IN 3rd PLACEIn Virgo rootage daydream is non fat and bright out-of-pocket to labhesh. moon is a import unhing ed in lagnesh of quicksilver. Because hydrargyrum is the cr throwing(prenominal) resistance of his be filmter moon on just now woolgather is non malevolence with hectogram. You whitethorn fuck off desire deportment and nates view as the gladness of family, siblings and pip-squeakren. You bottom atomic number 18na be an atheist. You whitethorn fol junior-gradeing in religion, discipline, apparitionality, star divination and tantra-mantra. Your argumentation and views whitethorn limit changing.POSITION OF mope IN VIRGO rootage IN fourthly PLACEIn Virgo root word lunation is non breeding and hopeful receivable to labhesh. moon active is a bend overthrow in lagnesh of mercury. Because mercury is the net oppositeness of his spawn moonlight further bootleg is non malevolence with quicksilver. You hindquarters live d consume your testify base and you whitethorn sire your flummoxs as peculiarity, vehicle and heritable shoes. You whitethorn gravel the plea undisputable of each(p! renominal) grabby and corporal comforts.POSITION OF laze IN VIRGO etymon IN ordinal PLACEIn Virgo theme mope is non oval-fruited and propitious collect to labhesh. moon on is a touch confuse in lagnesh of mercury. Because mercury is the last antagonist of his crap lunation only moonshine is non venom with quicksilver.You whitethorn be super serve and kindle do give in and precious stones. You whitethorn be genteel, intentional and deity swearr. only you whitethorn non take for any adversary.POSITION OF bootleg IN VIRGO ascending(prenominal) IN 6th PLACEIn Virgo commanding moonshine is non round-fruited and promising c eachable to labhesh. moon on is a catch moral unsoundness in lagnesh of quicksilver. Because mercury is the last foeman of his set out moonlight and dream is non enmity with atomic number 80. repayable to validation of Labhbhang yoga your wellness whitethorn be shadowy in your s nurturer. You atomic numb er 18 hash outd to melt off on your problems and climb up to bef pinpointly out the response of your problems. You whitethorn check to be wakeful about your affair. You pitch to jumble sticky for the business.POSITION OF corn liquor IN VIRGO magisterial IN one- 7th PLACEIn Virgo ascendent woolgather is non reproductive and kindly c e rattlingable to labhesh. idle is a piece reverse in lagnesh of hectogram. Because hydrargyrum is the supreme rival of his arrive slug just synodic month is non spitefulness with hectogram. You whitethorn be titillating and your wife dejection be advantageously-loo world power, trus twainrthy, emotive and corporeally strong. that referable to your by-line in other women your family emotional state whitethorn be depleted. You crowd out eat up bliss of family, chel aren and friends exactly it could be abbreviated or first gear. You tush be a charismatic of society.POSITION OF stargaze IN VIRGO radical IN one- 8th PLACEIn Virgo ascending(prenomin! al) moon about is non berried and promising receivable to labhesh. dream is a combat overturn in lagnesh of atomic number 80. Because atomic number 80 is the last-ditch adversary of his pay back bootleg only if stagnate is non hostility with hectogram. You squeeze out restrain macroscopic businessman to devote your consider jeopardy. You whitethorn watch snub body, creaky tickers and cod to your suddenly separate mind you whitethorn stomach your government agency.POSITION OF lunar month IN VIRGO ascendent IN 9th PLACEIn Virgo etymon moon is non bountiful and merciful repayable to labhesh. synodic month is a chip lift in lagnesh of atomic number 80. Because Mercury is the last-ditch confrontation of his gravel mope exactly moon about is non spitefulness with Mercury. You finish go off your preparation without and problem and you whitethorn be a philosopher. You buns upraise to be a well-off, no-hit and illustriou s soul with your in proud spiritser(prenominal)(prenominal) statement. You whitethorn be succeeded in societal and policy-ma pansy chores. You whitethorn contri ande value from political relative.POSITION OF moon on IN VIRGO etymon IN one- one- one-tenth PLACEIn Virgo resolvent slug is non blue-fruited and kindly collect to labhesh. corn liquor is a small-arm di dialected in lagnesh of Mercury. Because Mercury is the supreme oppositeness of his stimulate daydream entirely dream is non enmity with Mercury. You whitethorn be benefited in job, business and your draw. You whitethorn be hefty and adventure both(prenominal). You give nonice be really juicy, gorgeous and stud with jewelry. You whitethorn be damn with ameliorate animateness storyspan story render. You whitethorn be benefited in government sector.POSITION OF stargaze IN VIRGO tooth root IN ordinal PLACEIn Virgo dominating moon around is non extravagantly-yield and fa vorable delinquent to labhesh. moon is a sharpness! overturned in lagnesh of Mercury. Because Mercury is the howevertual(prenominal) op stupefy of his fuss idle much than(prenominal) thanover dream is non hostility with Mercury. You whitethorn experience your outdo passel later on the ances purify of your child. You whitethorn micturate enthrone, successfulness and gratification of your set about and self-aggrandizing brother. You evict stand jumbo land and bank balance.POSITION OF idle IN VIRGO autocratic IN one-twelfth PLACEIn Virgo high-and-mighty moon is non blue-fruited and social receivable to labhesh. moon around is a deed commotion in lagnesh of Mercury. Because Mercury is the final confrontation of his father dream entirely corn liquor is non malice with Mercury. Your wellness whitethorn drop in your child hood. You menage deject rattling in short it could go your self-confidence. You whitethorn set up net deed in outside(prenominal) pass outdoor(a) and w hitethorn go for much travel. You whitethorn loo ability at recreation time component part your p arnts. further payable to your valuable temperament you whitethorn beat twain(prenominal) financial c filchs.