Monday, September 30, 2019
Agenecy-Level Protest vs Gao Protest
Few agencies make their agency-level statistics available, so the data is lacking to track trends and draw conclusions concerning agency protest handling. (Nacke & Ralston 2011) The Unites States Government Accountability Office (GAO) is another protest agency that provides a venue for companies to protest a government agency’s actions during the procurement process. GAO protest must contend a violation of procurement statue or regulation.This protest often involve claims that the agency inappropriately applied evaluation factors, inappropriately conducted a cost/technical trade off, the awardees proposal is non-responsive, and the agency conducted improper discussions with the offerors. Grounds protested to the GAO are often found during debriefs. The offeror’s right to debriefs for negotiated procurements is addressed at FAR 15. 505 and 15. 506.Generally an offeror has 3 days to submit a written request for debrief. Timing in submitting your protest to the GAO is cruc ial whether you protest on the terms of solicitation or not receiving award on a contract. If you wait too long, you will lose your right to protest. The deadline for filing a GAO protests depends upon when the impropriety became readily understood. Protest grounds related to the terms of solicitation must be filed prior to the due date for bid opening.If protest is based upon the agency’s evaluation, it must be filed within 10 days if when the protester knew (or should have known) about the grounds for protest. If there is a right to debriefing and the protester requests such, the protest must be filed within 10 days if debriefing. Intended awardees of a contract that is the subject of a GAO protest have rights to intervene in the protest, this is important because it allows you the ability to monitor the protest and respond to the arguments made by the protestor. (agencyprotest. com)
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Issues and Controversies
Position Paper Garrett Kaufmann ISSUES AND CONTROVERSIES ON FILE Citizenship 2nd Period â€Å"Gun Control†Due 1/14/2013 May 29, 1998 Pages 225-233 I strongly believe that our right to keep and bear arms that was given to us as American citizens in the second amendment of the constitution should be upheld and gun control is not the answer to stopping gun violence.A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. – The Second Amendment. Our nations’ forefathers gave us this right when they signed the constitution of the United States of America September 17, 1787. Although there has been debate over the wording of the amendment and whether it actually means every individual person or only people who belong to a state-regulated militia.I think it is obvious that they meant each individual person. In a December 1989 article in the Yale Law Journal, titled ‘The Embarra ssing second amendment’ by scholar Sanford Levinson, a liberal democrat who supports gun control said that â€Å"The second amendment was clearly written to give all citizens, not merely trained soldiers belonging to a militia the right to keep firearms†. Other scholars agreed and noted that in 1792 congress actually passed a militia low to mandate every able-bodied man to arm himself with a musket.The Brady Act is a controversial law which was signed by President Clinton in 1993 and that took effect in 1994 (named for President Reagan’s press secretary who was paralyzed when shot in a 1981 assassination attempt on the president) which requires prospective gun buyers to wait 5 days before they can buy a gun while local law enforcement officials do a background check to make sure anyone who is prohibited from owning a firearm such as convicted felons, minors, druggies or illegal immigrants can’t buy a gun.Although gun control advocates say that laws such a s this one are responsible for a drop in gun fatalities and violent crime Tania Metaska , executive director for the National Rifle Association (NRA) rejects this claim and says violent crime began to decline before 1993 and that the background checks and waiting periods are â€Å"Irrelevant to criminals since the vast majority of felons obtain firearms on the black market or through theft, not through dealers affected by the Brady law†.The Supreme Court agreed that the Brady Bill wasn’t the answer when they overturned major portions of the law in the 1997 case â€Å"Printz vs US†when they said the law infringed on state sovereignity rights and it put an unfair burden on local officials. The NRA and other gun-rights groups contend that it is not the Brady law that has helped to spark a nationwide decline in crime but ‘Right to Carry’ or the passing of concealed weapons laws in many states. Florida began the national trend towards more permissive co ncealed weapon laws in 1987 and since then 30 other states have followed.Florida’s â€Å"Shall Issue†law requires law enforcement officials to immediately issue permits to any eligible applicant, eligible meaning that they don’t have a criminal record or history of serious mental illness. Gun-right advocates say these types of laws are necessary because people need to be able to protect themselves from a high crime rate, a legal system that can’t deep criminals in jail and the lack of resources or manpower of law enforcement to protect them.In surveys of convicted felons, criminals admit that they target victims that they believe to be unarmed and avoid those who might have weapons. A study done between 1977 and 1994 by two researchers at the University of Chicago found much lower crime rates in Illinois counties that allowed concealed weapons, and that murder rates dropped 8. 5%, rapes 5% and aggravated assaults by 7%. In May 1998 15 year old Kip Kinkle fatally shot both his parents then took 3 guns to Thurston High School in Springfield, OR. here he shot 24 students, killing 2 of them. One Month later in Jonesboro, Arkansas two boys were arrested for fatally shooting 5 people and wounding 10 others. Then of course there was the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary just this last December when 20 year old Adam Lanza shot his mom dead then went to the school and shot and killed 26 people, most of them little kids. School shootings are a horrible tragedy and they only give gun-control groups more ‘ammunition’ for their argument.I guess I can see their point but I agree with the gun rights advocates when they say it is a mistake to blame guns for all the school shooting. I agree with the saying ‘Guns don’t kill people- people kill people’. I think the people that do these things are sick in the head and that they need mental help and would still probably find a way to hurt people even if they didnâ€℠¢t have access to guns. I’m sure it’s gone up some since this article was written but studies have shown that violence in our nations’ schools is actually pretty rare.A March 1998 White House study found only 10% of all schools reported serious violence. I don’t really feel that I need to carry a gun to protect myself here where I live but if I did live in a big city I would definitely what to have the right to carry a gun to protect myself and my family. But I do love to hunt and I own 5 guns for that purpose. My dad has taught me about gun safety since I was a little kid. I have been through required gun safety training which I think is a good thing.The article states that in many rural areas of our country guns are not regarded by many as an evil, but simply as part of a way of life. In those regions, hunting is a popular sport and learning how to use a gun is often a rite of passage for many young boys and girls. Guns are treated with pride and respec t and gun safety is a paramount concern. Because many young people in those regions are exposed to guns at an early age and trained to use them safely, they are much more likely to understand the risks of guns and treat them properly.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Accounts Report for JT Engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Accounts Report for JT Engineering - Essay Example Net profit margin, on the other hand analyzes the profitability of the company before deducting the taxation and finance charges from the earningsThe statement of financial position tells the shareholder above the financial outlook of a company and the status of the assets and liabilities. Statement of financial position is usually divided into three parts, Assets, Liabilities and Shareholder equity. Assets are further divided into non-current assets and current assets whereas liabilities are divided in to non-current and current as well. Usually a company which has higher assets base and positive equity portrays stronger and better financial outlook. From shareholder’s perspective, the statement of financial position is very important as it guides them to take important decision pertaining to the investment in the shares of the company.Non-current assets are those which are held by entity for a longer period of time and maturity or the useful life of these assets are usually more than one year. Example of non-current assets would be Property, Plant and Equipment, Deferred acquisition cost and loans and advances given
No Leadership in the NOPD Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
No Leadership in the NOPD - Research Paper Example Discriminatory policing†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦8 4. Systemic Deficiencies causing or contributing to Unconstitutional Conduct†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..9 III. How the lack of Leadership contributes to Poor Policing†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...12 IV. Leadership Tactics required to Correct the highlighted Issues†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦17 V. Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦19 VI. Recommendations†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â ‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦20 References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦23 Abstract The New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) has for extended periods been a troubled agency in which the core elements of effective policing such as concise policies, accountability, training, and confidence of the citizenry, have been lacking for years. Frequently, officers within NOPD show absence of respect for the civil rights and dignity of the community. Although, the a significant section of the force can be regarded as hardworking and committed to public safety, a sizeable number of the force do not comprehend or choose to ignore the boundaries of constitutional policing. Policing is evidently complex; nevertheless, experience and research within the policing f ield have demonstrated that bending the rules and disregarding the constitution renders effective policing much more complex. The systematic violations of civil rights erode public confidence, renders policing to be difficult, less secure, and less effective emanates from leadership crisis within NOPD. The paper reviews the report by United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division on NOPD’s officers’ misconduct and views from a normative (organizational) viewpoint rather than a series of individual acts. This necessitates examination of the entire organization rather than mere individual officer or incident. I. Introduction Police misconduct has for an extended period been a serious problem within America. Historically, reforms efforts have largely failed due to an organizational culture that is resistant to change in which reforms address individual incidents while at the same time disregarding underpinning organizational problems. Hence, the reforms, the NO PD desperately needs should not essentially be directed towards improving public perception, but rather enhancing organizational soundness. The reform efforts should be directed at improving police organizational culture touching on virtuous conduct, or encouraging police officers to act in a way that is consistent with the constitution and public trust. The idea that poor-quality leadership possesses negative effects for individuals is not new; research has demonstrated that poor leadership links to ineffective policing. Poor leadership also link to heightened incidences of stress among the officers and heightened risk of retaliation. Poor leadership by the supervisors makes some officers feel a sense of helplessness and alienation from work. Policing within the 21st century demands alignment of professional standards, in which officers play a leading role within leadership development, with the public’s vision for policing (Baker, 2011). There is adequate
Thursday, September 26, 2019
TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH FOR PRACTICE & POPULATIONS - Essay Example Additionally, the disease is also caused owing to the consumption of various tobacco products, and diseases like diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure among others. Two types of AMI are commonly identified in medical practices that include ST-segment elevated i.e. ‘ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction’ (STEMI) and not ST-segmenting elevated i.e. ‘Non ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction’ (NSTEMI). Both STEMI and NSTEMI are diagnosed with the assistance of Electrocardiogram (ECG) test. STEMI is the acute form of heart attack, which highly damages the muscles of the heart, unlike NSTEMI, which often damages in a milder form. Contextually, the period of time from the entrance of a patient to a health care center to the first balloon inflation in the primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) is known as Door to Balloon Time (DBT). If the time in DBT is more than the 90 minutes, which is widely accepted, then the probability of seriousness of a patient’s health increases and mortality increases, this may even lead to the death of a patient (Topol & Teirstein, 2011). Correspondingly, the objective of the essay is to improve the quality of service in health center to minimize DBT. The essay also considers the changes and improvement required in current nursing practices in different hospitals and healthcare centers for better care as well as treatment services. The introduction of the master’s prepared nurses is also taken into consideration with the aim of transforming the body of knowledge practiced by nurses. The development of the nursing practice in healthcare centers has been accomplished in recent times with the introduction of various medical technologies. The emergence of World Health Organization (WHO) also facilitated the improvement of nursing practices in the developing nations. However, there are certain issues regarding nursing practices that have appeared simultaneously and are required to be sorted.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
CCDC Organization Chart for HR Leaders Research Paper
CCDC Organization Chart for HR Leaders - Research Paper Example Completing a merger and financially sound, this construction company is located in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and looks to the future to gain further competitive advantage with its’ human resource strategies. b. Key HR Objectives for Year Five i. Establish an HR Framework (See Appendix A) ii. Establish HR Measures aligned with Customer metrics iii. HR Strategic Objectives to work toward - Five priorities in Year Five (Five in Five): 1. Develop a culture that reflects CCDC Today and in the Future 2. Develop a succession planning process and implement process 3. Establish proper HR staffing levels and HR Staff as Strategic Business Partners 4. Identify key HR functions/objectives in relationship to Framework Stages 1 – 4 to allow maximum HR goal setting and achievement. 5. Develop and Implement a Performance Management System. 2. Introduction a. The purpose of this report is to present a brief summary of the case study for CCDC based on the company profile and circums tances and a recommendation for human resource (HR) strategy. The creation of the company, CCDC, is a result of two smaller construction companies merging in 2007. The services provided are project management and civil engineering, full design and construction services, and construction services for public and private clients. ...ategic business objectives involve reducing the levels in the chain of command; implementing a coaching method of management rather than autocratic; maintain financial success; and ensure high quality services, meet the health and safety needs of staff, meet environmental standards, and improvements made in networks and purchasing agreements. c. While there has been an emphasis on HR policies and initiatives to support these objectives, there is also a question as to whether HR practices add value and how the effects of HR on the organizational culture may be evaluated. 3. Problems and Issues a. First, Cabrera and Cabrera (2003) and Rose and Kumar (2006) wo uld note the lack of a human resource strategic framework. CCDC lacks an overall HR strategic framework that HR objectives, programs, training, and policies can fall within or under. The framework could then be used by the leaders when they are conducting their strategic planning to avoid placing the leaders in the position to do the business planning, then step out of the planning and pass the business objectives to HR to do the work from a support standpoint – resulting in a disconnect (Porter, 1996). Both HR and the business need to be operating as one. There are resulting comments regarding HR functioning in a support role, which is counter to business needs. b. Second, once the framework is in place, CCDC needs the development of human resource strategic objectives and tactics that are an extension of the framework and the operational strategies as found in the literature rather than a reaction to operational requests.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
2 Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
2 Questions - Assignment Example Therefore, such markets rely on foreign aid as a major source of income in the market (Moyo, 2011). The reliance on the foreign aid from other countries is rampant such that the country and economy view it as a basic induction. Killing foreign aid in such market structures is a negativity that will plunge the people into abject poverty. Insufficient research in the market structures is a vital subject that leads to a flop in the market instruments. In many cases, foreign countries force some of the poor countries to indulge in some activities that are considered to be lucrative. Though they accord the relevant funding to such activities, they do not reflect the vital ideas that should be considered in the markets. First, for an effective market structure, there is a need to focus on the market structures. This is by conducting sufficient research. For instance, china is in great demand for resources emanating from Africa. However, it is not obvious that Africa is demanding the same from china (Moyo, 2011). Therefore, reflecting on such factors is an issue that should be considered. Secondly, sufficient research on the demography is to be encompassed. The population demand in China is not the same in Africa. Therefore, the demand for goods in the markets is different. Imposing similar projects in the two regions is more unlikely to be successful. Secondly, market instruments are not recording success in the stated countries due to Unprofessional Labor force. In China, the government invests an arguably large amount of capital in training their work-force. This is an activity that is widely practiced across the national divide. Therefore, the country boasts of having professional and trained personnel. With such notations in the economy, the country has been recorded among the countries with the rapidly growing economy alongside the United States and Canada (Moyo, 2011). It is palpable that trained and educated personnel will reflect a better performance in
Monday, September 23, 2019
Evaluating Civil Engineering in Modern Day Technology as a Career Path Research Paper
Evaluating Civil Engineering in Modern Day Technology as a Career Path - Research Paper Example Civil engineers are analytical thinkers and are more comfortable dealing with concrete facts. When presented with a problem, they like to solve it. I have selected Civil engineering because of its importance in the everyday life and the solutions it gives to the various problems being faced by human beings on Earth which have originated due to the scarcity of resources. Selecting Civil engineering as a profession directly influences the every day life of individuals as the impacts of the environmental issues, the problems due to rapid urbanization and limited resources are equally evident to each and every individual of the society and every individual of the society is equally responsible for solving these issues however, a Civil engineer is in a much better position to propose solutions to these problems and thus he can become an effective member of the society. After selecting this profession an individual does not remain a mere spectator of the problems faced by mankind but can t hink about various different solution available to solve the issues resulting in a remarkable change in the everyday life of the individual who selects civil engineering as a profession. ... For example, only a Civil engineer can think about recycling waste water in Qatar as a solution to water scarcity, a Civil engineer can propose the mechanism to make earthquake resistant buildings in Tokyo, a Civil engineer can propose the mechanism to limit the discharge from industries to conserve air quality in Bombay, a Civil engineer can propose the use of micro-hydro potential of waters in China as a solution to energy crisis, a Civil engineer can propose damping mechanism to limit the vibrations of Millennium bridge in London; in short a Civil engineer sees things differently from other individuals of the society and can provide solutions to the problems which are affecting the everyday life of human beings. Civil engineers design facilities to improve the quality of life of people in the whole world. The various tasks which civil engineers do for improving the quality of life include designing and construction of railways, roadways and bridges to ease traffic congestion, meet ing the increasing energy needs of the world through providing various new non-conventional solutions for power generation and the planning and development of urban areas; all these works are related to the everyday life of individuals living on this planet. Goals and Objectives for a Civil Engineer Civil engineering is a very vast field and has many sub-disciplines as well as interdisciplinary fields. Studying Civil engineering at undergraduate level will allow me to get an understanding of the various sub-disciplines of this field and thus after studying the civil engineering for a few years I will be in a better position to specify my goals and objectives.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Consumer behavior Essay Example for Free
Consumer behavior Essay MANILA, Philippines – To understand a Filipino consumer, businesses should focus on 4 factors: beauty, hygiene, health and convenience. These are the key trends that would explain [Filipinos] buying behavior,†stressed Luz Barra, commercial director of consumer knowledge and insights firm, Kantar Worldpanel. READ: Factors influencing Filipinos decision to buy, according to Nielsen In a media briefing on Thursday, September 4, Barra detailed why these matter to the local consumer: Filipinos like to look good Filipino women care about their looks, Barra said, and 72% of them specifically like to improve their hair and change their complexion. This is supported by the purchase growth of 12.6% in hair conditioners and 6.3% in hand and body lotion from June 2009 to June 2013. Being fair is a Filipino consumer’s definition of beauty. Proof is the 10% purchase increase in whitening products versus just 1% in non-whitening products from 2011 to 2013. The purchase of whitening body lotion grew 8% compared to non-whitening lotions 5%. Notable growths were observed from Visayas and Mindanao across socio-economic classes C and E. The beauty trend is also being driven by young households (those with children 12 years old and below) and adult homes (those whose members are 19 and up). They buy mostly from supermarkets and direct sales channels. Germ protection need rises Filipinos also purchased 19% more hand sanitizers and 9% more baby wipes/wet tissues from June 2009 to June 2013. In addition to germ-protection, Filipinos care more about their hygiene with a 54% increase in razor purchase, 11% in panty liners and 10% in sanitary pads. Similar to the trend on beauty, hygiene was driven by Visayas and Mindanao consumers from socio-economic classes D and E who are members of young and mixed households (those with children 12 and below, and teens). We buy healthy Fun runs, exercise and other physical activities have been promoted and practiced more by Filipinos in recent years. In addition, Filipinos are now choosing the healthier lifestyle as shown in their food product choices. On food purchase over the past 5 years, there has been an increase in cereals (17%), yoghurt/cultured milk (9%), canned vegetables (6%) and biscuits (6%). For beverages, purchase increases have been seen in soy milk (20%), bottled water (12%), energy/sports drink (10%), fruit/vegetable juices (7%) and powdered milk (6%). These patterns in purchase behavior have been observed more in North Luzon and Mindanao across socio-economic classes AB, C and E and in mixed and adult homes. Lifestyle on the go Filipinos want food, beverage and cooking choices to be fast, easy and convenient. Over the 5 past years, growth of purchase in ready-to-drink choco drinks (21%), ready-to-drink coffee (17%) and ready-to-drink energy/sports drinks (11%) have increased. Quick and easy meal purchases have also increased including those of instant noodles (9%), instant pasta (7%) and canned meat (7%). There has also been purchase growth among products that make cooking easy, including meal flavorings (17%), liquid seasoning (11%), breading (7%) and bouillon (5%). These patterns have been seen more in South Luzon and Mindanao, among consumers from the socio-economic class C who are mostly from young and adult homes. Businesses may focus on these 4 major categories in order for them to better respond to Filipinos’ preferences, Kantars Barra stressed. – source:
