Thursday, October 31, 2019
The role of cellular pathology in the investigation of lymphoma Essay
The role of cellular pathology in the investigation of lymphoma - Essay Example A cytopathologist may perform a Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) in the case of smaller infected sites such as lymph nodes only. Following the diagnosis of the presence of the illness, the tissue samples are screened and examined under a microscope. To successfully treat lymphoma, it is vital to know what type of lymphoma is taking over the patients system. There are two types of lymphoma; in Hodgkin’s lymphoma, the lymphoma tumors invade the lymphatic system, overall weakening the sufferer. Hodgkin’s lymphoma is singled out by an even spread of infected cells (lymphocytes) over the body’s lymph nodes. It spreads from lymph node to the next, forming a gross and maybe a fatal cycle, rather similar to that of the plague, which is painful and unbearable for the victim. Hodgkin’s lymphoma is diagnosed by the appearance of Reed-Sternberg cells (different giant cells originally derived from B lymphocytes), seen under light microscopy of biopsies or NFAC’s. The other type of lymphoma is Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. It causes swelling of the infected lymph nodes, and its onset maybe aggressive (fast), or indolent (slow/gradual). Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma may occur at any age, and cause obsolete swellings about the body. Collection of fluid due to the diseased lymphatic system causes most of the swellings (with the exception Cellular/ Cyto pathology (basically means study of cells) is the branch of medicine which deals with the diagnosis of diseases. This practice was founded/ invented by Rudolf Virchow in 1858. As the name suggests, cells are primarily used to diagnose illnesses. The cells are obtained via biopsies or Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology – involves the sucking of cells from the diseased tissue by using a very fine needle/ syringe. Smears may also be used (such as the Pap smear – to diagnose cervical diseases), but only in complicated cases. These methods of extracting body cells for
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Empires of the Past Essay Example for Free
The Empires of the Past Essay The modern world is shaped by different cultures and beliefs that are rooted from the past. Moreover, most of the strategies and techniques used in architecture, policy making and trade are also handed down from former civilizations. The three most prominent empires that highly influenced modern day culture are the Roman, Gupta and Han empires. These empires rise and fall almost simultaneously while leaving behind a great legacy. Acquisition The Roman Empire (27 B. C. – 476 A. D. ) was acquired after years of civil wars. These wars resulted from the fall of the Roman Republic. It started when the Roman Senate designated Octavious as Agustus. Augustus succeeded in capturing the hearts of the populace. In the process, he successfully managed to end the civil wars across the Roman territory and unite them under one rule. The Gupta empire (320-550 A. D. ) proliferated in the Northern India. It started when different states become reunited under the Gupta’s influence. Furthermore, the empire extends through extensive military conquest to the surrounding states. Han Dynasty started during about 206 B. C until 220 A. D. Economic expansion had been the foremost strategy that expands Han’s territory. Although, they also established military supremacy. Like the Roman and Gupta Empire, the Han dynasty also worked towards to create a united China. Rule The Roman Empire tried to tolerate most of the religion in their territory; however, the government is somehow against Christianity. During the empire’s reign, the people experienced a wide divergence of cultures and beliefs. Arts, mathematics and literature where central to education. The Gupta Empire also invests on education of literature, mathematics and astronomy. They also tolerate different beliefs and tradition especially the prevalence of Hinduism and Buddhism. Han dynasty, while investing in trade and education, promotes philosophical structures of Taoism and Confucianism. They incorporate these traditions into their political and civil systems. All of the empires are believed to encompass the ‘golden age’ in each area. Roman Empire prospered during the Pax Romana. The Gupta Empire had been well-known during the time when trade was abundant in South Asia. Han dynasty reached new regions as it expand its territory and established the ‘Silk Road’ where most merchants enter and live China. Collapse The reign of the different empires started with the goal of reuniting or uniting the different states within and beyond their actual territories. Nonetheless, the expansion later led to lack of sufficient control. Although, bureaucracy was established in all empires, due to several differences, the populace revolts against the government. In the case of the Roman Empire, the fall of the empire was commonly attributed to the rise of Christianity and the economic problems during those years. The Gupta Empire was said to have declined after the invasion of the Huns which caused their trade to falter and raised tension among different regions. Han dynasty was believed to collapse due to corruptions among the officials of the government. Small farmers were mostly the victim of such corruption. Civil wars broke since the people were against the government. Conclusion The impact and legacy of the three different empires discussed are far-reaching. Christianity is still in existence and the prominence of Roman Culture is still significant as of today. Their tradition and heritage, as well as their rhetoric and arts are still studied in various schools and university. Architectures and political structure are highly scrutinized and admired. The regions acquired by the Gupta dynasty resemble most of modern day’s India. The culture and religion that exist before are still in existence. Han dynasty focuses on trade and commerce. These trade expertise and traditions are still adapted by Chinese after communism failed. Modern China has intermixed Taoism and Confucianism as a religion and a way of life. Works Cited Stearns, P. N. Documents in World History. 4th edition. Longman, 2005. Brummett, P. J. , Edgar, R. R. , Hackett, N. J. , Jewsbury, G. F. and Molony, B. S. Civilizations Past and Present Volume 1 to 1650. 11th edition. Longman, 2005.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Trade Union Increasing Of Their Membership Commerce Essay
Trade Union Increasing Of Their Membership Commerce Essay It is believed that employee relation is a relevant management activity if the organisation deals with trade unions. As Gennard and Judge (2005) explained in their book, trade unions are organised group of employees who consist wholly or mainly of workers of one or more description and whose principal purposes include the regulation of relations between workers and employers. The primary purpose of trade unions is to protect and enhance the living standards of their members. (Gennard and Judge, 2005) To achieve this objective, there are two main methods industrial and political. Industrial methods include the negotiation of agreements with employers and all that belongs to collective bargaining, grievance procedure, industrial action, use of third-party intervention, joint consultation. Political methods cover all types of union participation in the political process, including pressure group activities in relation to the UK government and the EU decision making bodies. Trade unions which traced from the eighteenth century have developed into a number of forms, influenced by differing political adjectives and activities of trade unions vary, but may include: provision of benefits to members, collective bargaining, industrial action and political activity. Although trade unions bring about lots of benefits to their members, there is a decline in trade union membership. This paper will discuss the question how trade unions can increase their membership. The questions will be answered from four aspects. It will be organise as follow: first it will talk about the partnership, second is the policy specifically to attract younger members, third is organising model, and last is the investment in exploring new information-based technology and communication systems. Also a conclusion will be writing at the last of this paper. Partnership Blair declared partnerships to be an essential part of developing a modern workplace that can produce goods and services of quality. It is part of the answer to the quest for economic success (Brown et al, 2001) Heery (2002) mentioned that social partnership is an imprecise term and in Britain carries a number of meanings and refers to a range of union activities. At European level, it can refer to union involvement in European Social Dialogue and the negotiation of framework agreements. At state level, it can refer to attempts to position the TUC as an authoritative partner in economic and social management. At economy level, it can refer to attempts to revive multi-employer collective bargaining. At company level, it can refer to the negotiation of distinctive partnership agreements between unions and management, which are intended to promote a new and more co-operative set of relations within the firm. Partnership agreements may reflect an exclusive principle of representation; they provide an element of security for union members in relatively good jobs through a policy of deliberate insecurity for others who are less likely to be unionised. Partnership above the level of the company may be oriented towards the broad regulation of the labour market, partnership agreements focus very much on the immediate employment-centred interests of union members. (Heery, 2002) These partnership agreements seek to address interests which have often been neglected by unions in the past. They have common feature like worker entitlement to training and development. Indeed, the Return to Learn partnership concluded by unison with public and voluntary sector employers are confined solely to issue of personal development (Munro and Rainbird, 2000). Partnership agreements seek to cultivate shared interests with employers and take the form of productivity coalition (Windolf, 1989), in which security, d evelopment and involvement ideally are exchanged for worker commitment and flexibility. Partnership brings many benefits such as training and development, and also makes the worker more flexible that employers and employees working under the voluntary rather than law. Partnership is built on principles and practices of shared commitment between the organisation and the people who work there. Partnership has brought benefits including greater disclosure of information, greater influence, inter-union co-operation and more local decision-making. It provides the opportunity for worker get training and develop their personal skills, increase workers involvement. In a word, there is a big potential of a move towards greater partnership with employers as a way of increasing trade union membership. Attract younger members Throughout Western Europe, trade union membership is declining. The average age of trade unionists is rising, and difference between trade unionists and young workers in perception, culture and identity are widening. If trade unions are tending to reverse the membership decline sustained since 1979, more young workers must be recruited. Sustained membership growth in trade union is facing two major challenges. The first challenge is to adapt their strategies and structures to the rapid growth and diversity of service-sector employment. The second challenge is demographic. Union membership in western industrial nations is ageing and tends to be concentrated in declining or slow-growth sector. As a result, it is vital that unions invent effective ways to recruit the next generation of workers. (Weil, 1994) A review of unionisation among young people in Western European showed that rates of unionisation among young people are lower than among their older counterparts and that the rate of unionisation for young people is declining more steeply than among older workers (Serrano Pascual and Waddington, 2000). It is argued that young workers attitudes towards trade unions are influenced by aspects as follow. First, family networks influence the unionisation of young workers. Young trade unionists were more likely to have parents who were, or had been, trade unionists. Second is the influence of some workplace characteristics and job histories on union membership. Young workers who often change employment rather than accumulate a stock of grievances in a single post are less likely to unionise (Waddington and Kerr, 2002). There are some actions can be introduced by trade unions to stem the sharp decline in unionisation among young people. First, reduce subscription rates for young trade unionists. In order to encourage higher rates of participation in union affairs and to foster contributions from young members on the development of union policy, many unions have set up youth or student sections. Second, launch campaigns on university campuses in an attempt to attract into membership students employed in McJobs, which is low pay, insecurity, unsocial hours and an absence of holiday or sick pay. Third, establish a presence at music festivals and similar events central to the culture of young people, to engage with potential young members. Fourth, establish the Organising Academy to train young people to recruit, amongst others, young workers, with the specific brief to extend union organisation into private-sector services. Organising model The trade union density is described as a product of five forces: macro-economic context, workforce composition, state policy, management strategy, and the recruitment activity of trade unions themselves (Metcalf, 1991). It is also