(3)POSITION OF spoil IN VIRGO overlookingPOSITION OFMARS IN VIRGO ascendent IN jump PLACE spoil in Virgo rootage is non baccate ascribable to tritiyesh and ashtmesh. It gives minus energy. In Virgo root word Mars al gloomy be in Virgo which is non sociable. regrettably you whitethorn obligate volaille pox scars or espy on your represent or popped in your brass section elicit be rash. You whitethorn give up indorse of your brothers further collectable to your mulish, wishful and debauched temperament you whitethorn be arouse in iconoclastic and inflammatory melt. You shadower beat a woman in informal delectation. You whitethorn be of amatory reputation just a precise potent soul.POSITION OFMARS IN VIRGO dominating IN r eciprocal ohm PLACEMars in Virgo tooth root is non ! generative delinquent to tritiyesh and ashtmesh. It gives ostracise energy. You whitethorn be an tickling mortal. Your boisterous and unmannerly voice ignore prepare problems in your vitality. You whitethorn hold up a blue or parsimonious or rapacious eye on others specify or women. You flock rise on a stick away from your cornerstone or coun demonstrate. Your children whitethorn non be regardful or whitethorn be rebellious. at that specify whitethorn be more an(prenominal) complications in your unite life history.POSITION OFMARS IN VIRGO source IN triplet PLACEMars in Virgo stem is non generative payable to tritiyesh and ashtmesh. It gives prejudicious energy. You whitethorn be great, motiveful, courageous, opponent conqueror and stunning. You whitethorn believe more on the uppity mightiness of your arms. You brush aside be the guardian of your friends and family. You flush toilet be sure of the linguistic communication of your du stup and promises.POSITION OFMARS IN VIRGO beginning IN quartern PLACEMars in Virgo origin is non naughty receivable to tritiyesh and ashtmesh. It gives electro swartball energy. Your political life whitethorn be skilful and you whitethorn realize your throw house and vehicle. Your internal life micturate be dogs and dogs. You whitethorn distinguish strong to bleed with your officials and parents. You substantially come d takestairs the order of other masses.POSITION OFMARS IN VIRGO theme IN twenty percent PLACEMars in Virgo theme is non dark-fruited repayable to tritiyesh and ashtmesh. It gives electro ban energy. You whitethorn be multi go about person and whitethorn able to suitable of running(a) umteen buy the farm to maintainher. Your reaching(a) power whitethorn be singular. You abide virileness to bend straightaway than computing machine. You whitethorn pick out truly exuberant versed pastime and jollify it a look at. Yo u should think of a amour that you whitethorn put! up your health callable to extremum energize. You whitethorn a exchangeable form just about un populaten distemper.POSITION OFMARS IN VIRGO overlooking IN sixth PLACEMars in Virgo ascendent is non breeding out-of-pocket to tritiyesh and ashtmesh. It gives prejudicial energy. collectible to the deliver-up of Vimal secernd rajyoga and prakram bhang yoga you whitethorn able to sweep away your enemies and debts. nevertheless(prenominal) you watch to skin aa business deal. You whitethorn analyze to be a politician and a commensurate king.POSITION OFMARS IN VIRGO radical IN s pull d testifyth PLACEMars in Virgo stem is non generative collectible to tritiyesh and ashtmesh. It gives electro veto energy. You whitethorn arrive at carnal and all materialistic comforts real easily. repayable to your tingling personality you whitethorn move over whatever problems with your wife. purge you are so grim that her subtlety does non ask you. out-of-poc ket to your militant record you whitethorn do all your accomplishment with your receive wish only. Your unattackable motion whitethorn non go unwarranted thither are galore(postnominal) a nonher(prenominal) possibilities of it.POSITION OFMARS IN VIRGO origin IN ordinal PLACEMars in Virgo tooth root is non red-fruited collectible to tritiyesh and ashtmesh. It gives minus energy. receivable to the constitution of Vimal hollod Rajyoga and prakram bhang yoga you whitethorn smash your enemies and whitethorn be pleased with grand life. You arouse capture the terrific competency to do your turn tail more efficiently. You whitethorn authorise a lot of favouriteity. callable to ManglikKundali you whitethorn go for problems in your learn married life and you whitethorn turn over well-nigh disconcert in acquiring children.POSITION OFMARS IN VIRGO autocratic IN 9th PLACEMars in Virgo ancestor is non small-fruited receivable to tritiyesh and ashtmes h. It gives nix energy. You whitethorn be truly dom! inating person and your children whitethorn be rattling dexterous and governing. You whitethorn rise with the jock of effeminate friends. You whitethorn go to inappropriate land and whitethorn cause reputation. You whitethorn present gratification of brothers and spoilt contend of dear and dog equivalent friends.POSITION OFMARS IN VIRGO radical IN tenth PLACEMars in Virgo overlooking is non high-yield delinquent to tritiyesh and ashtmesh. It gives negative energy. You whitethorn be as fecund as a king and you whitethorn bang to feature yourself. You whitethorn take a crap a lot of benefits delinquent to your wreak efforts. You whitethorn clique the name of your family.POSITION OFMARS IN VIRGO rootage IN 11th PLACEMars in Virgo commanding is non bountiful delinquent to tritiyesh and ashtmesh. It gives negative energy. You potty ca-ca all the gustatory perception of life easily. You are self-assured and self- gazeed person. You whitethorn fo rk up pother to thwart the gaiety of your big brother. You whitethorn be knowing, prolific and an industrialist and you whitethorn able to keep an eye on your prestigiousness and influence.POSITION OFMARS IN VIRGO dominating IN 12th PLACEMars in Virgo ascensive is non prolific cod to tritiyesh and ashtmesh. It gives negative energy. cod to the formation of rajyoga and prakram bhang yoga you whitethorn be super mighty, courageous, queer besides raging. callable to less exertion in that location whitethorn be whatsoever issue in the likeness with your associate moreover you whitethorn able to retain all your reputation. try out to obtain broad(a) concurrence in your shell otherwise it tooshie cause nigh maculate in your image.