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Thomas Hobbes Essay Example for Free
Thomas Hobbes Essay The philosophy of Thomas Hobbes, especially that of his major work, Leviathan, is designed to understand the motives of human nature and, from these, seek the surest way to civil peace. This is one of the earliest examples of a â€Å"scientific†method of understanding political science in that the commonwealth was to be built on a handful of axioms, all deriving from what Hobbes considered facts of human nature (cf. Matthews, 118). The nature of these axioms leading to civil peace is the purpose of this present essay. The primary understanding of human nature that, if applied properly, would lead to social peace is that human beings desire power. This is nearly identical to Machiavelli’s approach to politics. It seems that in both Hobbes and Machiavelli, human beings desire power, and hence, develop â€Å"moral†systems that justify the present holding or seeking of power (Morgan, 528-530, and 581-582). But the nature of this axiom is that people are naturally programmed to seek power and no matter of moral suasion will stop this. Hobbes wants to begin from a single concept and build upon it rather than attempt to suppress it, since any attempt at suppression itself proves the axiom correct. If human nature is taken seriously rather than covered over with metaphysical theories, then peace might be the consequent: human beings must be taken as they are, not as one might want them to be. If the above axiom is true, that is, people desire power, than many other axioms follow from it. The first axiom that follows from the first is that reason is a slave to the passions (Morgan, 641). Reason, in other words, cannot provide ends, but merely means, and significantly, justifications after the fact. Appealing to reason is hence, not appropriate with such a view of humanity, and only the appeal to passion will work here. Passion is nothing that can be suppressed, but it can be controlled. Passion is the engine of human nature in a similar sense that hunks of matter in a vacuum will continue in constant morion unless acted upon by another force. This is an exact parallel to Hobbes here, and the only opposing force to passionate human motion is other human beings, and hence, the problem: humans are constantly, following from this, in a state of war. What makes this state of war particularly harsh is that the abilities of human beings as individuals, or organizing into groups, are roughly equal (Morgan, 591). This means that the war of all against all will continue constantly, with no clear winner. Any â€Å"winner†will be only a temporary winner, and will soon be dethroned by another faction. The fact of equality is not something here taken from observation, but from a deduction from â€Å"atomic†theory (or at least, the theories of matter current at the time), where atoms, in their basic structure, are all the same. Matter is matter, energy is energy, humans are humans. From the above, it follows that human beings are determined. Free will, to an extent, is rejected in Hobbes. For him, liberty is the ability to do what one wills without outside opposition (Morgan, 621). This is consistent with determinism in that the will must have a reason, that is, a cause, for having the desire it has and bringing it to fruition. Hence, man is determined, but since he does what he wants, he is thus free. This just underscores the fact that reason is impotent to being about peace, only the passions can be appealed to in that the constant clashing of wills and the frustration of one’s freedom as Hobbes describes it is constant warfare. From the above, Hobbes deduces that humanity is egocentric, power hungry and willful, and as a result, without some countervailing power, is in a constant state of warfare. The nature of this countervailing power is the real centerpiece of the Leviathan. The general point is that if humanity can be reduced to a few, simple, clear axioms that follow logically from one another, as any good scientific theory should do, then the state, the countervailing power that keeps these human â€Å"atoms†in line relative to one another, should also be simple, unified and follow logically from the axioms about human nature. Hence, Hobbes is seeking to be completely scientific and a â€Å"realist†about both humanity and the state that they will live under in order to reach peace. At this point in the logical progression, it seems impossible to live in a state of peace. Human beings are depicted as lustful, egocentric and equal beings constantly in a state of motion and hence, clashing with all other peoples, essentially hunks of matter in motion, connected to an almost arbitrary engine of passion. But it is the Leviathan that will bring this peace, and it is passion that it will use to justify itself and bring peace to the commonwealth. Hobbes describes humanity prior to all law and custom, that is, the â€Å"law of nature. †The primary motive force of humanity is power, considered generally. But if warfare is a constant feature of the â€Å"state of nature,†then the drive for power for each and all is constantly being frustrated. It seems logical to hold that eventually, these egocentric people will constantly see their designs thwarted and their purposes constantly harmed y others. From this, all those that seek power, that is, everyone, will be forced to come to some agreement, a â€Å"covenant†among themselves that will provide a measure of peace so that the power struggle can continue in more peaceful channels. This is the nature of the covenant (Morgan, 594). This agreement comes not about through reason, but through the constant frustration of passion. Reason is a means to an end, and power is always that end. But power cannot be had in the state of nature given its constantly shifting nature, and therefore, reason then acts as a slave to passion and demands some kind of agreement, a contract that will bring peace. The nature of this covenant must follow from the facts of human nature outlined above. Hence, it cannot really be a parliamentary democracy because that merely leaves the state of nature intact, one faction constantly unseating another, leading to the same chaos as before. The kind of state that is agreed upon is basically a dictatorship of a party that must act equally between individuals and factions within the society. All power is hence transferred to the state, the dictatorship, and in return, this power is used to keep the warring factions from destroying each other. The only real demand laid on the state is that of objectivity in judging among the factions, and hence, the state must ultimately be a monarchy (of sorts), equidistant from all centers of power in society and hence, able to judge among them fairly (Morgan, 613). Putting this differently, if power is the desire of all individuals and factions, then it follows that the state exists solely for security (Morgan, 606). If humanity is described in axiomatic terms all following one from another, and the state is itself part of this logical progression, then it also follows that the nature of the state’s action also must follow from the above. This means that the state is unitary, dedicated to one purpose and based on a rule of law that is simple and dedicated entirely to security and, according to the contract, treats all individuals and factions as morally equal to one another (Morgan, 641). The logical structure of the Leviathan comes down to working out contradictions in the axiomatic description of human beings. If human beings desire power and cannot get it in the state of nature, then a powerful state must be crated that permits humanity to live and seek after power through peaceful means. But since no faction will permit one group to rule at the expense of all others, the state must be single, focused and based on an agreed upon set of laws (a â€Å"constitution†) that enshrines this concept of political equality. Only then can all factions agree to give up their violent ways to the central authority. Since human beings are egocentric and passionate, the state based on the rule of law agreed to by all factions beforehand follows logically. The terms â€Å"peace†and â€Å"justice†are used here in highly technical and scientific ways that part radically with previous attempts to define and justify these words. Peace, according to Hobbes, is merely the absence of war (Morgan, 592). It simply is a state of affairs that permits power hungry individuals to pursue their designs in a peaceful manner. Any breach of this peace will, ideally, lead to swift and harsh action from the state that they have empowered to keep watch over their actions. Justice is similar in that it is based on knowledge. The early parts of the Leviathan are based on a scientific method, a means of coming to know human nature as generally and simply as possible. Justice just flows from this. Ultimately, justice derives from science, which is the knowledge of good and evil (Morgan, 603). In practice, this merely means that humans are attracted by the same set of things, and recoil from the same set of things. If power and what it implies are seen in the former, then the frustration of their liberty (as defined above) is what repels them. This knowledge alone allows one to see the basis and ultimate justice of the state. Hence, justice is defined accordingly, as the ability of the person, or, at last, the state, to control the passions of the population when they threaten to disrupt the precarious balance of peace in the commonwealth (Morgan, 599-600). But this is understood by all who are punished by the state in that they have agreed to this on the basis that their own liberty is endlessly obstructed by others in the state of nature. But, as a final thought, this is the very nature of one’s civic duty–to eliminate all private desires and to follow the laws as laid down by the sovereign and agreed upon by those who have demanded these laws (Morgan, 610-611). Duty is not something that is arrived at through reason, but through the passionate desire for power. It is frustrated in the state of nature, but permitted to function freely under the rule of law. There is no â€Å"thick†view of civic duty here, but rather, the control over one’s passions in the interest of those same passions, to permit them to develop in peace. The desire for peace derives from the identical desire for power, except that this desire is frustrated in a state of war. This is what makes Hobbes compelling: the approach to politics could not be simpler. The concept of civic duty is summed up by Hobbes as the act of giving up â€Å"governing oneself†(Morgan, 608), and permitting the more violent elements of one’s passion to be governed by the state only. What is left to the person is the peaceful pursuit of his passionate desires. Politically speaking, the commonwealth is that entity that exists for the sake of peace and security by the efficient control of the private desires of the people involved. In its place, the public will as expressed by the laws of the sovereign so far as they do not violate the very simple terms of the contract. In conclusion, the nature of peace and civic duty for Hobbes are two sides of the same coin. The public persona of the person in the commonwealth is as a public entity, a person dedicated to civic peace and dedicated to the elimination of all personal desires relative to other members of the community. The final end, according to Hobbes’ own description is the pursuit of power by peaceful means, engaging in commerce, etc. The sovereign is the public persona and serves to maintain this persona within the personalities of all involved.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Accessing Health and Social Care in the UK