argued that the fall in trade union membership was caused by inadequate investment or deficiencies in union recruitment activity much union recruitment has been unsystematic and reactive (Heery, 2000) (Kelly and Heery, 1994). While there is evidence of UK unions making an increased effort to recruit and organise new members, which has been informed by the organising model since the mid 1990s. (Heery, 2002) The concept of an organising model or organising approach is imprecise and embraces a number of principles and practise (Bronfenbrenner, 1998). Organising model tends to be used in two overlapping senses: First, it can refer to a model of union good practice which contributes to membership growth by re-building or extending organization at workplace level. Second, it represents an attempt to rediscover the social movement origins of labour, essentially by redefining the union as a mobilizing structure which seeks to simulate activism among its members and generate campaigns for workplace and wider social justice (Heery et al, 2000). Organising model includes some practices such as: reliance on targeted and planned organizing campaigns; the use of mapping techniques to research the target workforce and identify those likely to join; reliance on face-on-face recruitment, often in peoples homes and using like-to-like recruiters (Heery et al, 2000). Organising means the empowerment of workers, workers can resolve their own problems without recourse to external representation. The increasing investment by unions in organising leads to a recovery of union membership. Investment in technology and communication systems The union has invested little time or money in exploring new information-based technology and communication systems. The low cost of information, communication, and interaction on the web offers trade unions opportunities to improve services and attract members. The internet is the twenty-first centurys mode of mass communication, the logistic growth curve for internet usage making the internet one of the most rapidly adopted innovations ever. The use of web for workers and union members are very universal. It is believed that if unionists were not making extensive use of the internet, any study of the role of internet in the future of unions would be speculative or at least be limited to its impact. On the contrary, if unionists make wide use of the internet, then it has greater potential for the future of unions broadly. The internet offers unions some areas of opportunity: first, to present the union case various issues to the online population through provision of information; second, to communicate directly with union members or potential members through targeted electronic messages; third, to engage in interactive discourse with members or others by responding to queries and by online discussion forums. The uses of web by union members offer the opportunities for unions to use the new technology to improve their services to members and possibly attract new members, especially those young people. Because of younger union members are more likely to access the internet than older union members. The internet is also an inexpensive medium for communication. E-mails can be sent free to all members of the organization as well as one person to another. It makes union members easier to share information. Overall, by invest in technology and communication system such as internet and E-mail, unions can improve services to members and attract new members. Conclusion In conclude, the purpose of this paper is to discussed the question how trade unions can increase their membership. It answered the question from four sides were partnership, attract young members, organising model, and investment in technology and communication system. By looking at partnership, it is obvious that partnership has brought benefits including greater disclosure of information, greater influence, inter-union co-operation and more local decision-making. It is an effective way to recruit the next generation of workers for increase the membership of trade unions. Organising model had a success inform in unions making an increased effort to recruit and organise new members. It contributes to membership growth by re-building or extending organization. The last method to increase the membership of trade union is to investment in technology and communication system such as internet and e-mail in order to achieve the object of attract new members.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Class Struggle and Autonomy in the Communist Manifesto :: Karl Marx Communism Manifesto Essays
Class Struggle and Autonomy in the Communist Manifesto The University of Dayton emphasizes four humanities based themes to describe the essence of the human experience. Autonomy and responsibility, one of these four themes, is defined within the program as, â€Å"The individual person has the ability to make choices; with those choices comes a responsibility for the consequences of those choices.†[1] Although this definition fits well in modern American society since widespread autonomy has been granted by the Constitution to all citizens, Frederick Engels and Karl Marx observed quite a different human situation in the 19th century. The drastic increase in productive development characterized by the industrial revolution of the 19th century brought two major sociopolitical changes to Europe by the middle of the century. First, the industrial revolution gave rise to a middle class that would eventually become the driving political and economic force throughout Europe. Secondly, the industrial revolution demanded productive entities exploit the extensive influx of people into major urban areas in order to maintain competitive advantages and meet rising demand for European goods in domestic and foreign markets; such exploitation created an extensive urban social class that had no political power and little or none economic freedom. As these developments became more and more noticeable, Marx and Engels were prompted to write their now infamous Communist Manifesto in order to inspire what they believed as the inevitable downfall of capitalism and the bourgeoisie thus giving the proletariat something that both had stolen: their autonomy. To truly understand this concept an examination of the two major social classes in Europe at the time is critical. However, properly characterizing the bourgeoisie has been rather problematic for scholars. Pierre Proudhon defined the bourgeoisie as a â€Å"capitalistic aristocracy†who gained their wealth through little or no work.2 Nevertheless, many scholars like Michel Lhomme assert that the bourgeoisie is simply the social class that exists consisting of numerous facets between the landed aristocracy and the lower, working class. Ultimately, what seems to be true of the bourgeoisie is that it consisted of businessmen, professionals, and state officials that were united in ushering in the emergence of a middleclass 19th century society.3 These groups were connected because they shared a set of values that consisted of ideologies that embraced basic capitalistic ideals of economic expansion, increasing the standard of living, and augmenting the complexity of society as a whole; therefore, they were united in their defiance against the traditional, static society where production was limited to habitual consumption and business organizations remained monotonous.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Teenagers & Unprotected Sex
Shavado Smith English 017 Teenagers & Unprotected Sex In a hyper-sexualized society that continues to thrive as each day passes, the thought of unprotected sex has lost the shock value it once possessed. It is now considered normal to hear teenagers bragging about not only their conquests but the unprotected sex they are having. â€Å"She let me go in raw†or â€Å"I told him not to use a condom†are just a couple of the phrases one can hear when listening to these conversations.Unprotected sex as it relates to teenagers has become a big problem in the world today for two main reasons which are lack of education and lack of concern. Many are simply unaware of all the choices available in regards to protection for safe sex. There are vast options for both males and females that allow them to engage in healthy, safe sex. As a result of unprotected sex, there are increasing numbers of unplanned pregnancies and increased frequenc y of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among teenagers.Lack of education is the primary cause of unprotected sex among teenagers. Not receiving adequate education can be the fault of both the parents and the individual. Teenagers often receive flawed information about safe sex from popular culture and their peers but almost always never from credible sources such as their parents, or the counseling department of their school. These misguided, ignorant teens then make poor decisions that can have detrimental, long-lasting effects on their lives.I have a friend who became a mother at the tender age of 17 because she was having unprotected sex; the reason she was having unprotected sex was because she thought that the â€Å"pull out†method (which is when the male ‘pulls out’ out of the vagina before ejaculation) would work. She was unaware to the fact that no doctor considers this method to be very effective because semen can leak out of the tip of the penis. Consequently, her decision to have unprotected sex led to her having to unnecessarily take on an adult responsibility.Another factor that results in unprotected sex is unpreparedness; some teenagers are aware of unprotected sex, its lethal effects and what should be done to avoid these effects but do not take the necessary steps to avoid these problems. Sometimes it is because they are irresponsible, but it can also occur when they act in the moment and take a chance, risking their lives and that of their partner. Statistics have proven that more than half of sexually active teenagers have participated in sexual activity even though they were unprepared to have safe sex.Nonchalance towards this serious matter is a reason why so many teenagers are not being responsible and having safe sex. The predominant effects of unprotected sex by teenagers are unplanned pregnancies and an increased risk of being a victim of a sexually transmitted disease. An unplanned pregnancy has an explicit correlation to unprotected sex. According to an article Teenhelp. com statistics show that our ‘neighbor’, the United States of America, has approximately 820,000 teenagers become pregnant each year with 80% of them being unintended pregnancies.In simpler terms, a little over 650,000 pregnancies are unplanned, a direct result of unprotected sex(Author Unknown). Another effect of unprotected sex is the increase number of cases with sexually transmitted diseases. Failure to have safe sex can leaves teenagers prone to STDs such as gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis. Unfortunately, some can even contract the deadly human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) which causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Many teenagers escape this horrible fate but come into contact with at least one STD if they are having unprotected sex.Furthermore, contrary to popular belief, STDs can be contracted without penetration of the vagina by the penis. T his fact lends to the cause of unprotected sex which is ignorance. Many teenagers are unaware of this fact and believe that they cannot contract STDs through other types of sex such oral or anal, however this not true. STDs can be transmitted through sexual activity that involves the vagina, the penis, the anus and the mouth. It is clear that there are direct correlations between the causes and effects of unprotected sex among teenagers.Statistics, professional opinion and personal experience all support this statement. Teenagers who lack proper sexual education are more likely to experience these effects than those who are educated. The same applies for teenagers who are more concerned about their sexual well-being; if they take the necessary steps to ensure they always have safe sex or at the very least, limit the number of times they have unprotected sex, their chances of experiencing the effects of unprotected sex are decreased.It is my belief that failure to expose teenagers to more sex education in schools and at home will only compound the current problem. Teenagers should be comfortable to ask sex-related questions because sexual intercourse is a natural occurrence that can be wonderful and have no repercussions when handled properly and maturely. Unprotected sex among teenagers is an epidemic that is becoming a global problem. There is not a country that is not dealing with teenagers becoming not only sexually active at a young age, but also being uneducated and unprepared.The causes and effects of unprotected sex among teenagers is a problem that must be dealt with and swiftly! When will we begin to take this on growing pandemonium seriously? We currently have an abundance of adolescents and pre-teens that are having unprotected sex and becoming mothers/fathers and/or being infected from STDs? I can only hope that the causes of unprotected sex among teenagers are taken more seriously and precautions are taken so that one day we will be able to live in a world free of â€Å"mistakes†which is in correlation with unplanned pregnancies and contracting STI’s.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Ttanic essays