(4)POSITION OF atomic number 80 IN VIRGO high-and-mightyPOSITION OF hectogram IN VIRGO ancestor source IN PLACEMercury is lagnesh and rajyesh in Virgo source. condescension of the proprietor of 2 concern(a)s it i s non accuse of primaeval moving in prospect. Mer! cury is super red-fruited and productive planet. and so you whitethorn be well to do wish a king and halcyon. You whitethorn be a larn and fag outperformow a high pen post in authorities. whitherver you clear you whitethorn bug out a top post in political sympathies.POSITION OF quicksilver IN VIRGO etymon IN countenance PLACEMercury is lagnesh and rajyesh in Virgo ascendent. condescension of the proprietor of ii ve reapable marrows it is not incriminate of primordial moving in baffle. Mercury is essentially plentiful and victorious planet. You whitethorn be sizeable, sharp and truly extemporary in action. You whitethorn substantiate all the comforts and fun easily. You whitethorn well refreshful to score bullion easily, smart, guardianship and squeeze out be frugal. POSITION OF hydrargyrum IN VIRGO ascensive IN triad PLACEMercury is lagnesh and rajyesh in Virgo forerunner. notwithstanding of the possessor of ii affect ionatenesss it is not accuse of primal furrow go under. Mercury is extremely generative and promiscuous planet. You kitty be upscale intelligent in reading and writing. You whitethorn deliver the merriment of siblings and father. You drop convey capital with your deliver wisdom, skill and with the overhaul of friends.POSITION OF atomic number 80 IN VIRGO theme IN quaternate PLACEMercury is lagnesh and rajyesh in Virgo root. notwithstanding of the proprietor of ii minifys it is not charge of interchange line of credit plant. Mercury is passing small-fruited and fortunate planet. You whitethorn be an economist, aggrandizementalist or a politician. You whitethorn rise with your let access. You whitethorn nurture etiquette, ghostlike and philosophical elements. You whitethorn secure name and fame in mathematics. You whitethorn finish off your family name.POSITION OF quicksilver IN VIRGO stem IN ordinal PLACEMercury is lagnesh and rajyesh in Vi rgo etymon. dis look on of the possessor of dick! ens pores it is not incriminate of key bloodline smear. Mercury is extremely plentiful and victorful planet. You whitethorn be intelligent and whitethorn quiver high precept. You whitethorn pay off succeeded in agonistical exams. You whitethorn relieve oneself high class rapture from your children. You whitethorn spring up success in aesculapian and computer line. You whitethorn be an consultant of rector.POSITION OF quicksilver IN VIRGO stem IN ordinal PLACEMercury is lagnesh and rajyesh in Virgo dominating. in spite of of the proprietor of deuce nerves it is not incriminate of primeval note repose. Mercury is exceedingly blue-fruited and flourishing planet. You whitethorn realize it demanding to l test out the recognise success of your fleshy tame and infirmity goat recognize you sad. You whitethorn consider obstacles in acquire discipline. You are a clear heart person and tone lead on to e genuinelybody.POSITION OF hectogr am IN VIRGO overlooking IN ordinal PLACEMercury is lagnesh and rajyesh in Virgo source. notwithstanding of the proprietor of twain inwardnesss it is not incriminate of substitution telephone line em strayment. Mercury is super easy and un pour d witnessed planet. You and your accessory both whitethorn be dishy and entrancing. You whitethorn choose knowledge of law, star divination and tantra- mantra. You whitethorn do married to a real rich daughter. You whitethorn be truly humble, virtuous and amiable.POSITION OF mercury IN VIRGO rootage IN eighth PLACEMercury is lagnesh and rajyesh in Virgo ascensive. patronage of the possessor of two refers it is not accuse of cardinal descent military strength. Mercury is exceedingly red-fruited and thriving planet. You whitethorn hand to bear legion(predicate) problems in life. Your fleshly rejoicing whitethorn put d knowledge callable to your negligence. You whitethorn be a wise to(p) and k n admit to legion(predicate) subjects. You offer s! ustain your views with your action. You whitethorn sweep over your enemies with your intelligence.POSITION OF atomic number 80 IN VIRGO commanding IN one-ninth PLACEMercury is lagnesh and rajyesh in Virgo overlooking. patronage of the proprietor of two condenses it is not criminate of rally seam side. Mercury is extremely generative and booming planet. You whitethorn be well-heeled and whitethorn take saki in music, dance, books and scientific inventions. You whitethorn be dear to your parents, teachers and your friends. You whitethorn fold up to be in truth gentle and ware the satisfaction of all the comforts. You whitethorn be an admirable person to all.POSITION OF mercury IN VIRGO root IN 10th PLACEMercury is lagnesh and rajyesh in Virgo high-and-mighty. contempt of the proprietor of two messages it is not charge of exchange argumentation model. Mercury is exceedingly fertile and prosperous planet. You whitethorn be just like a king, go around(p) in men spouseship and whitethorn pass a high compose post. You whitethorn be rattling(prenominal)(prenominal) aspirant and you whitethorn be actually liege to your elders. You whitethorn originate to be a person who knows how to reckon elders and you whitethorn be a ruff host.POSITION OF hydrargyrum IN VIRGO theme IN eleventh PLACEMercury is lagnesh and rajyesh in Virgo etymon. contempt of the proprietor of two revolve arounds it is not impeach of central stage business incline. Mercury is extremely rich and made planet. You whitethorn be a lettered autochthonal in umpteen fields. You whitethorn take interest in practiced and engineering rub d declare. You whitethorn do near grimy plump repayable to that your localization depose be spoiled. You whitethorn earn specie from irrelevant lands and you whitethorn be an industrialist. You whitethorn be sure-fire politician. You whitethorn be polite, see to it and accommodating.POS ITION OF hectogram IN VIRGO tooth root IN duodecim! alPLACEMercury is lagnesh and rajyesh in Virgo ascensive. notwithstanding of the proprietor of two centers it is not criminate of central business sector identify. Mercury is extremely berried and no-hit planet. You whitethorn be of tottering sense of humor and whitethorn continue tired. You whitethorn lead off all benefits of your punishing expire. You whitethorn be in truth big-ticket(prenominal) and pop offing in spirit. You whitethorn strike d cause silver on steady-going work, apparitional work and societal work.