Accessing Health and Social Care in the UK When the National Health Services (NHS) was founded in 1948, one of the principles was to provide complete services to all and free at the time of need in UK (nursing 2009). Access to healthcare services is based on clinical needs of an individual and not the ability to pay the services. This means everyone has the rights of accessing to health and social care, although it is still a major problem for low social group and ethnic minority who are facing personal, socio economic, cultural and problems happening as results of the structure of health and social care processes (POSTNOTE 2007). In this essay, a case study will be used to demonstrate a patient with learning disability who faces various problems during his access to health and social care services and factors that contributed to these problems. Also it will focus on how nurses could support these individuals to make decisions about their care. The meaning of learning disability will be explained. The assignment will also look at major cultural and social economic influencing the health and health choices of individuals. Also it will analyze the differences between health education and health promotion and with their importance in individual in accessing health and social care. The challenges inherent in meeting the needs of people of varying abilities and social backgrounds will be look at as well as the factors that trigger the accessing of multi-professional health and social service. The essay will also discuss the understanding of the legislation related to the provision of health and social care, as a nu rse why are we needed to be aware of the inequalities in provision. A name mentioned in the case study has been changed in order to comply with the code of NMC (2008) and consent was obtained from the patient and the name Anil will be used in stead. Anil is a boy of eighteen years old who came to UK from South East Asia seven years ago. He lives with his parents in the housing estate of East London where majority are ethnic from South Asia. His father who earns minimum wages works in a food factory in six days a week, speaks English and his mother is a fulltime housewife and does not speak English, only Hindu. Anil was born with Asperger syndrome, a lifelong disability that affects how a person makes sense of the world, processes information and relates to other people. People with Asperger can find difficult to communicate and interacts with other (NAS 2010). Anil had never been to hospital in India and he was treated by traditional healers. He only started seeks medical assistance when he moved to UK. Anil physical condition has deteriorated recently. He does not eat well; look tired, sometimes suffered headache and finding difficult in sleeping. Since he came to UK, he had been to school for three years only and he never had friends. He does not mix well with other people and his parents do not bother about this. At times he lets himself become a little neglected. Anil represents a small and vulnerable group in a society who find difficulty in accessing and using health and social care because of the greater health care needs they have than general population. Motor and sensory disabilities, Epilepsy, hypertension and Alzheimers disease are some of the conditions that are common in this group (NURSING STANDARD 2010). The MENCAP report (DEATH IN DEFFERENCES 2007) states that people with learning disability are being treated wrongly in all part of healthcare provision and they are not equally valued in the health services. The government also revealed that people with learning disabilities are poorer particularly uptake of invitations on primary care and hospital provisions such as access screening services (ALD 200/01). Because of their greater needs of healthcare, they are more prone to a wide variety of additional physical and mental health problems as it shows to Anil. According to Tudor- Hart (cited in Hart 1985) there is an increasing in e vidence of an inverse care law where those who needs are greatest get the least. Learning Disability is a life long condition which has a significantly reduced ability to understand new or complex information and it is vary from one person to another. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines learning disability as impairment of the body function which limits the activity of an individual in performing a task or action (WHO 2010) According to Thomas and Woods in their book Working with people with learning disabilities 11(2003), a learning disability is a terminology used to label people with lower level of intellectual that is lower than the average to normal people in the society. The term itself was widely accepted in England following a speech in 1996 to MENCAP by Stephen Dorrell, the then secretary for Health. From time to time the title and labels have changed and this has been driven by several influences. The term used to cover children with specific learning problems that may arises from a number of different things like emotional problems, medical problems and language impairment (BILD 2004). In the past, many people with learning disability were lived in institutions and have been labeled differently by their generations. Many different forms of terms have been used before. Terminology such as menace, sub- human organism, unspeakable objects of dread, holy innocent, diseased organism, eternal child and many more (WOLFENSBERGER,1972). There are about 1.5 million people with learning disability in UK who require different levels of support (MENCAP). It has been identified that approximately 26.5% of people who have learning disability as being associated with genetic factors (Craft et al 1985). Learning Disabilities is caused by problems during brain development before, during and after birth (RCSLT 2009). There are different types of learning disabilities some of which are Asperger syndrome (a specific type of Autism) which affect a person the way interact to the world, reading disabilities, writing disabilities, non verbal learning disabilities (NVLD) and many more (ALD 2000-2010), reading disability (dyslexia), speech and listening disability, and auditory processing disorder. It is often detected in early childhood. In UK there are laws and policies which describe how the needs of people with learning disabilities should be met. The purpose of these laws and policies is to improve quality of life and based on empowerment, making choices and decision, having the same opportunity and rights as other people and social inclusion. Policy such as` valuing people which explain how the government will provide same opportunity and choice for people with learning disabilities and their families to live full and independent lives as part of their local communities and to ensure they gain maximum life chance benefit ( DOH 2010). The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 which is a piece of legislation promotes the rights of people with learning disabilities to access healthcare and other care services. Healthcare providers must respect, support them and their families and conforms to professional standard (NHS 2006). It is the NHS duty to make sure they provide an equal service that can be easily accessed by anyone according to this Act. Most of the people with learning disabilities have sensory and physical impairment that make it hard to make their choices and to understand by others. A piece of legislation which protects them in England is Mental Capacity Act 2005 which is empowers and protects vulnerable people who are not able to make their own decision. People with learning disability will still have the right to give their consent for daily living and accessing the services despite of having significantly reduced ability to understand new learning skills (NURSING STANDARD 2010). If the person lack a capacity of giving or refusing consent, it is still possible for care providers to provide care and treatments for the best interest of the person (DOH 2003). A survey showed that nearly 62%of all people with learning disabilities depend on their parents and other caregivers (EMERSON et al 2005). However, healthcare providers have a duty to understand and recognize the needs of a person with learning disabilities and make sure their needs are met. It is a nursing role to work in partnership with the clients to overcome barriers by identifying what management and decision to represent the person mostly professionally although clients and their cares may make their own decision. People with learning disabilities in lower social classes are particularly disadvantage relative to the higher social classes in accessing healthcare services because of physical, social, psychological and economic barriers that limit their full participation in society. Acheson (1998) identified the links between inequalities and poor health. He noted that health inequalities were widening with the poorest in society being more affected than those who are well off. The post code lottery which depends on where you might live is a big issue in NHS. The availability of better treatment, drugs and waiting time in a deprived area where people depend on state healthcare provisions will carry on experience poor access to services and treatment than those who have the power of buying services in private services (GUARDIAN 2000). People from ethnic backgrounds experience healthcare service differently due to their lack of knowledge which can be limited by the ability to communicate in English. They may find challenge to enter healthcare services because it may require, for example making a telephone call, appointment, coping with a queuing system and complex procedures ( NHS 2006). Different in cultures attitude and stigma between where they came from and UK can impact Anils health. It is believed that South Asian parents dont have positive attitudes towards disabilities because religious and superstitious beliefs (ROYAL COLLEGE OF PSYCHIATRIC 2003). Anils parents might not take his problem seriously because of their background and social stigma of having a child with disability (AUTISM-INDIA 2008). According to the report of Department of Health (2009) a review in development in tackling health inequalities of Acheson, recommended the improvement of living standards of people with lower income than average. Among the people in this group are people living in a deprived area and depend on social housing. Also people with learning disability may fail to get the necessary services because of lack of understanding about health issues articulating their needs based on their poor experiences of education system (Mathews 1996). Research carried out by Cartwright Obrien1976 found that General Practitioners spend far less time with their patients from lower classes ( cited in Hart 1985,p59). The situation may be more complex for service users who have little or no verbal communication and those with learning disability. A learning disability person may be unable to identify and describe the signs and symptoms requiring accurate medical attention. The information may not be presented in accessible format and the staffs may ask questions which can not understand (NURSING STANDARD 2010). Unavailability of an experience interpreter in the healthcare settings can be barrier. It can affect the sensitivity of patients values and attitudes. To use a professional interpreter can reassure patients to communicate and feel freer when describing their religious beliefs and unsatisfactory environment conditions but to healthcare professionals may feel disempowerment and may depend on interpreters in order to carry out their roles (ROYAL COLLEGE OF PSYCHTRIC 2003). Sometimes physical access may be an issue for people with learning disability; they find their appointment times are often too short to understand the system because of their difficulties and transport needs to access healthcare facilities are more distant. Practitioners may be given job in deprived areas with all facility available but they may be in the risks of vandalism, theft and anti social behavior (Thomson J et al 2003 p59). The aims of the government today in UK is convince individuals to be more involved in their health. But the problems with availability of health promotion services and involvements are some of concern due to the restructuring of health and social care for people with learning disabilities has been accelerated by NHS and community care Act (DOH 1990, Emerson Et al 1996 chap 11). For example, most of the health promotion discussion and activities to accessing suitable primary healthcare is focus on medical involvements such as immunization (Stanley et al 1998 p71). Some of this medical approach can lead to reinforced dependency for people with learning disabilities. Those with severe learning disabilities, their needs are becoming known to service providers through secondary and tertiary care after being referred by primary care. Among health promotion is prevention which is focusing on decrease of risk occurrence of diseases, disabilities and handicap. These activities occur in health care settings. Primary prevention is to prevent from risk factors such as obesity through education, exercise and diet. Primary prevention produces information on various health issues in pictorial and easily understandable format such as cancer. On secondary prevention, it involves identifies early signs of diseases occurring such as cancer screening and