Ttanic essays This would be probably be one of the most inspiring movie I have ever seen defiantly the best drama. The storyline is terrific nothing that you want to see is silenced, its difinatally for an attempt to capture the true fear on the night of the disaster. It give you a great feeling for both Jack and Rose; rose for being a poor little rich girl that is doom to live a life with a man that she doesnt love and a society that is something that she would rather be without, Jack that has fallen in love with a girl that is in a different class that he could never be accepted in. It is clear that in the movie that we are meant to feel like the ship is the grandest structure made the ship is talked highly about by all the characters of the higher class except rose witch is he first line that she said that indicated from the start that she would be a rebel. The attention to detail like the staircase the dining room maid the ship look like it could accommodate the finest. We were positioned to have a soft spot for jack because he hade good morals he did not act like rose was too good for him he just acted like himself and was happy with his life we were maid to see that rose and jack had a great love affair dispite the social differences. The movie totally made the jack the good guy with his down to earth attitude, and sort of went against Mr Hartley, not so bad at the start but towards the end you see how he totally disregards roses wishes. You really notice it jack is a poor street bum that was supposed to look I at the snake pit with the spoons and the caviar and that stuff. He is so trustworthy as well he seems like he would not get in arguments to make it even better when Mr Hartley started chasing them he did not do the Bruce Willace thing and whoop his ass he ran which made the movie much more about the fact of the Titanic being a great disaster not making the movie an action. ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
How to Do a Tombstone Rubbing
How to Do a Tombstone Rubbing Tombstone rubbings are commonly used by family history researchers as a method for preserving a tombstones inscription. Learn how to do a grave rubbing safely, and when to use an alternative method of cemetery documentation. How to Do a Tombstone Rubbing Get permission. Check with the cemetery or with the state or local historical society to learn if tombstone rubbings are permissible. This practice has been banned in some areas and cemetery locations due to the damage it can cause.Be sure that the tombstone that you have chosen is sturdy and stable. Do NOT do a tombstone rubbing on any stone that is wobbly, flaking, chipping, crumbling or otherwise unstable. Take a photograph instead.If allowed, clean the tombstone with plain water and a soft bristle (natural or nylon) brush. Scrub the stone from the bottom up to avoid further streaking and staining. Flush well with water when you are done. Again, do not do this on a stone that is crumbling, chipping or flaking.Cut a piece of plain white paper, butcher paper, rice paper or Pellon interfacing material to a size slightly larger than the tombstone. You can obtain rice paper from art supply stores and Pellon from craft and fabric shops.Tape the paper or fabric to the graveston e. Make sure that it is secure so that it wont slide as you are rubbing and cause a blurred image, and that it ​covers the face of the stone completely so that you wont get marks on the tombstone when rubbing. If you have someone with you to assist, then you may prefer to have them hold the paper to avoid any possible damage from using tape. Using rubbing wax, a large crayon, charcoal, or chalk, gently start to rub along the outside edges of your paper or material, carefully working your way in. Or you may choose to begin at the top and work your way down the tombstone.Rub lightly to start with, and then apply more pressure to darken in the design if it suits you. Be very careful and gentle so as not to damage the tombstone.If you used chalk for your grave rubbing, then carefully spray the paper with a chalk spray such as Krylon. Hairspray is another alternative. Be very careful not to get any on the tombstone.When the rubbing is done, carefully remove it from the tombstone and trim the edges to suit your liking.If you used interfacing for your tombstone rubbing, then place the material face up on an ironing board with an old towel over it. Press down with a hot iron (dont use a back-and-forth motion) to permanently set the wax into the fabric. Tips for a Better Tombstone Rubbing Interfacing material is an especially good material for tombstone rubbings because it doesnt tear and folds without creasing for easy travel.Caught without supplies? In a pinch, you can use green leaves to do the rubbing as long as you can put your hands on some paper.Consider other methods of preserving the tombstone inscription such as photographs or foil casts as an alternative to the potentially damaging tombstone rubbing.Practice makes perfect! Before going to the cemetery, contact a local monuments store to see if you can practice rubbings on one of their tombstones.Check local laws before visiting the cemetery. Some countries dont even allow tombstones to be photographed without the permission of the cemetery keeper.Be sure to pick up any trash and leave the cemetery just as you found it.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Killer Angels of Gettysburg essays
The Killer Angels of Gettysburg essays The Killer Angels is a book about the battle at Gettysburg, a battle of the Civil War that changed it's very direction. The book is told from several points of views, going through each day and telling the stories of several officers present at the Battle of Gettysburg in the summer of 1863. The book describes their thoughts and actions in high detail and showing the reaction by the opposite confederate or union side. Before the book begins Michael gives background information on each character that shares a portion of each day. The Book begins with Bufords advancement to the hill top which soon becomes a defensive line when General Lee gets word that there are forces at Gettysburg he sends troops as leaders of northern Virginia supported by the Army of Potomac to attack creating the begging of the critical battle. The first day took place in three waves as troops from all around got word and headed to Gettysburg. It went back and forth on the first day as troops would arrive at different time the union was under a lot of pressure but maintained ground. On the second day, the Union maintained their position as the Confederate army attacked the defensive formations. Throughout the town of Gettysburg assaults where performed at Little Round Top, Devil's Den, Wheatfield(Bloody Wheatfield), Peach Orchard, Culp's Hill and Cemetery Hill. Both sides lost many men that caused significant changes. However, the Union was still persistent and held their positions. On July 3, the battle began again at Culp's Hill. The fronts had moved just outside of the town and were now to the east and south of the town. A critical event of this day was an Assault ordered by the confederates on the Union at Cemetery Ridge containing over 12,000 infantrymen. The Confederate army couldnt handle the pressure forced back and retreated to Virginia with several casualties. After an artillery attack, Lee raided the Union center on Cemetery Ridge. Th...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Global economic and marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Global economic and marketing - Essay Example 1.3 Decreasing the price of a commodity does not necessarily mean that a business establishment will realise profits. This is because there are other market forces such as competition that decide the price at which good and services are to be offered in the market. This being the case the management of the company should perform an assessment of the market in order to understand how various factors affect the price and demand of transport. After doing so the company will be well equipped to know to which level they should lower their prices in order to enjoy profits. Question two 2.1 One notices that changes in the income tax change in different ways from 2008 to 2013. This can be attributed to various factors that force the government to adopt taxation policies. For instance, when the government is running on a deficit budget then it is within reason that the government increases the income tax rate or tax band in order to increase its revenue. From the data provided one establishes the United Kingdom does not increase the tax rate but it increases the tax band. This is considered by various scholars as a good policy to adopt when allocate tax revenue especially in economic turmoil times. The tax system of the United Kingdom is designed in a manner in which those who earn minimum wages are charged lower taxes than those who earn higher amounts. For instance a person who earns 150,000 pounds is charged a higher tax rate when compared to one who earns 10, 000 pounds. This is so since the one earning above 150,000 falls under three different tax bands with three different tax rate each higher than the other. As a result their salary is deducted a considerable amount of their tax money. The United Kingdom government employs a tax system based on tax bands rather than increasing tax rates in order to ensure that low income earners are not deducted huge sums of money as income tax while at the same time the government continues to earn more revenue from those earnin g high incomes. In short, it is a good policy adopted since the latter complements the previous. 2.2 Income level 1 - ?10,000 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Personal allowance ?6,035 ?6,475 ?6,475 ?7,475 ?8,105 Income after reduction of personal allowance
Friday, October 18, 2019
The coursework focuses on the Airbus Industrie (Airbus), the civil Essay
The coursework focuses on the Airbus Industrie (Airbus), the civil aircraft manufacturer, jointly owned by BAe plc, and French, German and Spanish interest (t - Essay Example Airbus required an overall cost-cutting plan for travel management, an important target being to reduce the travel budget by at least 10%. To achieve that, Airbus decided to implement some new steps. Commercial jet aircraft is universally dependent on long-standing trends in airline passenger traffic. And this tendency can be explained by factors such as financial growth in developed and up-and-coming markets, political stability, profitability of the airline industry, and the globalization and consolidation of the industry. Other important factors are restrictions in air transport communications such as government and environmental regulations and air traffic control. Finally product development strategy and overall competition between manufacturers also impact the market. The industry is very demanding; it requires a long time to regain investments portrayed by long development cycles. It also requires a large base of skilled and experienced workers, high tech supporting industries and sophisticated and serious customers to flourish. Government involvement also plays a major role in determining the industry forces in various countries' industrial strategies and international t rade associations. Airbus strategies internationally operate in an environment shaped by three forces: the industrial constrictions of building modern aircraft, the demands of world and regional markets, and the configuration and objectives of the consortium itself. These factors map onto an integrated strategy analysis. The positional analysis for Airbus must focus on its status as the challenger to the dominant firm, on the consortium's peculiar organizational structure, and on the opportunities and constraints offered by its non-market context. One way of looking at Airbus's experience is as a continual series of disruptions aimed at creating openings for Airbus to enter markets dominated by well-established competitors, in particular, Boeing. These strategic moves have involved both market and non-market elements. The following lines summarize and assess the market and non-market key competitive strategies that Airbus industrie has engaged to establish itself in the crucial world market. 1. Widespread aircraft portfolio to assure the requirements of customer airlines across the board. Boeing is the best positioned with aircraft capacity ranging from 100 passengers (737-500) to 500 (747-400). Airbus had entered the market with small and medium sized carriers, but is fast catching up with the introduction of its four engine long haul A340 aircraft. 2. Pushing high technology, electronic fly by wire systems in order to reduce the number of pilots required-from three to two-and establish re-assigning easily from one type of plane to another, thus curtailing training time by developing the family concept. As an example, Airbus succeeded in achieving authorization from the FAA to have a single pool of pilots to operate its A320, A330 and A340 models. 3. Emerging resolution to pick up cost effective management of their planes, such as the general trend in migration to twin engine wide body planes, providing fuel efficiencies and quick reconfiguration of seating
Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Marketing - Assignment Example â€Å"Since Havaianas emerged from its reinvention strategy in 1994, sales have been growing by a steady 8 percent each year. In 2008 the company sold 184 million pairs of its now famous rubber sandal, 25 million of which were sold outside Brazil. Inside Brazil, the company has achieved the amazing brand penetration rate of 850 pairs sold per 1000 inhabitants†(Havaianas, n.d.). The efforts of the company to build the strong image of the brand internationally took them number years to attain. Thus, the emerging imitations of Havaianas somehow thwart the good image of the brand. The deception that these imitations are giving to the consumers makes them believe that they will get the same value of the product in buying an authentic one. This act does not only transpire stealing the brands name and image but it also harms the consumers as they are not getting the value for their money spent. Also, Havaianas might have an image of delivering poor product because of the existing fa ke brands. This ethical dilemma in Havaianas marketing is something that will not be easily controlled as there are a lot of players in the industry today that had been imitating products one after the other.