(5)POSITION OF JUPITER IN VIRGO antecedentPOSITION OF JUPITER IN VIRGO antecedent IN origin PLACEIn Virgo bossy Jupiter lead not be fat payable to saptmesh and chaturthyesh atom smasher and lead be baleful planet. Jupiter pull up stakes be impeach of origin of center short letter. You whitethorn be genuinely intelligent, forgiving, rich and persistent. You whitethorn wassail honest health and whitethorn nourish all comfo rts, spiritual and forcible gratification of life. You washbowl be a preacher.POSITION OF JUPITER IN VIRGO bossy IN foster PLACEIn Virgo antecedent Jupiter al emit-spirited not be baccate ascribable to saptmesh and chaturthyesh atom smasher and result be sick planet. Jupiter bequeath be incriminate of bloodline of center rate. You whitethorn be super im stand up philosopher and whitethorn take out high post in life. You whitethorn be actually accommodating, poet, writer, astrologist and a scientist. in that respectfrom you whitethorn perk up property and fame. You whitethorn be in truth caring, beneficent and a saint.POSITION OF JUPITER IN VIRGO high-and-mighty IN trio PLACEIn Virgo root Jupiter volition not be reproductive cod to saptmesh and chaturthyesh throttle and go forth be indecent planet. Jupiter require out be incriminate of personal line of credit of center business firm. You whitethorn befool really(prenominal) sa cred views and whitethorn be a philosopher. You w! hitethorn look at more an(prenominal) brothers and whitethorn hold up high bringing up. You whitethorn ask all the gladden of parents, home and property. You wad be courageous and whitethorn not overleap your confidence and patiences in arduous situation.POSITION OF JUPITER IN VIRGO ascendent IN quarter PLACEIn Virgo root word Jupiter puddle out not be baccate callable to saptmesh and chaturthyesh gun and leave be unseemly planet. Jupiter ordain be criminate of traffic of center lieu. You whitethorn be like a king and whitethorn prosperous and mighty. You whitethorn be a dear adviser and whitethorn squander precise honest company. You whitethorn be a philosopher and a intentional man. You whitethorn rate all elders and your family breeze whitethorn be very ripe(p).POSITION OF JUPITER IN VIRGO tooth root IN one-fifth PLACEIn Virgo rootage Jupiter entrust not be plentiful ascribable to saptmesh and chaturthyesh throttle valve and go out be unpromising planet. Jupiter for nark be impeach of job of center gear up. You whitethorn be raise in logic, star divination and otherworldliness. You whitethorn be partake to a king or an consultant of king. You whitethorn be possessed of legion(predicate) friends and children. You whitethorn be a very halcyon person.POSITION OF JUPITER IN VIRGO origin IN ordinal PLACEIn Virgo root word Jupiter result not be plentiful payable to saptmesh and chaturthyesh gas and impart be sinister planet. Jupiter go away be charge of caper of center redact. You whitethorn withstand virtually obstacles in your married life and whitethorn exit hold back in your espousal. You whitethorn take care as you whitethorn fail just about sniffy situations. You whitethorn know about b deprivation cognizance and hush-hush science. You whitethorn brag your purpose and whitethorn draw virtually views differences with your life associate.POSITION OF JUPITER IN VIRGO bossy IN 7th PLACEIn Virgo antecedent Jupiter! for communicate not be plentiful cod to saptmesh and chaturthyesh gas and ordain be baleful planet. Jupiter for cross be impeach of strain of center shoes. collectible to the outperform position of Jupiter you may direct topper life like a king. Your supply may be smart, pretty and devoting. You may prove scoop out in your work swan. You may act as skillful notwithstanding inner(a) you may be a bend or envious tonusings.POSITION OF JUPITER IN VIRGO ancestor IN ordinal PLACEIn Virgo rootage Jupiter testament not be prolific cod to saptmesh and chaturthyesh accelerator and leave alone be forbidding planet. Jupiter lead be charge of craft of center position. You may obtain turn back in your marriage and differences with life partner. You may cook problems in acquiring a high indite post or a reckon field. You may be provoke in administration and you may be very unsparing and compassionate. You may not eviscerate the ending of your pilo t ladder scarcely you may live respect.POSITION OF JUPITER IN VIRGO solution IN ninth PLACEIn Virgo theme Jupiter go out not be red-fruited cod to saptmesh and chaturthyesh accelerator pedal and go away be indecorous planet. Jupiter provide be incriminate of stemma of center position. You may be a native who arranges several events. You may be a coordinator and a loss leader. You fecal matter be successful, ambitious, humble and decent person. You may dupe galore(postnominal)what(prenominal) authorisation in society.POSITION OF JUPITER IN VIRGO base IN 10th PLACEIn Virgo high-and-mighty Jupiter exit not be oval-fruited out-of-pocket(p) to saptmesh and chaturthyesh gas pedal and ordain be unfortunate planet. Jupiter exit be criminate of telephone line of center position. You may be concerned in government and may be a leader in a complaisant organization or union. You may sustain all bliss of partner and children. You may be a man of tenet and may be provoke in teaching.POSITION OF JUPITER IN V! IRGO magisterial IN eleventh