tertiary prevention is involves reducing the impact of the disease and promoting quality of life through active rehabilitation (Thomson et al 2003). Anils state of confusion may be caused a number of factors which might need further investigation. It is the duty of his General Practitioner (primary prevention) to refer him to hospital (secondary prevention) for investigation. A consultant may decide whether Anil has physical or mental illness. To deal with and removing barriers such as difficulty with interpersonal communication, health promotion will need to promote inclusion and reduce inequalities in service provision (Thomson et al 2003 p129). World Health Organization (2010) has made it clear that health promotion is the process of enabling individual to improve and increase control of their health. Many primary healthcare professional do not have skills to overcome this problem as results those people who have learning disabilities are less likely to receive lifestyle advice than those who do not have learning disabilities (Fitzsimmons Barr 1997). Learning disability nurses have a variety of skills in communication and observations which could be useful to teach other healthcare professionals in health and social care settings (Thomson et al 2003 p131) Health education as a part of health promotion is defined as a planned communication activities designed to attract well being and ill health in individuals and group through influencing the knowledge, belief, attitudes and behavior of those in power of the community at large (Tannahill 1985p167-8). For people with learning disabilities, health education might promote social inclusion through decreasing negative stereotyping by valuing and respecting their needs. On a more individual level, people who receive health education messages have a choice to decide whether to follow or not the message given (Thomson J et al 2003). Building partnerships between nurses, careers, other professional and people with learning disabilities is essential in order to promote and educating health by identifying their physical and mental health condition (DOH 1995). A partnership is not only the way to bring up to date statutory services but also is about developing and acknowledging the collective responsibility for the health and wellbeing of the community which they belong (Thomson J et al 2003, p102). Having the opportunity to make choice about their healthcare is critical to their sense of inclusion in society. It is also a key factor in allowing individual like Anil to feel in control of his life. The NMC (National Midwifery Council) code of 2008sets out number of responsibilities on nurses to promote choice and respect the decisions of those they care. Nurses need to help them making their choice by making some simple adaptations. The first step can be taking a little more time to explain something and giving the person with learning disability more time to understand what is being said (NURSING STANDARDS 2010, P53). Other approach could be the involvement of relative or paid career not to make choice on behalf of the person with learning disability but to use their knowledge of the person to help the care professional interpret or to explain treatment options. In all this processes, nurses need to ensure that they obtain consent before they begin assessment and treatment. Any decision to be taken by the staff must be in the interests of the person and must regard to his or her human rights. To conclude, the essay has set out key difficulties experienced by people with learning disabilities in accessing healthcare services and the gap between rich and poor who are accessing healthcare appear to be widening. People who have learning disabilities are generally underestimated and find themselves failure to succeed their expectation. They experience more health problems than any other group in a society but use healthcare services less than the general population (RODGER 1996). Inequalities in health for people with learning disabilities must be dealt with by healthcare providers in health care provision with the aim of closing the division between the general public experiences and this group. By using good quality of health care and respecting peoples rights to access, and making reasonable adjustment, the lives of people with learning disabilities can be changed. Healthcare providers have a duty to ensure that people with learning disabilities are offered regular checking and are included in health screening program.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Robber Barons: Gates, Carnagie, Rockafeller, Vanderbilt Essay -- essay
Robber Barons      The robber barons of the early industrial age, and one modern day baron have been accused of creating monopolies over several different areas. The four barons focused upon are Cornelius Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Bill Gates. They have all created monopolies over their respected industry. These monopolies eliminated all opposition and left consumers with only one choice.      First off is Cornelius Vanderbilt, he built his business with the New York railways. He built the New York Central System by the 1850’s, he also produced the largest steamboat fleet in the United States at that time. He created the New York Central from three smaller railroads which he purchased, the expanded from New York City to Buffalo. Eventually his railroads connected all the way through to Chicago in under four years of being in the business. Not only did he run a very large rail system but also became the first to use several different techniques. One was the Westinghouse Air Brakes, which would allow for faster and more reliable brakes as well as being able to ravel at higher speeds. Another idea pioneered was the four track system which would allow for two freight tracks, one for each direction, and two more tracks for passenger cars. The tactics he used were legal, the only thing he did was purchase smaller lines to help expand his railroads. The se were not unethical moves just ways to help his business. &n...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams Essay -- Streetcar Desi
A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams MITCH: Lies, lies, inside and out, all lies. Referring to the two critical opinions, explore the extent to which the relationship between Mitch and Blanche is based on deception and self deception. Throughout Williams' play an unexpected relationship is developing before us. This is the one formed between Mitch and Blanche. Two very different characters who would appear to have nothing in common but when they dig deeper into each others personalities they find that have shared many past experiences and this gives them a basis for their relationship. However, after realising that Blanche is not the same person that she appears to be, Mitch begins to doubt anything that she has told him in the past. Can the audience blame him, as they know that she has even lied to her own sister. What makes her relationship with Mitch different to that she has with any other person? What makes him so special that she does not feel the need to lie to him? Mitch proposes to Blanche that everything that she has told him is a lie. That the person that he knows her as is make believe. "Lies, lies, inside and out, all lies" (Scene 9), is the phrase used by Mitch to convey his feelings to Blanche. He is right. Blanche had based all her relationships on lies since she had arrived in Stella and Stanley's house. She felt that it was the only way that she would be accepted by her sister and brother in law. She was never expecting to meet such a man as Mitch, but once he did appear she had to continue the deceit with him, to make sure that she did not incriminate herself, as she had already spun so many stories for Stella and Stanley. Mitch is a very weak character. He stays at home... ...and she is not as hard faced as she has seemed throughout the play. All she wanted was to have something to replace what disappeared when she lost Allan. There had obviously been something missing since he died, and that is what Blanche had been searching for, sadly everywhere she looked she only found herself in trouble. Cardullo sees her actions at the Flamingo, not necessarily as prostituting herself, she may not have thought of herself as a prostitute as most people would define it. She was on her mission to find that lost thing, "they got wised up after two or three dates with her," but maybe that was because they did not have the thing that she wanted, and she was just as much for them leaving as they were. Mitch was different however, she wanted him and did not want to lose him. That is why she had to deceive him to make sure that he did not leave.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
French and Indian War Dbq
The French and Indian war, which lasted from 1754-1763, resulted in a victory for the British over the French, which led to the French leaving North America. It also resulted in negative political, economic and ideological differences between the British and the American colonies. Politically the colonies were not happy because they could not expand further west, economically they felt oppressed by the British with all the taxes being place on them, and ideologically because of the governing of the British without representation.Politically with the British, the American colonies were not pleased. After 1763 and the end of the French and Indian War, the colonies had more than doubled their land as shown in document A. However, due to the Proclamation of 1763 being issued, which stated the colonists couldn’t go past the Appalachian Mountains. If they did go past the line drawn by the British, they would not be protected un the British due to their unwillingness to pay for their protection.The British knew that the Native Americans would fight for their land and were very protective of it as shown in Document B, a speech delivered by Canassatego, a Chief in the Iroquois Confederacy, to the representatives of Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania in 1742. Canassatego most likely gave this speech because he was the leader of a people who did not want their land to be taken over. These actions of the British cause the American colonist's change in political views.The economic relations between the British and American colonies also changed dramatically because Britain was in debt due to the French and Indian War. This lead to them taxing the colonists to raise revenue and cover the costs of the war which was caused by the colonists. In document F, the British Order in Council in 1763 states that it is necessary to tax the American colonies because otherwise they would not have the means (money) to cover the colonists costs.These taxes were carried out in many f orms including the Stamp, Sugar and Tea Acts, as well as others that forced colonies to pay taxes on everyday goods. Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter to John Hughs (document G), from London to Pennsylvania on August 9, 1765, describing how he was trying to get the Stamp Act repealed. This letter was most likely written by Franklin because he was a colonist from Philadelphia, who was a participant in government and owned the Pennsylvania Gazette, which meant the act hit him at home.Document H, represents the economic oppression the colonists felt that they were receiving from the British with a newspaper masthead showing how the Stamp Act was affecting them with skull and crossbones in the place were a stamp should be. The things done by the British to try and raise revenue from the colonies to cover the French and Indian War were causing a change in the future Americans' economic rationales. Asides from changing the American colonists' view on their political and economic relationsh ip with Great Britain, the French and Indian War also changed their ideology.They believed that the British were governing them with virtual representation, or without actual representation and unfairly. One example of the change in ideology is from George Washington himself, in letter written by him in 1755, he talks about serving his â€Å"King and Country†, when later on he fights that same king and country. In document D, an entry from a Massachusetts soldier's diary in 1759, the soldier describes how unjustly he and other colonial soldiers are treated by officers even though they were born Englishmen, but says they are not treated like they are, showing the growing resentment of British authority.In document E, Reverend Thomas Barnard located in Massachusetts in 1763 talks about how great the victory of the French and Indian War and the British were and how the American colonists would be able to expand further west. This viewpoint was most likely changed after the Procl amation of 1763, as the colonists could not actually expand westward with British protection. Document H, the Newspaper masthead from October 1763, also represents the