Class Dialogue Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Class Dialogue - Assignment Example Libreria Editrice Vaticana: Chapter I: #24-27; 36-39; 41-45. 6-10. Accessed online on June 8, 2014 from This source takes a look into evangelism and the role that Christ plays in evangelism. According to the source, Christ is proactive and loved humans first. Additionally, the source looks into the role played by patient and restraint on time. The relevance of this source to the topic at hand is that evangelism and the role played by Christ in showing love provides relevant perspectives for developing the current class dialogue. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. (n.d). Faithful Citizenship: A Catholic Call to Political Responsibility. Accessed June 8, 2014 from As citizens, American are controlled by policies that aim to maintain law and order within the society. As faithful Christians, Catholics demand that citizenship and faith should integrate provided that the church is free to carry out its mission without interruptions from policies that watch over humans. The relevance of this source to the current topic is providing insight on how, Christians should show love to other people, maintain their faith as Catholics, and function under national policies (the constitution). This quote is of special interest as it points out that the relevance of documents is slowly deteriorating and interest in following up with administrative doctrines has been deemed insufficient. This quote raises the question of what more is needed to regulate the outcomes of choices. In 2013, the USA was in the news headlines for the wrong reason. With the efforts to control or monitor terror, a spy program called Prism was developed to intercept communication of various citizens. This program would
Thursday, October 17, 2019
A Cultural Geography of Childhood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
A Cultural Geography of Childhood - Essay Example Several of these, the first portion or set of the collection, reflects an English child's experiences, and the second set are my global perspective of other children's culture, or perceived existence as may be influenced by media and other forms of information. All throughout this essay, I have incorporated texts from readings about childhood and culture.Photography is a form of art aided by technology that captures in one scene what could have been or what might happen, or exactly what is happening with the subject or subjects, in connection with the present background, at this point, his or her environment. This could either be perceived, apparent, or as interpreted by circumstantial evidence presented by the image which is called the photo. Through photography, various forms of messages, interpretations as well as representation of culture, tradition and practices are depicted. These representations embody existing as well as ideal forms of what should be or what can be, but in mo st cases, also depict what are prevalent in society. With photos of children, these depictions are quite difficult to mask or hide. Thus, they become iconographic, as is "truth" at the moment. There had been moments in time that "childhood" according to Aries (1962) did not exist as in the middle ages, although this has been criticised as inaccurate (Hanawalt, 1995) where children were controlled and restrained. Aries went on to describe children as "little adults" although modern researches also pointed out that there had been separation of a "child" and "adult" starting in medieval Europe, of which, occurrences must have ignited these change. This essay, nevertheless, will progress with modern studies that have careful consideration of how children interact with adults and the factors that affect or shape children's general views as well as their present state. First Set I have an ordinary, normal childhood experience in the United Kingdom. I stayed around at the house for most of my early memories of childhood and my mum and dad served as big people that have to look after me and my needs. I have chosen this first set to depict, what for me is a "normal" childhood. Normal in the sense that there were no extraordinary occurrences such as physical or mental abuse, early detachment of a child to his or her parents, disability experiences, among other life-changing courses. This first photo depicts a toddler and her dad in formal outfit: he in tuxedo and the baby girl in chiffon dress. At the viewpoint of ordinary audience or watcher, this was taken during a special occasion, and it could be a wedding, a church or holy day, or any event that prompts the family, which is the mother, the father and the child, or children, to dress up and join a congregation, a community, or family gathering. (1ST PHOTO/Father & TODDLER) This second photo depicts a pre-school or day care child with his buddy. They are both of about the same age range between 3-5 years old and are in the stage of discovering friendship or comradeship, as well as belonging and acceptance. Considering their skin and hair colour, as well as their outfit, both children belong to a middle class or well-off family and society. This could mean their basic needs were well-taken cared off, and with the smile and facial glow of the blond child, he appears to be contented and secured, while the other child seem to have been influenced a little with the happiness or enthusiasm
Security Monitoring Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Security Monitoring - Research Paper Example The greatest business threat to business infrastructure may not be in the form of an attack but may well be from an internal attack. In order to have a good security system they have to have a durable and large storage infrastructure. Multiple devices are used to reduce redundantly across the various facilities. Most organization uses PUT AND CUT operations in order to guarantee durability. Applications found in internal I.T include payroll, inventory, Human resource and general ledger, while other ecommerce applications are internet sales and marketing application. Storage infrastructures are vastly sturdy, and most organizations use Amazon S3. Sturdiness objects sustained via quick mending and detection of any redundancy which has been lost. For example, Amazon web services uses Amazon S3 to provide both levels, with evasions which only allows authorized access by the bucket control list. Access control list together with the bucket a control delete and gives permission to penetrat e in certain levels. Thus, the client sustains full control in regards to who have the capability to access their data, enabling them to carry out vital actions the minute a risk is identified. ... This certification gives the declaration that AWS has set up enough controls, which operate efficiently. This helps to authenticate the obligation to provide a world class cloud computing which is secure to both internal and ecommerce I.T applications. However the platforms allow the set up solutions which meet certain requirements for particular organizations. Data has to be transferred; most organizations store their data in an elastic Block store in various physical locations as part of services with no extra charge. Organization use simple database to prevent unauthorized access. The domain level controls which are provided by a simple database APIs which only allow an access which has been authorized by the domain creator. In order to have access to the database the data has to be controlled by the client (Martin p 246). All subscribe have full access of the system once she/he is authenticated a self-regulating access control listing which maps the domain to their respective to user controls. Encrypting data before sending it is another method used by the organization to safeguard data which is sensitive. In order, to save data from internal applications and other ecommerce applications, I would suggest that internal applications should operate in different databases to ensure that they do not share the same database. This will safeguard internal data against the third party, using firewalls would assist in preventing penetrates and hackers form organizations database. The rationale behind security in Internal and external applications is to have all the data secured and also ensure that clients who purchase goods online conduct secured transactions. In conclusion, web services are created to achieve set designs, which entails
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Class Dialogue Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Class Dialogue - Assignment Example Libreria Editrice Vaticana: Chapter I: #24-27; 36-39; 41-45. 6-10. Accessed online on June 8, 2014 from This source takes a look into evangelism and the role that Christ plays in evangelism. According to the source, Christ is proactive and loved humans first. Additionally, the source looks into the role played by patient and restraint on time. The relevance of this source to the topic at hand is that evangelism and the role played by Christ in showing love provides relevant perspectives for developing the current class dialogue. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. (n.d). Faithful Citizenship: A Catholic Call to Political Responsibility. Accessed June 8, 2014 from As citizens, American are controlled by policies that aim to maintain law and order within the society. As faithful Christians, Catholics demand that citizenship and faith should integrate provided that the church is free to carry out its mission without interruptions from policies that watch over humans. The relevance of this source to the current topic is providing insight on how, Christians should show love to other people, maintain their faith as Catholics, and function under national policies (the constitution). This quote is of special interest as it points out that the relevance of documents is slowly deteriorating and interest in following up with administrative doctrines has been deemed insufficient. This quote raises the question of what more is needed to regulate the outcomes of choices. In 2013, the USA was in the news headlines for the wrong reason. With the efforts to control or monitor terror, a spy program called Prism was developed to intercept communication of various citizens. This program would
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Security Monitoring Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Security Monitoring - Research Paper Example The greatest business threat to business infrastructure may not be in the form of an attack but may well be from an internal attack. In order to have a good security system they have to have a durable and large storage infrastructure. Multiple devices are used to reduce redundantly across the various facilities. Most organization uses PUT AND CUT operations in order to guarantee durability. Applications found in internal I.T include payroll, inventory, Human resource and general ledger, while other ecommerce applications are internet sales and marketing application. Storage infrastructures are vastly sturdy, and most organizations use Amazon S3. Sturdiness objects sustained via quick mending and detection of any redundancy which has been lost. For example, Amazon web services uses Amazon S3 to provide both levels, with evasions which only allows authorized access by the bucket control list. Access control list together with the bucket a control delete and gives permission to penetrat e in certain levels. Thus, the client sustains full control in regards to who have the capability to access their data, enabling them to carry out vital actions the minute a risk is identified. ... This certification gives the declaration that AWS has set up enough controls, which operate efficiently. This helps to authenticate the obligation to provide a world class cloud computing which is secure to both internal and ecommerce I.T applications. However the platforms allow the set up solutions which meet certain requirements for particular organizations. Data has to be transferred; most organizations store their data in an elastic Block store in various physical locations as part of services with no extra charge. Organization use simple database to prevent unauthorized access. The domain level controls which are provided by a simple database APIs which only allow an access which has been authorized by the domain creator. In order to have access to the database the data has to be controlled by the client (Martin p 246). All subscribe have full access of the system once she/he is authenticated a self-regulating access control listing which maps the domain to their respective to user controls. Encrypting data before sending it is another method used by the organization to safeguard data which is sensitive. In order, to save data from internal applications and other ecommerce applications, I would suggest that internal applications should operate in different databases to ensure that they do not share the same database. This will safeguard internal data against the third party, using firewalls would assist in preventing penetrates and hackers form organizations database. The rationale behind security in Internal and external applications is to have all the data secured and also ensure that clients who purchase goods online conduct secured transactions. In conclusion, web services are created to achieve set designs, which entails