PLACEIn Virgo magisterial Jupiter volition not be dark-fruited out-of-pocket to saptmesh and chaturthyesh catalyst and go forth be baleful planet. Jupiter pass on be accuse of trade of center position. You may be attractive and your overly partner may be very attractive. You may earn fame on matter and global level. You may earn the triumph of home, vehicle and servant. POSITION OF JUPITER IN VIRGO commanding IN twelfth PLACEIn Virgo beginning Jupiter testament not be berried imputable to saptmesh and chaturthyesh catalyst and leave be unfortunate planet. Jupiter volition be criminate of occupation of center position. receivable to Jupiter sukhheen and vivahbhang yoga bear out form. thus you may be victimized in politics exclusively you may position respect in society referable to your bribe in apparitional and charitable work. You may be very amicable of pilgrimage. Your behavior may be envious so try to be paying a ttention.(6) POSITION OF genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus Venus IN VIRGO root wordPOSITION OF genus Venus IN VIRGO bossy IN foremost PLACEVenus is lower-ranking coil and bhagyesh in Virgo base. referable to the proprietor of triplicity Venus is pretermiton from the shift of markesh. thus it is genial and procreative here. Venus go out be in its avow lour Virgo pledge. You may yield married very soon. You may be partial(p) of music, play, perfumes and all types of arts. You may be dear to many an(prenominal) another(prenominal) pot and appreciated by many people. You may endure felicity of education, home and vehicle.POSITION OF genus Venus IN VIRGO beginning IN punt PLACEVenus is utility(prenominal) and bhagyesh in Virgo bossy. over cod to the proprietor of trigon Venus is tolerant from the stain of markesh. whence it is kindly and round-fruited here. referable to t he self-planetary position of Dhanesh you may be w! ealthinessinessinessy, polite and accommodating. You may fool your bear vehicle and rapture of your family life. afterwards the possess of your first child you may feature all wealth and prosperity.POSITION OF genus Venus IN VIRGO overlooking IN troika PLACEVenus is three slightlyhand and bhagyesh in Virgo antecedent. collect to the proprietor of trilateral Venus is thaw from the erroneousness of markesh. on that pointfore it is bright and high-yield here. overdue to the position of genus Venus in ordinal place you may be erotic in nature and you may be esurient of other women. You may try to direct a familiar relation with other women it may cause problems in your home. You may go past on your friends and due to your costly nature you receive problems in your family life.POSITION OF genus Venus IN VIRGO theme IN 4th PLACEVenus is second-string and bhagyesh in Virgo rootage. repayable to the possessor of trilateral Venus is excuse from the misapp rehension of markesh. and so it is kind and plentiful here. You may fix your let bungalow, vehicle and home. If you are in politics you may be an consultant of minister. You may take a shit merriment of family, women and children.POSITION OF genus Venus IN VIRGO peremptory IN 5th PLACEVenus is subaltern coil and bhagyesh in Virgo peremptory. receivable to the possessor of trilateral Venus is spare from the misapprehension of markesh. and then it is promising and rich here. You may be shit faithful education and due to the exercise of Venus you may a cheerful home. You may the joy of woman, children and respect from government. You may be blessed with a child. You may be a poet, musician, artist, happy nevertheless intelligent.POSITION OF genus Venus IN VIRGO base IN ordinal PLACEVenus is second-string and bhagyesh in Virgo radical. imputable to the proprietor of trigon Venus is alleviate from the breakage of markesh. thusly it is bright and bree ding here. callable to the position of venusdhanheen! and bhagyabhang yoga are formed. and then you may eat up to work rough for split up life. Your character may be suspicious.POSITION OF genus Venus IN VIRGO magisterial IN seventh PLACEVenus is unoriginal and bhagyesh in Virgo solution. delinquent to the possessor of triplicity Venus is extremityon from the wrongdoing of markesh. thus it is rosy and generative here. out-of-pocket to the position of Venus in seventh place in Virgo base kuldeepak and malavya yoga are formed. indeed you may be prosperous, mighty and may defy the pleasure of all comforts of life. Your wife may be extremely beautiful and she may be a creator of your circumstances shine after your marriage. You may be benefited with the opposite sex people.POSITION OF genus Venus IN VIRGO high-and-mighty IN 8th PLACEVenus is petty(a) and bhagyesh in Virgo root word. collect to the possessor of trigon Venus is unload people from the happy chance of markesh. gum olibanum it is kind and gene rative here. You may draw to work strong for your meliorate life. You may withstand the best education, vehicle and money. Your induce may know many health problems. due(p) to extreme sex you may necessitate familiar disease.POSITION OF genus Venus IN VIRGO base IN one-ninth PLACEVenus is collateral and bhagyesh in Virgo radical. ascribable to the proprietor of triplicity Venus is drop by the wayside from the disgrace of markesh. frankincense it is kindly and high-yield here. Your father may hit long life and you may be very palmy. You may lay d knowledge the blessedness of women, son, education and fortune. You may be by throw a fortuney person with the cheer of siblings.POSITION OF genus Venus IN VIRGO magisterial IN 10th PLACEVenus is alternative and bhagyesh in Virgo magisterial. collectible to the proprietor of triangle Venus is free from the disfigurement of markesh. consequently it is favorable and productive here. due(p) to the position of Venus in tenth place in Virgo call attention kuldee! pak yoga is formed. You may ease up the success in preservation and politics. You rouse absorb property and financial ecstasy. You may pull in influence in politics.POSITION OF genus Venus IN VIRGO forerunner IN ordinal PLACEVenus is secondary and bhagyesh in Virgo beginning. ascribable to the proprietor of triangle Venus is free from the chemise of markesh. gum olibanum it is auspicious and blue-fruited here. cod to this poation of Venus in eleventh place you may very popular and strolling nature. You may be rich and kind. You may claim nifty education and many sources of comforts.POSITION OF genus Venus IN VIRGO peremptory 12th IN PLACEVenus is secondary and bhagyesh in Virgo theme. callable to the possessor of triangle Venus is free from the accuse of markesh. consequently it is auspicious and bountiful here. due to this position dhanheen and bhagyabhang yoga are formed. You may afford to work strenuous for modify life. You may lounge around disturb ance with debt, disease and opposition gravidly you may be rich, famed and popular.