change in ideology of the American colonists.It talks about saying farewell to liberty, stating â€Å"Adieu Adieu to LIBERTY,†showing how the British were taking away their freedoms. The British actions that occurred during and after the French and Indian War played a major role in the changing of ideology of the British. The French and Indian War was a major cause of the American Revolution. One type of document that would help show how the war changed relations between the colonies and the British would be a letter from a Parliament member to a member of colonial government concerning relations between the mother country and its colony.The French and Indian War caused the colonists to change their political, economic and ideological relations with the British. Political relations were tarnished by the Procla mation of 1763, the economic relations were strained by the taxes placed on the colonies by the British to cover the French and Indian War costs, as well as those in the future. The ideological relations were diminished due to Britain's governing without representation on the American colonies.. The French and Indian war played a crucial part in the American Revolution. French and Indian War Dbq The French and Indian war, which lasted from 1754-1763, resulted in a victory for the British over the French, which led to the French leaving North America. It also resulted in negative political, economic and ideological differences between the British and the American colonies. Politically the colonies were not happy because they could not expand further west, economically they felt oppressed by the British with all the taxes being place on them, and ideologically because of the governing of the British without representation.Politically with the British, the American colonies were not pleased. After 1763 and the end of the French and Indian War, the colonies had more than doubled their land as shown in document A. However, due to the Proclamation of 1763 being issued, which stated the colonists couldn’t go past the Appalachian Mountains. If they did go past the line drawn by the British, they would not be protected un the British due to their unwillingness to pay for their protection.The British knew that the Native Americans would fight for their land and were very protective of it as shown in Document B, a speech delivered by Canassatego, a Chief in the Iroquois Confederacy, to the representatives of Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania in 1742. Canassatego most likely gave this speech because he was the leader of a people who did not want their land to be taken over. These actions of the British cause the American colonist's change in political views.The economic relations between the British and American colonies also changed dramatically because Britain was in debt due to the French and Indian War. This lead to them taxing the colonists to raise revenue and cover the costs of the war which was caused by the colonists. In document F, the British Order in Council in 1763 states that it is necessary to tax the American colonies because otherwise they would not have the means (money) to cover the colonists costs.These taxes were carried out in many f orms including the Stamp, Sugar and Tea Acts, as well as others that forced colonies to pay taxes on everyday goods. Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter to John Hughs (document G), from London to Pennsylvania on August 9, 1765, describing how he was trying to get the Stamp Act repealed. This letter was most likely written by Franklin because he was a colonist from Philadelphia, who was a participant in government and owned the Pennsylvania Gazette, which meant the act hit him at home.Document H, represents the economic oppression the colonists felt that they were receiving from the British with a newspaper masthead showing how the Stamp Act was affecting them with skull and crossbones in the place were a stamp should be. The things done by the British to try and raise revenue from the colonies to cover the French and Indian War were causing a change in the future Americans' economic rationales. Asides from changing the American colonists' view on their political and economic relationsh ip with Great Britain, the French and Indian War also changed their ideology.They believed that the British were governing them with virtual representation, or without actual representation and unfairly. One example of the change in ideology is from George Washington himself, in letter written by him in 1755, he talks about serving his â€Å"King and Country†, when later on he fights that same king and country. In document D, an entry from a Massachusetts soldier's diary in 1759, the soldier describes how unjustly he and other colonial soldiers are treated by officers even though they were born Englishmen, but says they are not treated like they are, showing the growing resentment of British authority.In document E, Reverend Thomas Barnard located in Massachusetts in 1763 talks about how great the victory of the French and Indian War and the British were and how the American colonists would be able to expand further west. This viewpoint was most likely changed after the Procl amation of 1763, as the colonists could not actually expand westward with British protection. Document H, the Newspaper masthead from October 1763, also represents the change in ideology of the American colonists.It talks about saying farewell to liberty, stating â€Å"Adieu Adieu to LIBERTY,†showing how the British were taking away their freedoms. The British actions that occurred during and after the French and Indian War played a major role in the changing of ideology of the British. The French and Indian War was a major cause of the American Revolution. One type of document that would help show how the war changed relations between the colonies and the British would be a letter from a Parliament member to a member of colonial government concerning relations between the mother country and its colony.The French and Indian War caused the colonists to change their political, economic and ideological relations with the British. Political relations were tarnished by the Procla mation of 1763, the economic relations were strained by the taxes placed on the colonies by the British to cover the French and Indian War costs, as well as those in the future. The ideological relations were diminished due to Britain's governing without representation on the American colonies.. The French and Indian war played a crucial part in the American Revolution.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Corporate Social Responsibility Essay
In general, Corporate Social Responsibility can be described as an approach by which a company: * recognises that its activities have a wider impact on the society in which it operates and that developments in society in turn impact on its ability to pursue its business successfully. * actively manages the economic, social, environmental and human rights impact of its activities across the world, basing these on principles which reflect international values, reaping benefits both for its own operations and reputation as well as for the communities in which it operates. * seeks to achieve these benefits by working closely with other groups and organisations – local communities, civil society, other businesses and home and host governments. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been a critical part of the Sunway Group for the past three decades. Sunway Group company is one that instils and celebrates the culture of giving to society. The Group recognises the significance of developing and harnessing human capital excellence in driving the development and growth of the company, the community and our country. Winning the Anugerah PMCSR is a form of encouragement for The Group as it has truly brought CSR to an entirely new level. Sunway Group also has been recognised for outstanding achievements in CSR. The Sunway Group’s CSR programmes are wide-spread and aim to protect and promote human capital excellence above and beyond the company. In enhancing human capital excellence through education, if I the director of Sunway Group, I would implement the programmes which is: * Raising the level and standards of education in the country * Providing for the less fortunate members of the community. * Growing a healthy and sustainable knowledge-based workforce in Malaysia. The corporate social responsibility that Sunway Group provided are : 1) The Jeffrey Cheah Foundation The Sunway Education Trust Fund was established in March 1997 for the purpose of managing and administering surpluses from the institutions for the benefit of students be it for reinvestment into the institutions or for the disimbursement of scholarships and research grants. The Jeffrey Cheah Foundation was formed to perpetuate and crystallise the vision of a credible vehicle that will serve the cause of bringing good and quality education to the nation. Shares are transferred under the Sunway Education Trust into this Foundation where they will be held for perpetuity and can never be sold. Total profits from the Sunway University College and 70% of the profits from the Monash University Sunway Campus are ploughed back into activities to deliver higher quality education, to grow research capabilities and for the upgrading of facilities. From January to June 2010, more than RM4 million worth of scholarships were given out. 2) The Public School Adoption & Restoration Programme The Sunway Group has contributed to primary and secondary-level education schools over the last few years. Some of these projects have involved direct and active participation in restoration works, where the Group has dedicated consultancy, labour and construction resources into the refurbishment projects. In recent years, about RM3 million was contributed to schools such as SMK Bandar Sunway, SCK Chee Wen, SMK Klang Convent, the Gunung Hijau Primary School, SRK Bandar Sunway and SMJK Yuk Choy, Ipoh. To date, total contributions to public schools add up to RM10 million. 3) The Job Placement Programme Recognising that every person deserves a chance to feel a sense of belonging and purpose in society, the Sunway Group runs a Job Placement Programme endorsed by the Ministry of Education, Malaysia. Special needs students from the Sunway sponsored SMK Bandar Sunway are trained on basic work-related skills and ethics. Upon graduating, these students are presented with certificates of accomplishment to seek employment, where they are able to progress as independent members of society’s workforce. To date, the five-year old programme has helped a total of 58 special needs students. In 2010, the fifth batch of 10 students commenced their job placement at Sunway’s subsidiaries starting March 2010, and two were hired under the year’s Job Placement programme. 4) CSR Bowling Besides fostering education and life skills from an intellectual perspective, Sunway also embarks on education and skills in the physical sporting arena. This programme is for those aged between 14 and 22, and endeavours to train participants in the physical recreational sport of bowling Bowling training consists of one hour per week at the Sunway Pyramid Bowl for a total consecutive duration of 23 sessions. There are about 30 students in this programme who attended the Bowling Tournament 2010 on 21st September. To date the Sunway Group has trained about 150 special students. 5) The New Straits Times (NST) School Sponsorship Programme The programme was launched in August 2005 with the aim of bridging the urban-rural gap among the student population with regards to English language acquisition, information access and skills development. The group identified seven schools under Sunway’s CSR programme to receive complimentary copies of the NST everyday for one year commencing May 2010. The identified schools are SJK (C) Gunung Hijau, SMK Bandar Sunway, SRK Bandar Sunway, SMK Convent Klang, SRK Convent Klang, SJK (C) Chee Wen, Subang and SMK Tambun, Ipoh. Other CSR initiatives undertaken by the Sunway Group include the Tan Sri Jeffrey Cheah Distinguished Speaker Series and the Sunway Medical Centre Public Health Forums. The Sunway Group reaches out to people at different levels of society through its CSR activities and aims to enhance the learning experience in the classroom and beyond. The Group hopes to improve the standard of education, quality of life and ultimately leave a positive change in turning Malays ia into a high-income nation.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Bear Stearns Collapse Timeline Essay