My Grandparents and me Essay Example for Free
My Grandparents and me Essay My parents are both busy that is why I grew up with my grandparents and because of this, I know my grandparents very well and most of all I love them so much. Unfortunately, my grandfather passed away two years ago and that time I went to Cambodia for community service. Before I left for Cambodia, he even promised me that he would fight his illness for him to be still alive until I come back. Then one day, as I was working hard to assist poor Cambodians, I got a phone call about his death. Right away, I booked a flight to be able to attend to his funeral. When I arrived there, I cannot help but be in pain as I saw my grandfather lying dead. For this assignment, I called my grandmother to ask a few questions. She was honest enough that she has some differences with my generation. First, since Korea was conquered by Japan for 36 years, she still speaks Japanese with her friends. In significantly, she has some Japanese culture mind such as Japanese are usually more conservative and traditional than most of Koreans. Second, my generation is more used to high technology and adventure. My grandmother has her cell phone, which is twice bigger than what I have and she still does not know how to use computer. My growing society and my grandparent’s society are totally different. I am earning the world’s best education in United States. But my grandparents were learning education while Korea was conquered by Japan. After independence from Japan, she also experienced difficulty from Korean War. She probably had the most difficult life than anyone else. He grew up in the poorest politics, society and economy. Her life is totally different than the life that I have. If I grew up in her generation, I will be really depressed and my life will always be in danger. As I compare my life with my grandmother, I can say that I more happy than her, and I am more blessed because I have not experienced such difficulties that she had especially during the times when Japan conquered Korea and the Korean War.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Jazz Age A Clash Of Cultural Values History Essay
Jazz Age A Clash Of Cultural Values History Essay Cultural civil war (Digital History), Symbolizes the era of the 1920s. Author F. Scott Fitzgerald labeled this decade the Jazz Age. In his novel, The Great Gatsby, he criticized the exterior and possessive lives of Americans after the war. The traditional lifestyles were fading away while the luxurious, party lifestyle flourished. Throughout the 1920s Americans continually tested the universal image of desired behavior. The decade was shaped by wealth, parties, moonshine, and sexually expressive dancing. The changing lifestyles developed major cultural conflicts within America. Alcohol, music, immigration, racism, and flappers of the 1920s illustrate the changing lifestyles brought about by the jazz age. During the 1920s, alcohol was the greatest contributor to the lifestyle changes and cultural conflicts. These changes eventually became noticed by the governing power, and on January 16, 1920 the 18th Amendment came into effect. The 18th Amendment, known as prohibition, was the forbidding by law of manufacture, transport, and sale of alcohol. Along with 18th Amendment, congress passed the Volstead Act to enforce the new prohibition on alcohol. The mob and gangsters took advantage of the opportunity and began smuggling and bootlegging liquor, and became quite profitable. Alcohol was smuggled in from Mexico and Canada, also being shipped from abroad to the U.S. from Europe and the Caribbean. Canada was exporting roughly a million gallons of alcohol to the United States a year. Bootleggers made their own drinks with wood, alcohol and medical supplies, sometimes causing blindness, paralysis, or death. In The Great Gatsby, and in the 1920s, bootlegging was sociably acceptable. In F. Scott Fitzgeralds novel, Nick comments on Gatsbys house after his huge party, telling him that his house party glowed immensely like the worlds fair (Fitzgerald 86). All of Gatsbys guests knew he was involved with organized crime, but yet seemed to attend all of his parties without hesitation. Because of the Prohibition law, Gangsters developed secret drinking establishments, Speakeasies; which provided an entertaining atmosphere, jazz music, food, and alcohol. The illegal bars were called speakeasies because you had to speak the password to enter. With the flood of liquor expanding, the government created the Prohibition Bureau, which always fell short of men and money. The mob, due to the amount of money they were making, were able to expand their influence on bribe public officials; many judges, law makers, police, and Prohibition Bureau members were on various crime organizations payrolls. Alphonse Scarface Capone was one of the famous bribers of the Jazz Age. Capone essentially owne d Chicago, and in 1927 he made around $60 million by bootlegging. In the End, The idea behind Prohibition was to reduce crime and poverty, and generally improve the quality of life in America-by making it impossible for people to get their hands on alcohol. But this so called Nobel Experiment was a colossal failure (Speakeasies, Flappers Red Hot Jazz: Music of the Prohibition). Lasting roughly thirteen years, Prohibition ended with the ratification of the 21st Amendment, on December 5, 1933, legalizing alcohol. In addition to alcohol parents, teachers, and pastors blamed the lifestyle changes on the musical changes of the Jazz age. The Harlem Renaissance was a movement where black authors, musicians, and artists show cased the talent that African Americans had to offer, marked the beginning of the musical changes. It was F. Scott Fitzgerald who called the 1920s the Jazz Age, but it was the African Americans who gave the era its jazz. Jazz is a musical form, native to the United States, creatively mixing different forms of music, including African American blues and rag time, and European-based popular music. As slaves African Americans learned few European cultural traditions. Becoming popular in the late 1920s, jazz was very addictive to people because of its unusual beat and rhythm. In The Great Gatsby, when Nick, Daisy, and Tom are walking to their car, Daisy is drawn back inside by the music, tuning all other surrounding sounds out (Fitzgerald 115). Jazz was so distinct it didnt just sp read among the U.S., but around the world. Some of Jazzs most famous artists within the 1920s were Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, and Louis Armstrong. Jazz along with the beat and rhythm developed new dance styles, such as the Charleston, becoming so popular that it still symbols the Jazz Age. Along with Jazz, other musical forms and changes emerged, such as Blues, Hillbilly, and boogie woogie music. Of the 1920s, Bessie Smith was the best and most influential classic blues singer. Hillbilly music, also known as country music, was best represented by musician Jimmie Rodgers. Pianist Cow Cow Davenport developed the trademark tune cow cow blues, giving life to boogie woogie piano style. The Roaring twenties, known as the Jazz age because of Jazzs unusual beat and rhythm, became the most popular music of the era. The invention of the radio drew the nation together by bringing news, entertainment, and advertisements to more than 10 million households by 1929 (The Formation of Modern Ameri can Mass Culture). The newly invented radio contributed to the flourishing of jazz, and gained widespread appeal during the decade, even among the whites. Another Contributor to the lifestyle changes in the 1920s was immigration. 4,107,209 immigrants immigrated into the United States from 1921 to 1930. Immigrants brought along their lifestyles and culture; thus forming a culture clash. This is exampled in The Great Gatsby when those from the Midwest Nick Carraway were fair, honest, and straight forward, while those living in the East for sometime Tom and Daisy Buchanan were unfair, corrupt, and materialistic. Many immigrated to America hoping for the American Dream, social advancement, freedom, and endless opportunities. Main issue with immigration was the competition for jobs. In 1921 a quota system for immigrants was developed by congress. A quota system is an arrangement that limited the number of immigrants who could enter the U.S. from specific countries. In 1924 the National Origins Act, states that the number of immigrants of a given nationality each year could not exceed 2% of the number of people of that nationality living in the United States in 1890. By the middle of the 1920s one out of every four people was an immigrant. The Quota Law of 1924 and 1929 act limited the number of immigrants to 150,000 to be distributed among people of various nationalities in proportion to the umber of their compatriots already in the United States in 1920. Many Americans viewed these immigrants as a threat to American religious and social values, as well as economic opportunities. Due to the number of immigrants, racism peeked during the 1920s. The Ku Klux Klan, a hate group, reached nearly 4-5 million members in the 1920s, spreading throughout the U.S. The KKK aimed at killing non-whites and other religious groups, harassed and promoted hatred towards African Americans, but also aimed at the new America forming within the cities. They targeted Jews, Catholics, and immigrants. One center of Klan strength was Indiana, where leader David Stephenson was strict and controlled few politicians. In the darkness of night the KKK burned crosses, boycotted business owned by Jewish, Catholics, and Africans, terrorizing the citizens. The Klan wore masks to conceal their identities, waved flags and preached hate. Famous leaders of the Klan during this era include Grand Dragon and Imperial Wizard. Behind the hard, hateful exterior, were just Americans fearful of change. Flappers, directly illustrate the changing lifestyles and cultural battles within the Jazz Age. Many of the young unmarried women of the twenties rebelled against the conventional patterns of behavior and became known as flappers. Flappers often cut their hair short, wore it in a bob, and wore short straight dresses that would flap around when they would dance. Flappers flaunted their independence from parents by going away to college or moving to the city. They also abandoned social taboos that said women shouldnt drink, smoke or become sexually active. Daisy and Myrtle from The Great Gatsby embody the flapper image by drinking and their party lifestyles. Both of them also cheated on their husbands, having love for more than one man. Flappers were known to hang out in speakeasies and night clubs where they danced with bear arms and legs flying. Flappers flaunted their sexuality; this marked the 1920s individuality of the modern woman. The 1920s was a decade of deep cultural conflict (The 1920s An Overview). The cultural conflicts of the twenties were between a more metropolitan culture, and a more traditional culture. Americans were no longer interested in politics, but entertainment. Because the 1920s produced a breed of artists, musicians, and writers, who were among the most ingenious and clever in American history, the 1920s developed into one of the most crucial periods in the countries cultural history (The Formation of Modern American Mass Culture). Author F. Scott Fitzgerald called the 1920s the Jazz Age and the decade was truly was Jazzs golden age. The stock market crash of 1929 signaled the end of the party. The roaring 20s came to a close in economic chaos and the lighthearted atmosphere of the Prohibition era fizzled out with the end of the decade (Roaring Twenties). The changing lifestyles brought about by the 1920s Jazz Age was embodied by alcohol, music, immigration, racism, and flappers.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Bennet on Religion :: essays research papers