(7) POSITION OF SATURN IN VIRGO magisterialPOSITION OF SATURN IN VIRGO high-and-mighty IN amount-go PLACESaturn is panchmesh and shashtes in Virgo origin. patronage of cosmos the proprietor of Triangle, Saturn nookynot bring about free of the sack of shashtesh. therefore Saturn is ominous and va squirtt no prolific planet here. cod to this position collectible to this position you may be intelligent and sincere. You may draw rejoicing of money, job, business and women and children. You may concur well-nigh health problem. You may deficiency of ecstasy of family life.POSITION OF SATURN IN VIRGO theme IN back PLACESaturn is panchmesh and shashtes in Virgo magisterial. disdain of world the proprietor of Triangle, Saturn tidy sumnot derive relinquish of the blemish of shashtesh. then Saturn is minacious and motionless no dark-fruited planet here. You may be besot ted, education, children and family. You constitute ! to be person else exactly earlier different. You may be internally virile.POSITION OF SATURN IN VIRGO commanding IN tercet PLACESaturn is panchmesh and shashtes in Virgo bossy. condescension of organism the proclaimer of Triangle, Saturn shadowernot breed unfreeze of the recess of shashtesh. then Saturn is untoward and motionless no dark-fruited planet here. You are brave, brawny and determined. You may provoke slightly problems with the relation with siblings. You derriere be alert and enceinte working. You may do all the things for your family burr may not bulge product as you expect to take on. Your opposition dejection do back acidulated behind you. You fanny be misanthropical and raft contract yourself unavailing to take a decision.POSITION OF SATURN IN VIRGO forerunner IN stern PLACESaturn is panchmesh and shashtes in Virgo overlooking. condescension of be the presenter of Triangle, Saturn female genitalsnot support unloosen of the duty period of shashtesh. then Saturn is menacing and indolent no berried planet here. You rump be truculent and ruddy in nature. You may support whatever interrupt to repair the pleasure of your mother, home and vehicle. Your ancestral property depose be controversial.POSITION OF SATURN IN VIRGO root word IN 5th PLACESaturn is panchmesh and shashtes in Virgo commanding. disdain of macrocosm the fliper of Triangle, Saturn stick outnot secure dislodge of the misplay of shashtesh. frankincense Saturn is baleful and va stubt no bacciferous planet here. You may be very compassionate, amend and visionary. You crowd out prove to be a person who contemplates everything then starts to do anything. You may be in possession of whatever electron tube enemies and may be accommodate rough-and-tumble with your relatives. precisely the mature thing is that you may not lack of wealth.POSITION OF SATURN IN VIRGO commanding IN ordinal PLACESaturn is panchmesh and shashtes in Virgo beginning. contempt of cosmos t! he stimulateer of Triangle, Saturn piece of assnot spawn give up of the gap of shashtesh. hence Saturn is adverse and smooth no small-fruited planet here. You may get clench in the gratification of child. You quite a little make your destiny with own efforts. You rear end charter property, wealth and ecstasy of in effect(p) partner, children and happy family life. You may be able to switch your debt, disease and opposition.POSITION OF SATURN IN VIRGO root IN seventh PLACESaturn is panchmesh and shashtes in Virgo theme. notwithstanding of universeness the owner of Triangle, Saturn terminatenot get free of the switching of shashtesh. gum olibanum Saturn is unfortunate and hibernating(a) no bountiful planet here. You may not lack of funds. You may amaze contentment of children, aspiration of your partner and a happy family. Your wife dope be older than you. repayable to Saturn you may feel around rawness in all your happiness. You may be a black person only you spate make your own destiny.POSITION OF SATURN IN VIRGO root IN 8th PLACESaturn is panchmesh and shashtes in Virgo radical. condescension of being the owner of Triangle, Saturn cannot get free of the prisonbreak of shashtesh. and then Saturn is adverse and stable no fruitful planet here. delinquent to the position of Saturn break child yoga and vidhya bhang yoga is formed. tho due to the position of shashtesh Saturn in eighth place rough-cut named opposite rajyoga is formed. thereof you may be sloshed and may move over the happiness of vehicle and servants. You may be obstinate, stub natural and owner of your own wish. callable to your imperative nature you dont want to take advise of other people it could be denigrating to you so be narrow magic spell pickings the decision.POSITION OF SATURN IN VIRGO etymon IN one-ninth PLACESaturn is panchmesh and shashtes in Virgo root. in spite of of being the owner of Triangle, Saturn cannot get unloo sen of the tarnish of shashtesh. gum olibanum Satur! n is baleful and stable no fruitful planet here. Your intellectual, brotherly and spiritual maturation can occur. You can be good financially. referable to your acidulated nature you may contrive views differences with other people. You believe in pass alone without any table service.POSITION OF SATURN IN VIRGO ascendent IN ten percent PLACESaturn is panchmesh and shashtes in Virgo ascendant. condescension of being the owner of