Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Have you ever wondered how pesky termites go timberland? We on the whole encounter. Termites live in symbiosis with a protozoan called Trichonympha. Trichonympha is an animal-like protistanan called a zooflagellete. Zooflagelletes move using a tail called flagella. Trichonympha has a shape similar to a teardrop. The protists live inside the catgut of termites, and their job is to break beat the jail cellulose found in the woodland termites ingest. This relationship is non only beneficial to the termites, further to the protozoans as well. So, how does this protist affect humans? Termites cause extremely dear(p) legal injury. In fact, The New York Times reported that termites cause single to two billion dollars worth of damage per year in the join States alone. Termites have been around for millions of years, but still no species attend to be competent to break down cellulose on their own. Termites that nosepiece all over world depend on their dependent relatio nship with the protist, Trichonympha, to break down cellulose. Cellulose is the most green organic compound on earth. Cellulose is found in wood and the cell walls of plants. Animals such as koalas, horses, and cows all digest cellulose as well, but none of them contain an enzyme to digest it by themselves. Cellulose is too indigestible by humans.
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Actually, Trichonympha cannot even produce cellulase without being in a dependent relationship. Cellulase is the enzyme that is used to break down the cellulose. Therefore, the symbiotic relationship between termites and Trichonympha allows both organisms to be able to gimmick cellulose into a usable food sourc! e. Without their symbiotic relationship, the organisms would not be nearly as functional as they are today. We have all upliftd the stories about the expensive damage that termites can cause, but just how harmful can their pernicious nature be? It is not an unusual occurrence to hear or demonstrate about termites completely destroying a house. For me, that is fair to middling to pass on eyebrows and be considered harmful....If you want to get a dear essay, modulate it on our website: BestEssayCheap.com

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