This week five years ago, JP Morgan announced it would buy Wall Street rival Bear Stearns in a deal worth $2 a share – this ultimately rose to $10. Here, Financial News looks at the events in the run-up to the fall of the 85-year old independent investment bank. Financial News compiled the timeline from press releases, contemporary media reports and William D Cohan’s account of the collapse of the bank, ‘House of Cards’. May 21, 2007 After months of growing instability in the US sub-prime mortgage market, Bear Stearns chairman Alan ‘Ace’ Greenberg offers reassurances that the firm, heavily exposed to the market, is on top of things. â€Å"The sub-prime (issue) has been blown completely out of proportion,†he says, in comments reported by Dow Jones Newswires. Mid-June 2007 Serious problems become apparent at two Bear Sterns hedge funds with a high exposure to sub-prime mortgages. Investors in the High-Grade Structured Credit Strategies Enhanced Leverage Fund, which managed $600m, are informed that the fund has lost 23% of its value over the year to April, reports The Wall Street Journal. The fund begins a fire-sale to minimise exposures. After the failure of a mooted rescue plan involving support from lenders, a new rescue scheme is announced by Bear Stearns, which offers $3. 2bn for a bailout of a second fund – the High Grade Structured Credit Fund. The bank previously had only $45m invested in this fund’s equity, according to William D Cohan in House of Cards’. Bear Stearns later says it is providing $1. 6bn to the fund rather than the original $3. 2bn, citing the sale of assets. A decision is made not to rescue the High-Grade Structured Credit Strategies Enhanced Leverage Fund, according to Cohan. August 3, 2007 Standard & Poor’s downgrades the bank’s outlook to negative. The bank says that concerns over its situation are â€Å"unwarranted†as the hedge fund fallout represented â€Å"isolated incidents†and â€Å"by no means a broader indication†of the bank’s performance, according to The Wall Street Journal. August 5, 2007 Bear Stearns president and co-chief operating officer Warren Spector resigns from the bank. Alan Schwartz is confirmed as sole president. Days later, the Associated Press reports that the bank sends letters to clients reassuring them of its financial position. September 10, 2007 British billionaire Joseph Lewis expresses his confidence in the future of the bank by acquiring a 7% stake, becoming one of the largest shareholders. October 5, 2007 Federal prosecutors launch an investigation into the collapse of the Bear Stearns hedge funds. November/December 2007 Chief financial officer Sam Molinaro says that the bank has been â€Å"very conservative and aggressive†in its revaluations, according to Dow Jones Newswires. On December 10, MarketWatch reports that the bank has written down $1. 9bn related to mortgage exposure. January 8, 2008 Chief executive Jimmy Cayne steps down after widespread criticism of his hands-off response to the events of the previous year. He remains as chairman. He is replaced at the top by Alan Schwartz. In the same month, the bank announces the closure of a third fund, the Bear Stearns Asset Backed Securities Fund. Bloomberg reports that this fund has suffered a decline of 39% of its value over a year. February, 2008 Hedge fund Peloton Partners, run by Goldman alumnus Ron Beller, collapses following its exposure to asset-backed securities. March 2008 Carlyle Capital, a hedge fund based in Amsterdam, collapses as concerns over exposures to mortgages begin to multiply, causing a squeeze on lines of funding. By March 5, insurance premiums on Bear Stearns debt have risen from $50,000 per $10m of debt at the beginning of 2005 to $350,000 per $10m debt, according to William D Cohan. It soon reaches $700,000. Monday, March 10, 2008 The company’s stock falls 11% to its lowest level in five years following a Moody’s downgrade of portions of its mortgage bond holdings, writes Cohan. The bank denies rumours that it is in trouble. Investors look for ways to bet on further falls in the bank’s stock. Tuesday, March 11, 2008 ING Groep, the Dutch bank, cancels $500m of short-term funding for Bear Stearns, according to The Wall Street Journal, following an example set by Rabobank. According to a press release, the Federal Reserve announces an unprecedented lending facility in which collateral can be exchanged for funding, but the scheme cannot be accessed until March 27. In another important incident, cited by Cohen in ‘House of Cards’, Goldman Sachs refuses to stand in for Hayman Capital in a trade with Bear Stearns, suggesting hemorrhaging confidence among major financial players. Wednesday. March 12, 2008 Overnight markets for funding begin to dry up, while institutions continue to deny short-term lending to Bear Stearns. Hedge funds and other investors continue in their attempts to extract their money from Bear Stearns, which is rapidly approaching a funding crisis. Thursday, March 13, 2008. As customers continue to withdraw funds, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the New York Federal Reserve begin discussions on the crisis. In a meeting on Thursday night, reported by Cohen, it is discovered that outgoings at the firm can no longer be maintained, with the firm effectively running out of cash during the afternoon. Lawyers are summoned to discuss the options for bankruptcy, while a deal with JP Morgan Chase is sought. After late night negotiations, JP Morgan agrees in conjunction with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York that it will provide secured funding to Bear Sterns for an initial period of up to 28 days. Friday, March 14, 2008 The cobbled-together deal fails to assuage the markets. Investors continue to pull money from the bank over the course of the day. By the evening, it is clear that a solution will have to be devised over the weekend if the bank is to survive. Saturday, March 15- Sunday, March 16, 2008 JP Morgan says it cannot do a deal without support from the Federal Reserve, due to the large number of toxic securities on the books of Bear Stearns. In response, the Fed approves a loan of $30bn saying that it is necessary to avoid â€Å"serious disruptions in the financial markets†. JP Morgan offers just $2 per share for the bank, a large loss for those whose stock was worth $30 on Friday, $60 the week before and over $150 a year before. Bondholders will be rescued by the deal, which is accepted by the board of Bear Stearns on Sunday morning. Wrangles with JP Morgan over a contract situation – which potentially leaves the bank liable for funding Bear Stearns without claiming full ownership – result in brinkmanship from Bear Sterns. A final price of $10 per share is agreed, with a value of $1. 45bn attached to the equity. March 25 Bear Stearns chief executive Jimmy Cayne and his wife sell 5. 66 million shares in the bank for $61. 34m, which, according to Cohan, represented a $1bn loss on the bank’s stock. May 29 The final Bear Stearns shareholder meeting takes place, at which former CEO Cayne speaks of his sadness at the firm’s demise, according to The Wall Street Journal, citing guests present.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Expansion of ideas – No Pains, No Gains No Pains, No Gains We cannot achieve real success in any field without great efffors and plenty of sacrifice. No pain, no gains is very true in case of education. Those who aspire to reach the top of the academic ladder must work very hard. Scholars are not born scholars but made with hard work and perseverance. What a student needs the most is concentration and perseverance. We must always imbibe into us the three D's – Devotion, Dedication and Determination. These three D's have help cricketers, painters, writers, actors, scholars, dramatists and world leaders.These three D's will help us to succeed in our life. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- No Pain, No Gain Families everywhere deal with great challenges. With each obstacle they face generally the outcome will make each individual a little bit stronger. With these experiences our perspective in life changes and we become more knowledgeable. â€Å"Girl†and â€Å"Tiger Mending†are two stories that I believe reflect this in two very different ways.Jamaica Kincaid’s â€Å"Girl†is a story about reflection. It is about a girl reflecting back upon the past. Maybe she just lost her mother or maybe she is grown and finally realizes why her mother told her all of these things. At the time, I’m sure she thought her mother was always on her and barking orders at her. She grew up in a different era. Times were different obviously then based on the way they washed their clothes. â€Å"Wash the white clothes on Monday and put them on the stone heap,†and â€Å"soak your little clothes right after you take them off. All of the things the mother said were to mold her daughter into a good stron g woman. The reference the mother makes to the daughter on not becoming a slut is kind of odd and disturbing. â€Å"On Sundays try to walk like a lady and not like the slut you are so bent on becoming,†and â€Å"this is how to behave in the presence of men who don’t know you very well, and this way they won’t recognize immediately the slut I have warned you against becoming. †This maybe the mother’s way of reverse psychology. By putting hese thoughts and references in the girl’s head, she will think twice about things she does. The girl will not want to give the wrong impression and will strive to rise above her mother’s expectations. This story refers to growth and even though it seems to be somewhat harsh, the mother is really striving for a smart productive daughter. A daughter she is proud to have raised and one who will also set a good example for her own children. Aimee Bender’s â€Å"Tiger Mending†is a story ab out change and growth. This story is about two sisters who have lost their parents and†¦ [continues]
Friday, September 13, 2019
Bronx Tale Questions
But when you do the right thing, guess what, good things happen. ***** Mickey Mantle don’t care about you, so why should you care about him? Nobody cares. ***** Trouble is like a cancer and you got to get it early. Nobody cares. Worry about yourself, your family, the people who are important. **** The people in the neighborhood who see me every day who are on my side, they feel safe because they know I’m close. That gives them more reason to love me. But the people who want to do otherwise, they think twice and that gives them more reason to fear me. It is better to loved or feared? It’s nice to be both, but it’s difficult. But if I had my choice, I’d rather be feared. Fear lasts longer than love. The trick is not to be hated. ***** I tell your son to stay in school and go to college. You don’t understand – it’s the clothes, the cars, it’s the money, it’s everything – I treat him like he’s my son. He’s not your son. He’s my son. ***** Sonny’s right. The working man is a sucker. He’s wrong. It don’t take much strength to pull a trigger but try to get up every morning day after day and work for a living. Let’s see him do that. And then we’ll see who’s the real tough guy. The working man is. Your father is the tough guy. ***** They don’t respect him; they fear him. There’s a big difference. You want to be somebody? Be somebody who works for a living and takes care of his family. The saddest thing in life is wasted talent. ***** Don’t blow it, son. These people will hurt you, son. Don’t waste your talent, son. Be careful, C. Don’t lose it, C. Keep your head, C. ***** Don’t you trust anybody? That’s a terrible way to live. For me, it’s the only way. Not for me, not for me. Bronx Tale Questions But when you do the right thing, guess what, good things happen. ***** Mickey Mantle don’t care about you, so why should you care about him? Nobody cares. ***** Trouble is like a cancer and you got to get it early. Nobody cares. Worry about yourself, your family, the people who are important. **** The people in the neighborhood who see me every day who are on my side, they feel safe because they know I’m close. That gives them more reason to love me. But the people who want to do otherwise, they think twice and that gives them more reason to fear me. It is better to loved or feared? It’s nice to be both, but it’s difficult. But if I had my choice, I’d rather be feared. Fear lasts longer than love. The trick is not to be hated. ***** I tell your son to stay in school and go to college. You don’t understand – it’s the clothes, the cars, it’s the money, it’s everything – I treat him like he’s my son. He’s not your son. He’s my son. ***** Sonny’s right. The working man is a sucker. He’s wrong. It don’t take much strength to pull a trigger but try to get up every morning day after day and work for a living. Let’s see him do that. And then we’ll see who’s the real tough guy. The working man is. Your father is the tough guy. ***** They don’t respect him; they fear him. There’s a big difference. You want to be somebody? Be somebody who works for a living and takes care of his family. The saddest thing in life is wasted talent. ***** Don’t blow it, son. These people will hurt you, son. Don’t waste your talent, son. Be careful, C. Don’t lose it, C. Keep your head, C. ***** Don’t you trust anybody? That’s a terrible way to live. For me, it’s the only way. Not for me, not for me.