     Bennett sets up an unsettling depiction of today’s society. However, it seems as though he is merely trying to draw pathos out of readers. He mentions the most heinous crimes, and extreme situations and attempts to pass it off as a normal occurrence in society. He states over and over that â€Å"something has gone wrong with us.†Though some of the situations he speaks of are accepted as socially deviant but most all of society, some of it is extremely relative. He speaks a great deal on out of wedlock births. And further, he goes onto to include them in a list of things that â€Å"are not good to get use to.†To some people, out of wedlock births are not a horrible things. It is common for single women to want to have a child before they are no longer able to. He loses some ethos when he attacks this perspective, especially being that this viewpoint is becoming more and more accepted. Also, he speaks a great deal about our low achievement sc ores on the secondary education level, but fails to mention how our educational institutions are set up differently than other countries. For example, we, by law, require all minors to attend school, where as many other countries do not, and only educate the more intelligent students. Equal education oppurtunities cannot be a bad thing, or credited to social regression. Bennett also lays a great deal of blame on the media. He makes the transition from Bach and Buddy Holly to Guns ‘n’ Roses and 2 Live Crew. However, he left out nearly two decades of music which, in essence had the same types of messages as these two examples. He does not note any â€Å"social regression†during this era, so it seems to be an indirect correlation between social deviance and music.      Bennett offers the solution of bringing religion back to educational institutes. He states that â€Å"we must have public policies that once again make the connection between our deepest beliefs and our legislative agenda.†It is unfair to assume that the morality set up by the ten commandments in the Bible is even an accurate distinction between what is and is not moral.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Caring for An Angina Patient Essay -- Nursing Essays
Nurses play a very important role in managing a patient from the moment of his admission up to making a discharge plan. Each part of the nursing process is vital to the wellbeing of the person he is taking care of. Clinical reasoning is always essential in each part of the nursing process from assessment, setting up goals and intervention. Effective nursing management is done when a nurse looks for the early and right cues at the right patient and implementing it at the right time. This essay will delve deeper into the case of Rob Geis, a patient who was suffering from angina, given his history and the signs and symptoms he experienced up to the time when his condition worsened to Myocardial Infarction. This essay will also look into how the nurse should provide effective nursing care to the patient with this condition. Etiology and Pathophysiology of Angina Angina is pain felt in the chest area as a result of lack of inadequate supply to the myocardium (Better Health Channel, 2013) Atherosclerosis or the hardening and narrowing of arteries caused by the build-up of plaques, the insufficient supply of oxygen and its increasing demand are some of the factors that can cause ischemia in the myocardium (Lewis et al., 2012). When there is a total blockage of the coronary arteries for a few minutes, the myocardium cannot receive oxygen and glucose for aerobic metabolism thus anaerobic metabolism occurs (Lewis et al., 2012). The lactic acid builds up and stimulates the nerve fibres in the myocardium resulting to chest pain (Lewis et al., 2012). The cells are repaired and the aerobic metabolism and the contractility of the arteries are restored when there is return of blood flow (Lewis et al., 2012) Subjective and Objectiv... ....). New South Wales: Elsevier Australia. MedlinePlus. (2010). Atenolol. Retrieved April 4, 2014, from Rull, G. (2011). Cardiogenic Shock. Retrieved April, 2014, from Smeltzer, S., Bare, B., Farrell, M., & Dempsey, J. (2011). Smeltzer & Bare's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (2nd Australian and New Zealand edition ed. Vol. 1): Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Pty Ltd. WebMD. (2012). Electrocardiogram. Retrieved April 1, 2014, from Williams, B. R., Lewis, D. R., Burgio, K. L., & Goode, P. S. (2012). Next-of-Kin's Perceptions of How Hospital Nursing Staff Support Family Presence Before, During, and After the Death of a Loved One. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, 14(8), 541-550. Caring for An Angina Patient Essay -- Nursing Essays Nurses play a very important role in managing a patient from the moment of his admission up to making a discharge plan. Each part of the nursing process is vital to the wellbeing of the person he is taking care of. Clinical reasoning is always essential in each part of the nursing process from assessment, setting up goals and intervention. Effective nursing management is done when a nurse looks for the early and right cues at the right patient and implementing it at the right time. This essay will delve deeper into the case of Rob Geis, a patient who was suffering from angina, given his history and the signs and symptoms he experienced up to the time when his condition worsened to Myocardial Infarction. This essay will also look into how the nurse should provide effective nursing care to the patient with this condition. Etiology and Pathophysiology of Angina Angina is pain felt in the chest area as a result of lack of inadequate supply to the myocardium (Better Health Channel, 2013) Atherosclerosis or the hardening and narrowing of arteries caused by the build-up of plaques, the insufficient supply of oxygen and its increasing demand are some of the factors that can cause ischemia in the myocardium (Lewis et al., 2012). When there is a total blockage of the coronary arteries for a few minutes, the myocardium cannot receive oxygen and glucose for aerobic metabolism thus anaerobic metabolism occurs (Lewis et al., 2012). The lactic acid builds up and stimulates the nerve fibres in the myocardium resulting to chest pain (Lewis et al., 2012). The cells are repaired and the aerobic metabolism and the contractility of the arteries are restored when there is return of blood flow (Lewis et al., 2012) Subjective and Objectiv... ....). New South Wales: Elsevier Australia. MedlinePlus. (2010). Atenolol. Retrieved April 4, 2014, from Rull, G. (2011). Cardiogenic Shock. Retrieved April, 2014, from Smeltzer, S., Bare, B., Farrell, M., & Dempsey, J. (2011). Smeltzer & Bare's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (2nd Australian and New Zealand edition ed. Vol. 1): Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Pty Ltd. WebMD. (2012). Electrocardiogram. Retrieved April 1, 2014, from Williams, B. R., Lewis, D. R., Burgio, K. L., & Goode, P. S. (2012). Next-of-Kin's Perceptions of How Hospital Nursing Staff Support Family Presence Before, During, and After the Death of a Loved One. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, 14(8), 541-550.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Explain and Evaluate Two Approaches to Explaining Moral Development Essay
Moral development is what we consider to be right, wrong, good or bad. It is developed from infancy through to adulthood and is the principles we use to determine what is right or wrong, fair or unfair. Each individual has their own understanding of what morality is, however generally this is determined largely by the culture or society we live in and the rules that we conform to within this society. In psychology there are many theories around the beliefs of moral development, and how morality is developed from childhood to adulthood. The reason for the different theories is due to the methods, ways of study adopted by the psychologists to study human behaviour. These theories allow us to compare and gives us the opportunity to take into consideration all views and ideas and not to settle for just one argument or approach around this subject. ( The aim of this assignment is look at the two different approaches to moral development, firstly the cognitive explanation to moral development by Jean Piaget. Then moving on to the social learning theory, and Bandura’s contribution to how morality develops. Criticisms of these theories will be discussed and evaluations based on the two studies will be made. Piaget was the first psychologist to study cognitive development in children. His work dates back to 1932 and his findings stated that morality develops through childhood and adolescence. He believed that children pass through different levels of morality according to their cognitive development. Piaget conducted a number of experiments and from these tests concluded that children up to the age of three or four could not make moral judgements as they were not able to understand rules at this age. He stated, if the children were unable to understand the rules and that they were breaking then they were unable to make moral judgements. He believed that once children could understand the rules, and that they were breaking them then this was the age that moral development began. From his research, this started at the age of about eight years old. Woods B, (2004 pg.72) Piaget believed that moral development in children of this age takes place in two stages. Stage one- heterononmous morality described as morality imposed from outside. This is when children see the rules as been made by parents, teachers or God and that they are unchangeable. Morality at this stage is based on moral punishment, you do something wrong and you will be punished. This stage is described by Piaget as the pre-operational stage of development where the child is only able to make his judgement based on the consequence of the action. The second stage- Autonomous morality described as morality which is based on the child’s own rules is apparent when the child is able to decentre and distinguish the intent behind the action along with the consequence of the action. It is the stage at which children are able to understand that rules are flexible to change and according to the situation. Woods B, (2004 pg.72) From Piagets experiments he was able to conclude that morality is based on the amount of cognitive development, how intelligent one is. The strengths of Piaget’s