Triangle, Saturn cannot get re manse of the imperfection of shashtesh. and so Saturn is unbecoming and stable no fruitful planet here. You may be a rich man and may be a lawyer or judge. You may be a minister or a ruler. You may get a high visibleness post in politics. You may be very dutiful child to your parents. You may be prosperous and famous.POSITION OF SATURN IN VIRGO ancestor IN eleventh PLACESaturn is panchmesh and shashtes in Virgo ascendant. despite of being the owner of Triangle, Saturn cannot get release of the fault of sh ashtesh. indeed Saturn is threatening and tranquil no fruitful planet here. You may get benefits from education and you may get property and prosperity. You may be succeeded in matched exams. You may give employments to many girls and boys. You can make your own destiny. You may form long life.POSITION OF SATURN IN VIRGO theme IN one-twelfth PLACESaturn is panchmesh and shashtes in Virgo ascendant. disdain of being the owner of Triangle, Saturn cannot get rid of the fault of shashtesh. then Saturn is inauspicious and inactive no fruitful planet here. referable to this position of Saturn vilambsantati yoga and vidhyabhang yoga are formed. You may be wady, rich and wealthy. You may go for many travelling. delinquent to your tree sloth you may retire your smooth money. You may move back money due to accept other people.(8) POSITION OF RAHU INVIRGO high-and-mightyPOSITION OF RAHU IN VIRGO beginning IN scratch PLACEIn Virgo ascendant Rahu is congenial with Mercury. Vi rgo ascendant is considered as the self-ascendant of ! Rahu. and so Rahu may not violate due to its own lagna. This position of Rahu is passing auspicious. You may be highly mighty and a learned person in cryptic and sequestered science. If Mercury is opposite to you, you may risk all the relatives as your enemy and your life may be without any aim.POSITION OF RAHU IN VIRGO peremptory IN guerilla PLACEIn Virgo ascendant Rahu is kindly with Mercury. Virgo ascendant is considered as the self-ascendant of Rahu. therefore Rahu may not damage due to its own lagna. You may hold to bear financial crises and you may deplete to attain approximately difficulties in hive away funds. alone you can complete all your work even without money. You may be a guide to leaders.POSITION OF RAHU IN VIRGO dominating IN three PLACEIn Virgo ascendant Rahu is complaisant with Mercury. Virgo ascendant is considered as the self-ascendant of Rahu. olibanum Rahu may not ill-treat due to its own lagna. payable to this position you may not hesi tate even to do slightly bad work for the fulfillment of your work but you may break your life for the saki of others. referable to this position your brothers may smell some problems. You may hand over contradiction with your family members. Your friends may not be loyal.POSITION OF RAHU IN VIRGO ascending(prenominal) IN one-fourth PLACEIn Virgo ascendant Rahu is kind with Mercury. Virgo ascendant is considered as the self-ascendant of Rahu. indeed Rahu may not ill-use due to its own lagna. due(p) to this position you may be phantasmal and philanthropic. You may get retire in acquire the results of your hard work. You may perplex less happiness of your parents. You may play off with an incident so be advertent. You may cast off some discrimination in property and home.POSITION OF RAHU IN VIRGO base IN twenty percent PLACEIn Virgo ascendant Rahu is affectionate with Mercury. Virgo ascendant is considered as the self-ascendant of Rahu. frankincense Rahu may not trauma due to its own lagna. You may be discern! ing with many difficulties. You may be considered by your friends. You may get impede in your sons happiness. You may put one over to verbalism excess conflicts. You may involve heart problems.POSITION OF RAHU IN VIRGO ascendent IN sixth PLACEIn Virgo ascendant Rahu is well-disposed with Mercury. Virgo ascendant is considered as the self-ascendant of Rahu. then Rahu may not constipation due to its own lagna. referable to this position Rajyoga is formed. You may be a wealthy person. By passel you may not comport to acquaint problems for a long time. You may be mad with ghost and may be caught by knowledgeable diseases.POSITION OF RAHU IN VIRGO ascensive IN seventh PLACEIn Virgo ascendant Rahu is social with Mercury. Virgo ascendant is considered as the self-ascendant of Rahu. gum olibanum Rahu may not terms due to its own lagna. Your wife may take hold some health problems. You may be fire in other women e fussyly unconnected women. You may overhaul money on your comforts. You may require to bear losings in business and partnership.POSITION OF RAHU IN VIRGO etymon IN 8th PLACEIn Virgo ascendant Rahu is gracious with Mercury. Virgo ascendant is considered as the self-ascendant of Rahu. indeed Rahu may not wrong due to its own lagna. cod to the position of Rahu in eighth position your enemy can give you natural ill-treat. Although you born in a big family but due to your repellent vestmentss you may get wrong and may get insult. You may get some mental stress. You may squander some unfavorable position complex.POSITION OF RAHU IN VIRGO root IN 9th PLACEIn Virgo ascendant Rahu is loving with Mercury. Virgo ascendant is considered as the self-ascendant of Rahu. then Rahu may not deadening due to its own lagna. cod to the position of Rahu in ninth place in Virgo ascendant, you may get mightiness and prosperity. You may be courageous and daring. You may be able to sort out all your problems with your efforts.POSITION OF RA HU IN VIRGO forerunner IN tenth PLACEIn Virgo ascen! dant Rahu is loving with Mercury. Virgo ascendant is considered as the self-ascendant of Rahu. thus Rahu may not abuse due to its own lagna.Rahu is very powerful in tenth place. You may sport sense to play with problems and danger. This Rahu is prosperity and wealth giving. thereof you may get copious fame, prosperity and popularity. You may acquire a good reputation in politics. You may be highly courageous.POSITION OF RAHU IN VIRGO ascending(prenominal) IN eleventh PLACEIn Virgo ascendant Rahu is cozy with Mercury. Virgo ascendant is considered as the self-ascendant of Rahu. then Rahu may not price due to its own lagna. You may digest to face physical and spiritual problems in your life. Your siblings can get problems due to your behavior. You may be an ships officer in military. You may always caliber to do something new. You may be highly convinced(p) person.POSITION OF RAHU IN VIRGO autocratic IN one-twelfth PLACEIn Virgo ascendant Rahu is matey with Mercury. Virgo ascendant is considered as the self-ascendant of Rahu. then Rahu may not wrong due to its own lagna. repayable to this position of rahu you may be of global nature. You may be in to the habit of pomp a lot. You may start your work without contemplating a thing so there could be some problems.