Shostakovich 8th String Quartet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Shostakovich 8th String Quartet - Essay Example Born on September 25, 1906, into the family of an engineer, in St Petersburg, Shostakovich didn't appear to be, in his first years of childhood, as talented as he proved to be later on. But as his parents loved music very much and considered that it was necessary in the process of a child's education, Shostakovich the child received musical lessons. The young Shostakovich showed great interest in music and began studying it seriously, and more than just interpreting other composer's music, he started composing his own pieces of work. As most of the great composers, Shostakovich spoke through his music. As for his personal life, he didn't like to show too much of it. "He was an intensely private person who guarded his personal life and feelings jealously. What all but a very few close friends and family members were permitted to experience of the man was the stiff faade of a civic-minded public servant and consummate music professional." (Fay, 2000 p.2) It's only after his death that the publication of memoirs, diaries, letters, revealed facts about him and his life, some of them controversial. Christopher Norris (1984) shows that Shostakovich's performances of his own music reveal a great flexibility of tempi and the tendency to exaggerate the extremes of his metronome marks. The same source reveals the fact that the members of the Beethoven String Quartet were life-long friends of Shostakovich and this is what gives flexibility to their interpretation. Norris emphasizes on the fact that there are many examples in Shostakovich's chamber music, of movements of unrelenting loudness. And he presents some of these examples: the second movements of the eighth and Tenth Quartets and the Violin Sonata, and most of the third movement of the Third Quartet. Norris analyses in detail the String Quartets. When dealing with the eighth, he begins by showing that the composer is careful about the placing of accents and stresses. And he gives an example: "when the lower three instruments are intoning the revolutionary song "Tormented by the weight of bondage" fortissimo espressivo in octaves, the first violin's independent part has accents on every note to help the balance."(Norris, 1984 p.23) The composer's commentator also remarks the conflict between dissonance and consonance and the task of the performer who must interpret the music using "the appropriate fingering, stress, balance, rubato and vibrato, to highlight the patterns of tension and release." (Norris, 1984 p.23) Norris admits that sometimes the consonance and dissonance are no more than the result of purely horizontal lineality, but he considers that most of the times, the context is deliberately tonal. About Shostakovich's musical style, Martynov says: "AT A FIRST HEARING of Shostakovich's music one is struck by the remarkable facility of his style. So effortless is his manner of solving the most complex problems of composition that it would seem nothing is impossible to him. Few of his contemporaries can compare with him in this. Such creative ease, moreover, is a sure sign of great talent and consummate skill." (1947 p.154). He points out the fact that the Russian composer "worked with extraordinary facility and speed": "his String Quartet was written
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Inside the Meltdown Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Inside the Meltdown - Essay Example In this particular clip, on the meltdown that took place in the year 2008 in the United States of America, the theme economy has dominated the whole story. In this particular melt down, a lot of emphasis are made on the financial markets and the different economists who hold a number of high ranks are trying to react to this. Nearly all the departmental heads and the economists of this time, are advocating for the need to increase the oversight on financial markets. There is a liquidity threat and the economists are trying to analyze on how the availability of cash in the economy can lead to a solvency problem to some of the major financial institutions like banks. The whole story shows the high levels of risks that get evident as a result of funding long term liquid assets, which come along with liabilities that entails shorter durations of time. A lot of issues pertaining the levels of interest that need to get set on loans as well as the investments to get conducted arise in this meltdown. Responsibility as a theme has got the better part of this film. This is very evident by the number of state officials in the government dockets gets reacting towards this particular meltdown. A number of employees and other departmental heads from Bear Stearns Organization are reacting to this matter and everyone is trying to get more responsible by playing his or her part. No one wants to get pointed finger at as the one responsible for this particular economic depression, therefore ensures that his/her records are clean, and has undertaken all the duties expected of him/her. Another dominant theme in the story is media and information. In the clip, all the working places a number of televisions where the workers follow the news. Any of the latest information reaching the media gets anchored and spread to the public or citizens by use of the television media. This has made all
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Operational plan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Operational plan - Case Study Example The company would use various promotional tactics to inform the consumers that the company complies with EU regulations regarding meat products so that consumer trust in the company would be revived. It is important to improve the consumer confidence towards meat products that has had certain negative publicity in recent times. When the demand for fresh meat would increase in the market, it would definitely impact Larsini’s position within the market. Along with this, the company also needs to develop a pricing strategy. 29 Larsini is family business which sells salami and beef with traditional taste, special ingredients and good quality. Salami is traditional food in Italy where everyone enjoys eating it. A man called Giuseppe Ghiberti (the president) started to make salami in 1908; more than century ago. Since then, the Larsini Company was their starting point. In the past, Italy was not a rich country but Larsini made their effort to provide traditional taste with the best quality to the Italian people. The starting was a small butcher’s shop in the old part of Firenze. Then they decided to expand further in Italy. However recently, the company has been at the point of bankruptcy. Even though Larsini still enjoys a good market image, the company has been facing losses. To account for these losses and in order to turn around the company toward profits, seven business students have been hired to analyze the situation and propose recommendations for the improvement within the company. This part of the report would be dealing with the marketing analysis and proposal to improve the brand image and perception of the company among the customers. Larsini’s mission is still the same as it was when it was established in 1994 by the President’s father and his mission was to satisfy the customer by providing them full service they need and to fully know customer needs and accomplish them in addition to find quick solution in order to offer tasty product at the
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
DNA Restriction and Electrophoresis Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
DNA Restriction and Electrophoresis - Lab Report Example The various endonucleases used areECORI, Bain HI, and Hind III.Each of these enzymes has at least five or more restriction sites on the chromosome and it consequently produces six or more restriction fragments of different lengths. The DNA strands are then immersed in a well of 0.8% agarose gel, which is the chosen medium.An electrical field, is applied to the gel evenly which makes the DNA fragments move faster from their original placement towards the positively charged electrode. The smaller DNA fragments travel faster through the gel than the larger ones. The gel actually acts like a sieve. Depending on the restriction enzyme used the DNA fragments separate into distinct bands during electrophoresis. The bands are then stained with a dye to make the invidual restriction enzymes evidently distinguishing them with a dye that attaches itself to the DNA molecule. Electrophoresing can be detected by hydrogen gas bubbling from the negative electrode and oxygen being given off by the positive electrode. These are products of the electrolysis of water. This is the first sign that current is flowing through electrophoresis system. Shortly afterwards bands of loading dye should be seen moving into the gel and migrating towards the positive pole of the apparatus. ... The movement of the DNA fragments are highlighted by the dye which forms coloured bands.(See above and below) Results: Depending on the endonuclease used, the digested DNA samples, exhibit the characteristic bands produced by each restriction. The enzyme is seen because of a dye that is introduced and shows the pattern of movement of the DNA fragments. Various restriction enzymes: There are several types of restriction enzymes, each of which react differently with the DNA and create different cuts. there are some that cut a three base pair sequence while others can cut four six or even eight. Each enzyme has different properties that are factors that determine the efficiency with which the DNA is cut and under what conditions optimum results will be obtained. Manufacturers of these restriction enzymes usually provide a specific buffer solution that is unique to the enzyme. This buffer solution is a mix of cat ions and other components that optimize the efficiency of the enzyme for cutting. Different restriction enzymes have different optimal temperatures under which they function. Conclusion: It can be observed that each sample of purified DNA reacts differently with the varied restriction enzymes. The fourth sample used for the negative control remains intact; as it has been incubated without, an endonuclease.The new DNA fragment can then be extracted from the gel by cutting it and doing gel purification. Vector ligation is used as the insert point. The ligation of the vector has to be cut also by a restriction
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