theory are that whilst conducting his experiments he did focus on children alone as learners. He contributed hugely to our understanding of education and believed that this was the key to saving our society. Piaget’s moral theory was described by his experiment with children that involved rules whilst playing a game of marbles. Children under the age of five showed they had no rules, children aged between ages 5-10 saw the rules as fixed and children 10 and above realised the rules and also adopted them by mutual consent. Moral dilemmas were also presented to children by Piaget to develop his theory further. He gave children a pair of stories where there first child deliberately caused a small amount of damage due to his actions. The second child caused much more damage but his actions were a result of an accident. Piaget asked the children to describe which character deserved to be punished in his attempt to understand children’s reasoning in their answers. His conclusion from his experiment was that younger children focused more on consequences, whilst the older ones took into consideration intent. From Piaget’s theory we have a greater understanding on the influence of mental processes on behaviour, we have greater understanding on perception and thinking. Along with the above, Piagets theory has had practical benefits such learning skills to improve memory and improving problem solving skills. Dwyer D & Charles C (2006 pg318) Both of the above experiments have been criticised. Other theorists have claimed that games of marbles do not represent a child’s entire perception of morality. Piaget’s use of moral dilemmas has also been criticised. It has been claimed that younger children only focused on consequences because the story was narrated, however the results may not have been the same if the stories were watched on video. Younger children may have been better able to consider intentions if they were. Other theorists conducting similar research found that, although younger children had some conception of intent, they still preferred to judge in terms of consequences because they found this easier. Piaget’s theory has also been criticised to be culture specific. It has been said that it is based on moral universals. It has been claimed that the moral development of children in non western cultures may differ from that of the children Piaget investigated. ( Piaget%2527s+theory+of+moral+development) Critics of Piaget’s theory have also stated that his research was not very scientific, that his findings were biased as he worked alone. Researchers conducting scientific experiments need to have two or more observers; Piaget observed and noted his findings alone. He was criticised for making generalisations with his findings by being culture specific and not taking into account background, tradition and upbringing of each child. An example of this is using clinical interviews to study the thinking of children. His sample size was criticised for being too small and did not give much consideration to social understanding. Due to all the criticisms above regarding Piagets work we can evaluate his theory as weak hence leading to errors in his conclusions. Haralambos M & Rice D. (pg 522). Social learning theory approach to moral development is based on the idea that moral development happens as a result of observing and imitation. Albert Bandura 1977 studied this concept and came up with findings that concluded that children learn through recognition, reward and punishment. Social learning theorist, focus particularly on observational learning, imitation, recognition and reward. Woods B, (2004 pg. 126) Bandura conducted a number of experiments observing children’s behaviour towards an inflatable doll also called a Bobo doll. The children were separated into groups and the first watched an adult behaving aggressively towards this blown up inflatable doll. This was the aggressive model conditioning. The second group of children, the adult played with the other toys and was the non aggressive model condition. Along with a control group, which included children from the group who had witnessed an adult being violent and aggressive towards the Bobo doll. This group was then left in a room with a number of toys but not allowed to play with them in an attempt to build up the children’s frustration. The children were later left in a room and results were noted. The children who witnessed the adult being aggressive towards the Bobo doll imitated this behaviour and those from the non aggressive model displayed lower levels of aggression and violence, hence showing that children learn through imitation. ( Bandura also believed that children learn from their social environment, this he believed provides models of behaviour and expectations of appropriate behaviour. He believed that children learn through observation, imitation and reinforcement which are all closely linked. Woods B, (2004 pg. 126) Along with Piaget’s theory, Bandura’s theory also has its criticisms. Bandura’s social learning theory takes into consideration cognitive learning but concentrates more upon the idea that morality is developed through positive reinforcement, imitation and the social environment. Woods B, (2004 pg. 71) When evaluating Bandura’s, experiment in attempt to understanding moral development, it is important to point out that the experiments were conducted in a laboratory and hence the results may not be true in the real world. Critics have also pointed out that there may be selection bias as the children in the experiment were all from the same socio economic background, making the results invalid and not true to society. The long term effect of this experiment is not known as the results were noted immediately, and the reality is very different to an experiment. Even though the children displayed violent behaviour towards the doll this does not prove that they would be violent towards another person. The children could also have demonstrated this behaviour to please the adult, again making the findings of this experiment inaccurate. ( The aim of this essay was to explain and evaluate Piaget and Bandura’s theory. Both the theorists have contributed to understanding of moral development in today’s society and both equally face criticisms to their work. The main aspects that have been pointed out and open to attack are that both Bandura and Piaget have given little consideration to feelings, culture and religious beliefs. There sample was small not allowing general conclusions and findings to be widely acceptable. There experiments have been attacked for not being scientific. They failed to recognise that moral development has different content and meaning in different cultures and moral judgement is hugely influenced by society’s common law and traditions. Parents role and child nourishment are vital in how children and adolescents develop morally. Both Piaget and Bandura failed to take these important points into consideration when conducting their research. Piaget has studied cognitive development and his contributions are invaluable in the development of today education and the human development theory. Bandura looked more at social learning model one is amongst one of the most influential psychologists of our time. (
Thursday, October 10, 2019
A Timeless Art Essay
The Black-Figure Neck Amphora was attributed to the Affecter in Athens, Greece about 530 B. C. , made of terracotta, with dimension of 5 ? x 10 1/8 inches (The Getty, On-line) This amphora, which used to hold wine and water in ancient times, was found in a Southern Italy grave site but because of its distinctive figures and style, it was regarded as one of Athenian masterpieces. Like most artists, the real name of Affecter is unknown but he left a style of his own. In those years, he worked as potter and vase painter and may have learned his craft from the Amasis Painter, but deviate his approach in the conventional way of potting and painting. During the times when Athenian vase-painters emphasized on the narrative content of their work, the Affecter focused on purely decorative aspects that suit the Etruscan artistic taste. (The Getty On-line). The amphora was molded on a pottery wheel and dried. The maker painted on a glaze and carved designs on its surface and used the red-figure painting method, wherein, after it was fired in a wood furnace, the glaze turned to black and covered the amphora in glaze then erasing parts of it to create finer details. (St. Petersburg Times, On-line) The portrayal of the vase is bizarre but remarkable for Athenian potter of that time. Like any others Athenian masterpieces, this vase is made of attic clay with distinguished red and black color. For years, historians never decipher the narrative story behind its illustrated body but this suits the style of the Affecter who concentrated on ornamental look rather than history behind its times. The vase, though, shows Herakles, now known as Hercules, waving his club, pursuing a centaur, a mythological half horse half human figure. At the back of the vase, Theseus combats with Minotaur. The Affecter also used the old fashioned neck amphora form wherein the neck is highly defined as Protoattic and ovoid in shape (The Beazley Archive On-line). The Affecter modified the vessel, separating the neck and the body by raised rings. Ancient and old fashioned as it is, the Black Figure Neck Amphora is extraordinary with timeless beauty. Its exquisiteness lies on its color and creativity. It is a major consideration that out of clay, two colors will distinguish amphora like this, red and black. And with poise and commitment, the Affecter gave justice to its craft. Using both old fashioned style in creating amphora and adding touch of its modern days, evidenced by adding rings on it, the Affecter is not confined with the conventional way but used his imaginations and skills to enhance its designs. The maker, giving emphasis with Herkales and Theseus greatness rather than detailed information of their winnings over battles with barbarians, is a magnificent touch of this artistic craft. It only shows patriotism more than one time glory. It depicts the maker’s love to its civilization and commemorates it with his trade. It is the prime reason why this kind of amphora is timeless. Presently, it cannot be used as water or wine pot, instead an ornament that would house the beauty of Athens, its rich civilizations, its artistic splendor and its two distinguished heroes. REFERENCES â€Å"The Getty†. The J. Paul Getty Trust. 21 August 2008 http://www. getty. edu â€Å"Tampabay. com†. St. Petersburg Times. 21 August 2008 http://www. tampabay. com â€Å"The Beazly Archive Classical Art Research Center â€Å". 28 February 2008. University of Oxford. 21 August 2008 http://www. beazley. ox. ac. uk/index. htm
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Bible Essay Research Paper The BibleIn the