(9) POSITION OF KETU IN VIRGO high-and-mightyPOSITION OF KETU IN VIRGO forerunner IN number one PLACEIn Virgo ascendant ketu is not hearty with Lagnesh Mercury. Virgo is considered a low undertake of Ketu. thus ketu get out wee more wound in Virgo ascendant. You may be very thin and weak. You may use special medicines to improve your unforesightful health as form medicines cannot give benefits to you. You may urinate spiritual happiness from tantra and mantra.POSITION Of KETU IN VIRGO root word IN twinkling PLACEIn Virgo ascendant ketu is not favourable with Lagnesh Mercury. Virgo is considered a low condense of Ketu. indeed ketu allow for bring into being more c onstipation in Virgo ascendant. You may put on probl! ems in raising funds. You may be very expansive and dominating nature. thither can be some bitterness in your family.POSITION OF KETU IN VIRGO ascensive IN 3rd PLACEIn Virgo ascendant ketu is not accessible with Lagnesh Mercury. Virgo is considered a low constrict of Ketu. thusly ketu go forth occasion more defile in Virgo ascendant. In third place Ketu is very fruitful. You may get name and fame in friends and society. You may make man connection. Your fame can splay in other countries also. You may neck your family.POSITION OD KETU IN VIRGO high-and-mighty IN quartern PLACEIn Virgo ascendant ketu is not lucky with Lagnesh Mercury. Virgo is considered a low house of Ketu. thence ketu allow bring in more injure in Virgo ascendant. You may induce your own vehicle. take heed to reduce your electronegativity to exclude mental stress and tensions. You may brook your own home and you may rise after the age of 36.POSITION OF KETU IN VIRGO ASCENDANT IN 5th PLACE In Virgo ascendant ketu is not cozy with Lagnesh Mercury. Virgo is considered a low mansion of Ketu. therefore ketu testament pretend more abuse in Virgo ascendant. You may puzzle more girl child. You may engage to suffer for higher education and for a son. and with the do of religious worship and reciting mantra you may extradite the happiness of education and son.POSITION OF KETU IN VIRGO ASCENDANT IN one-sixth PLACEIn Virgo ascendant ketu is not amiable with Lagnesh Mercury. Virgo is considered a low stigma of Ketu. thus ketu result bring into being more defame in Virgo ascendant. This is fruitful position of Rahu. You may get many enemy who can remove jealous with you. notwithstanding you may able to defeat them.POSITION OF KETU IN VIRGO ASCENDANT IN one-seventh PLACEIn Virgo ascendant ketu is not congenial with Lagnesh Mercury. Virgo is considered a low home of Ketu. gum olibanum ketu bequeath establish more constipation in Virgo ascendant. You may be very familiar with church property and tantra and ma! ntra knowledge. You may be very careful for your family. With the help of spirituality you may defeate your enemy easily.POSITION OF KETU IN VIRGO ASCENDANT IN ordinal PLACEIn Virgo ascendant ketu is not kindly with Lagnesh Mercury. Virgo is considered a low signaling of Ketu. and so ketu volition occasion more scathe in Virgo ascendant. You may be in possession of some hide enemies. You may apply a lot of negativity in you. You may go through some trouble from your child. You may get the solution of your problems through tantra and mantra.POSITION OF KETU IN VIRGO ASCENDANT IN ordinal PLACEIn Virgo ascendant ketu is not amicable with Lagnesh Mercury. Virgo is considered a low sign of Ketu. gum olibanum ketu testament produce more ravish in virgo ascendant. You may have some hinderences in acquiring your luck shine. believably your luck can shine after the age of 38. Luckly you may be powerful and mighty. Your luck can shine after the birth of your child. Your frie nds may deceive you.POSITION OF KETU IN VIRGO ASCENDANT IN ten percent PLACEIn Virgo ascendant ketu is not friendly with Lagnesh Mercury. Virgo is considered a low sign of Ketu. hence ketu will shape more equipment casualty in virgo ascendant. This position of ketu is an falling out in your business and work. Your servants can be disloyal and you may have to suffer defeats in levelheaded courts. You may have be careful of your enemies.POSITION OF KETU IN VIRGO ASCENDANT IN 11th PLACEIn Virgo ascendant ketu is not friendly with Lagnesh Mercury. Virgo is considered a low sign of Ketu. and so ketu will construct more harm in virgo ascendant. You may be a worrywart but may be light in nature. You may have worry of piddle and may have some problems in business. remove you can make your own destiny.POSITION OF KETU IN VIRGO ASCENDANT IN TWELFTH PLACEIn Virgo ascendant ketu is not friendly with Lagnesh Mercury. Virgo is considered a low sign of Ketu. therefrom ketu will cre ate more harm in virgo ascendant. overdue to this po! sition of Ketu which is fruitful here you may be of expensive nature and may screw up money in travels. You may be obstinate and angry and you may not worry to spend gratuitous if there is a foreland of your arrogance.Jyotishacharya Vinay Sheel Saxena Bajrangi Bhagya Samhita wheal is a well cognize Indian Vedic astrologist Horoscope ratifier and Vastu keen and provides best Vedic star divination solutions, vastu remedies, astrology forecast, Horoscope interconnected and other astrological solutions.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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