Bible Essay, Research Paper The Bible In the Holy Bible, instructions guide all types of human existences to a better apprehension of life. Many of these poetries reach out to adult male through instructions of human nature and how to make society # 8217 ; s moral values. A personal favourite poetry that may make out to every adult male and non merely those who pattern the JudaeoChristian faiths is:# 8221 ; The male parents shall non be put to decease for the kids, nor shall the kids be put to decease for the male parents ; every adult male shall be put to decease for his ain wickedness. # 8221 ; ( Deuteronomy p178, vs.16 ) because it tells of a regulation that every adult male should populate by # 8211 ; it demands justness to insulate the felon and thereby screen any guiltless relation of any unfair penalty. This is illustrated in the United States justness system and how society punishes it # 8217 ; s offenders. This poetry delivers the message that every adult male, despite size, colour, spiritual penchant, or personal background, should presume duty for his actions. Throughout clip work forces who have entered the courthouses dispersing the United States, like the colourful foliages scattered across peoples # 8217 ; paces during fall, have pleaded artlessness # 8211 ; faulting parents and their unfair upbringing. They scream to the jury that it truly wasn # 8217 ; t their mistake, but the mistake of their parents because if they had a perfect childhood so they wouldn # 8217 ; Ts have committed the offense. It is true that the values that kids develop in their early old ages are of import in act uponing future determinations but how does this explicate the many grownups that climb above their atrocious childhood and go successful happy persons. This proves that the person is in charge of his every move and every action in life # 8211 ; he is in charge of his ain fate. Sin is neer forced upon anyone but simply delivered by merely one individual # 8217 ; s pick. In the test of the Oklahoma bomber, the jury will non oppress his household because it was his offense, his wickedness. His household didn # 8217 ; Ts make him do it and they didn # 8217 ; t assist him carry through it. When the work forces who committed the flagitious offenses against humanity during World War II under Adolph Hitler # 8217 ; s way pleaded artlessness, the tribunals laughed. Some of these work forces claimed there was no other pick, Hitler made them make it. Despite there being few options, these work forces did take to perpetrate the offenses. They did non hold to slay the kids and deprive the small 1s of their artlessness and unity. Der fuhrer was their # 8221 ; father # 8221 ; and they tried to utilize him as a whipping boy as he used the Hebrews. It neer worked because these work forces pointed the laden guns at the victims. These work forces commanded the gas Chamberss to go on cooking living households. These work forces made their pick of wickedness. Society chose to penalize the person and non lt ;< br /> their guiltless household members for the offenses accomplished. Today people all over the universe attempt to bury old coevalss # 8217 ; offenses against humanity. In Germany it took many old ages after WWII for ulterior coevalss to even compose in history books what truly happened. These younger coevalss felt ashamed and slightly responsible for the offenses their ascendants committed. It took old ages to speak of the crisp biting wire environing the decease cantonments lodging the inexperienced person. Coevalss should experience horror to the point where they wouldn # 8217 ; t Lashkar-e-Taiba history repetition itself. They should non take the duty of the offense. As the bible says, one must take duty for his ain actions # 8211 ; non one # 8217 ; s male parent # 8217 ; s or old coevalss # 8217 ; . After the war ended the captives from the concentration cantonments were allowed back to their places. Many of these places were burned to nil. However those towns still in being were creeping with people who shunned these war victims # 8211 ; utilizing force and choler to force them back out of that town. These people continued the hatred the war brought out by faulting these victims for Germany # 8217 ; s convulsion after the war ended. These people are every bit guilty as Hitler for they blamed the inexperienced person for the war. They made themselves guilty, to another grade, of the same horror Hitler, # 8221 ; the male parent # 8220 ; , displayed. They tried to fault a minority group for something everyone in Germany was responsible for # 8211 ; the Jews did non destroy Germany, the authorities and the general population was responsible for all of her mistakes. These people chose their ain way of inhuman treatment and wickedness by advancing force against inexperienced person bystanders ; therefore, perpetrating the same offense against humanity. They treated the victims with such choler that they made these places cemeteries for the Jews. It was their pick, it was their wickedness. Unfortunately, these acrimonious, anti # 8211 ; semetic people were neer punished by society but those knowing of the hateful rejection now look back ill with this sight of unfairness. Every adult male, no affair the grade of unfairness served, must populate up to his actions. If he is strong plenty to perpetrate the inhuman treatment, he entirely is strong plenty to confront it once more with effects. Society unites all religions and all backgrounds. Decisions are made uniting all these different positions to make a criterion of values for society to reenforce. This poetry found in Deuteronomy is besides found in this universal standard society strongly upholds. One does non hold to be Judaic or Christian to understand the importance of taking duty for one # 8217 ; s offenses. Blaming household, friends, and other guiltless persons is morally incorrect and wholly unacceptable in society # 8217 ; s eyes. Mankind must larn to accept single penalty for offenses committed or else justness will neer be served.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Keyword research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Keyword research - Essay Example It states that; The statement keeps reappearing in the first part of the site as an orientation and introduction to the site. Such words convince the people browsing through the website to be confident about what the institution offers and be able to navigate through the site easily. Secondly, the development stages give a clear cut avenue towards some main keywords that are critical and sufficient with relevant content. This stage has three well placed words; Research, Development, and Delivery. Each of them is a link to relevant information related to the meaning of the word. Anyone will know that it offers research, development and teaches delivery too. This can be easily done through simple clicking on the words to access more information about the same. There are portals bearing keywords for students who wish to join, information about the institution, partners, and blog. There is also a keyword that links the site with the official website of the institution. In conclusion, the website has most words that are specific and to the
Monday, October 7, 2019
Students with Vision Impairments, another for Physical and Health Research Paper
Students with Vision Impairments, another for Physical and Health Disabilities & Severe Disabilities - Research Paper Example This is also agreed upon by Support Services Office of Tyler Junior College in Tyler, Texas mentions that it is important to provide accommodations for students with disabilities since it is a part of providing equal opportunities for education without being held back by disabilities (Support Services Office, 2010). In reading the rationale for giving accommodations for students with disabilities, I have learned that they are also capable of learning just like normal people, and as such it is of utmost importance that their conditions be understood so that they can show others that they can learn and be productive despite their disabilities. There are different classroom accommodations suitable for the students’ needs and depending on the kind of disability that they have. In Texas A&M University, students with visual impairments are allowed accommodations such as recorded lectures either by the instructor or by the students since they could repeat the lessons as needed and not have to rely on their limited sight. Another of the school’s accommodation but for students with physical and health disabilities is allowing assignments to be submitted in electronic formats. This can greatly assist students unable to make handwritten assignments (physical disability) or are frequently absent due to chronic medical conditions. Meanwhile, Tyler Junior college allows students with severe disabilities extended time accommodations, especially during exams since these students usually take longer time to finish activities compared to other students. Such procedures are given to measure a student’s knowledge objec tively without being hindered by the disability (Support Services Office, Tyler Junior College, 2010). Having facilities and other forms of assistance available for students with different kinds of disabilities as well as listing other additional strategies to support their education while on campus makes both the Department of Disability Services of the
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Company Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Company Analysis - Research Paper Example The company’s core and associated brands include Ford, Mercury, Land Rover, Lincoln, Aston Martin, Volvo and Mazda (Ford Motor Company, â€Å"About Ford Motor Company†). Vision and Mission Company’s mission statement is reminiscent of a reflection of its core principle, identity, and values. Ford Motor Company operates its business throughout the world and endows with ‘personal mobility’ for the communities. The company is committed to serve the people with enthusiasm. Mission statement of Ford Motors is as following: â€Å"We are a global family with a proud heritage passionately committed to providing personal mobility for people around the world†(Missionstatements, â€Å"Mission Statement†). Ford Motors offers values for all its stakeholders. Ford Motors focuses on ‘one team’ consisting of all stakeholders such as customers, employees, suppliers, dealers and investors among others. Vision statement shows the future pers pective of the company. The vision statement reads, â€Å"One Ford: One Team, One Plan and One Goal†(Ford Motor company, â€Å"One Ford Mission and Vision†). Strategic Objectives Organizations set up several strategies to operate business efficiently in international market. Ford Motor Company witnessed lots of strategic challenges during recession in the US. In the recent past, Ford Motors has redesigned a coherent business strategy. Ford emphasizes on ‘One Ford’ philosophy. Strategies implemented by Ford Motors Source: (Ford Motor Company, â€Å"Annual Report 2010†). Ford Motor Company focuses on meeting the customers’ requirements by providing them quality products. It enhances the efficiency of its plants and processes by adopting advanced technologies. Their strategies are chiefly based on ‘One Ford’ approach. Ford offers high-quality vehicles with global appeal such as ‘fuel-efficient cars’, competent utility vehicles, and ‘fun-to-drive’. They ensure continuous improvement driven by their strong product line. Ford Motors highlights on overall profitability. Ford Motors’ loyalties to excellent fuel economy, stunning style as well as customer-focused technology are demonstrated throughout its product line. Lincoln, one of the associated brands, is under focus to be established as a luxury brand to attain opportunities in the developing markets. Excellent quality, laser-sharp spotlight on client safety and fuel efficiency continue to make Ford Motors a market leader with the US consumers. Ford Motors looks forward to 70% of its development in the next few years to originate from its market segment of Asia Pacific and Africa. Ford Motors also expects to witness sustainable growth in emerging markets of India, Brazil and China (Ford Motor Company, â€Å"Annual Report 2010†). Financial Objectives The remarkable decline in automotive industry sales that came together with stiff credit markets along with the expenses associated with the changing business mode put major difficulty on automotive liquidity. Ford Motors witnessed record losses in 2008 during recession. They developed a feasible financial plan to sustain. The basic challenge of Ford Motors to be concentrated upon has been its failure to produce small vehicles in the US that can be put up for sale to generate more profit. Ford Motors informed net earnings of $6.6 billion in the year 2010, an increase of $3.8 billion from the year of 2009. Ford Motors’
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